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Everything posted by nakitty

  1. I am wondering what your schedule looks like....it seems odd to me that school takes all day at your childrens ages. But, we do a year round school year so maybe that is why my kids are easily able to finish their workload by noon....and notice I said they are "able to" because....sometimes.....they slack and it does take ALL day to finish. :glare::lol:
  2. in the last 50 years, I think only 4 or 5 Presidents have had any "National Experience".... but, you know....that is often forgotton. LOL
  3. I'm ignoring you....lol. Im going to say 'the internets' because I choose to make this about something superficial... :tongue_smilie:
  4. OMG...bless his heart...he'll have some good karma for that one. That is really awesome. I will have to think of a RAoK....
  5. I have noticed this as well....and it seems that, at least in a few cases I know of, that both parents work and then, instead of coming home and making a healthy dinner they either order a pizza or stop for fast food so they can get some "me" time at the gym. Not saying that is always the case...but I know for a fact it is sometimes.
  6. we school year round...mostly because I can clearly recall what would happen at the beginning of each school year when I was a child....we would spend the first few weeks relearning what we had forgotten over the summer....'if you don't use it you lose it...' I suppose.
  7. Actually....I would argue that it isn't good for anyones children to drink THAT much milk....*ducking* LOL
  8. Tahiti Sweetie from the True Blue Spa Collection at Bath and Body Works....not only does it smell like heaven it really does moisturize! My youngest has a very minor case of eczema that occurs all over her body. We have tried everything (non-pharmaceutical) designed for it...and most baby formulas as well...and nothing really helped long term. One day, out of laziness, I grabbed my Tahiti Sweetie to put on her after her bath and the next day her skin was still clear! I have used it on her every other day sense and she has not had any outbreaks since! It leaves the skin soooo soft and smooth and totally not greasy...and, as I already said, smells like HEAVEN....what more could you ask for?
  9. Im not against spanking...but that isn't spanking....that is clearly abuse. And had that jerk told ME to apologize I likely would have punched him in the face. Call the police. You owe it to those children.
  10. AMEN TO THAT!!! SNOPES.com people....save yourselves from the embarassment of passing along absurd propaganda to your friends....
  11. my standard reply to any negative comments that group all home educated people in to one group...."yes, well, public schooled children grow up to be serial killers...like John Wayne Gacy, Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer....just to name a few." Because making any massively general conclusions based on one detail (ie type of schooling) to determine how an entire group of people will turn out....is ludicrous. And, IMO, suggesting that PS produces serial killers is no more ridiculous than when people suggest that my children will turn out to be XYZ just because they are HS'd.
  12. http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/05/22/china.breastfeed/index.html Amazing!:001_wub:
  13. I'm 33 and none yet....however, I haven't even seen my natural hair color in close to 20 years...so who knows???? LOL
  14. Not quite midnight here....but when it is...I will officially be 33! Happy Birthday to us both!!!! LOL
  15. Starbucks, Peets, and the occassional specialty coffee. I cannot stand the Folgers/Maxwell House kinds of coffee... Signed, Coffee Snob :D
  16. My children are allowed to drink lightly sweetened iced HERBAL tea....but only the herbal. Decaf still contains some caffeine and both contain tannic acid which can slow down the absorption of iron. My kids are happy with herbal tea....especially iced mint tea! And, FTR, my kids only get soda pop on special occasions....and juice only a few times a month. Mainly they drink water and a little milk.
  17. Ahh yes...I most definitely do keep my eye on them....and, since I play the game too, I would certainly know what to look for. I will add that, like Mrs Mungo, my kids ARE allowed to chat with real life friends on the game....it is easy to do, you can set the chat parameters to "friends only"...
  18. Our son did that....and it scared him good. My dh scolded him and then made him help fix the cord. And now he has a pile of old electronics stuff in the garage he can take apart when he feels so inclined....
  19. soap and water and a wash cloth should do the trick....but, just to be safe....flip your couch over and color a bit of the fabric with the crayon and then try washing it off....that way, if the soap and water wont do the trick you will know without fouling up the fabric. But really the best thing about micro fiber is how easy it is to clean...so the soap and water really SHOULD do the trick...
  20. I have been playing for almost 3 years and would totally let my 13 yo play....in fact, I do allow my 9 and 7 year olds to play....though they are not allowed to have chat on.:001_smile:
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