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Everything posted by LifeLovePassion

  1. The sheetrock is all hung! No additional sheets were needed, so 48 sheets picked up, brought down stairs and hung up! Tomorrow will be a time to wrap up a handful of tasks before the guy comes to tape/mud it Monday. Tomorrow...finish putting in screws, trim the overhang on one corner, take out all remaining cut off pieces/scraps, put insulation in the joist cavities to isolate sound/block dust into the storage.laundry room, hang plastic over doorways to areas not being mudded A local bakery had a cupcake sale, so we will have those for dessert today.
  2. Hanging drywall, going to buy more drywall and screws, hanging that drywall.
  3. Hooray! I hope you have a great semester!
  4. I'm not sure as I haven't compared it to other data points. My fitbit would always think lawn mowing/snow blowing was bike riding. There are several options for workout types on the amazfit.
  5. We spent the day hanging drywall. DH took the day off. We got a lot hung up. We started with 48 sheets, we have maybe 8 left on the pile. We will probably have to get a couple more sheets unless we want to do some piecing (it's always nicer to use full sheets vs having more joints in weird places), After we get the rest hung, we have to cut a bunch of strips for on top of the knee wall (half wall in the basement), hang some plastic to block a couple of doorways and then put some insulation in place to block dust too.
  6. I have an Amazfit bip 3 and it's been fine. My Fitbit versa stopped working, so I decided to try this since I was indifferent to using all the fitness features. I think Fitbit has a little bit more finesse in its functionality, but the bip has been just fine. Mine goes over 2 weeks on a charge.
  7. No, not yet. Oldest wanted to know DHs results, youngest hasn't decided if they want to know his results yet. They typically don't test kids until between 18 and 25. They are 15/17. They won't need to do any additional screenings/testing until at least 25 even if they were positive, because historically younger people haven't been affected until over age 25.
  8. Well, in women, there is a strong connection to ovarian and breast cancers with the mutation. DHs side has been testing after his aunts breast cancer diagnosis. He had a 50% chance of testing positive, the cancer risks for men are increased chance of prostate or pancreatic cancers and then the chance to pass it on to heirs. Since both kiddos are female, if they test positive, they would have those extreme elevated risks and probably need to surgically intervene by mid 30s and consider early hysterectomy and mastectomy.
  9. Well poo...DH got his genetic testing results...he's brca mutation positive, so since we have 2 girls, they will potentially have mutations. The 50% rule didn't hold true as both he and his sister tested positive. Fingers loosely crossed that the kids make up for that statistic and are both negative. Not what I was expecting to hear today.
  10. That's fantastic! I think it will be amazing for you and your family.
  11. 55lbs a piece. I take 1 at a time with youngest (age 15). She can, however take 2 at a time with DH! It's a good way to get the heart rate up. Thankfully we only have 7 steps to go down with each sheet. Thrifting, I browse clothes and that is what youngest is looking for. I hate that most stores took out dressing rooms, so I haven't looked as much for myself lately. I also I look for a variety of things...browse the books, vinyl and dvd's, I check out games for a couple of specific ones, I look at art supplies and general household stuff.
  12. Thinking of you whilst you wait for Tuesday to come. How are you feeling? How are dh and the twins doing?
  13. Today I need to remove the bathroom and storage room doors from the basement (take the frame out) and bring down the other 10 sheets of drywall. Youngest wants to go to a couple of thrift stores so we will probably do that in the morning.
  14. Youngest and I just brought 10 sheets of drywall down into the basement. I am absolutely dripping so I am replenishing my electrolytes right now.
  15. Work on work (curriculum development hours), take eldest to practice driving between the high school and community college, move some Sheetrock into the basement ahead of the weekend, who knows what else at this point.
  16. Ergonomic mice rock. I have two... One at home, one at work. This one is silent clicking This one your can hear clicks
  17. Sport beans are an alternative and we sometimes take them on hikes. Pickles or a shot of pickle juice can really hit the spot too. The general rule when hiking in a dry climate is to always eat a salty snack when drinking. We used nuun, but there are others like liquid IV to try as well. I didn't like nuun as much, except when I needed the salt/minerals, then it was more tolerable. Same with Gatorade, I find it gross unless my body is needing the electrolytes boost, doesn't change the quality though.
  18. Scored a graphing calculator at Salvation army for $11. Didn't turn on so I went next door to Menards and bought batteries and it worked with the new AAAs. Hiccup if the night...braces adjustment took 1 hour because of another patient/consult that went long. Caused eldest to miss their ride to their activity, I had to make the 1 hour round trip in traffic. Extra inconvenient because I was going to help DH pop up more Sheetrock. Thankfully youngest helped him, but it was a busy stretch. Phew, time for a TV show and dinner.
  19. Met with the school counselor virtually to correct eldests schedule. Went to the community college so eldest could practice driving/find classrooms, dropped off used oil/antifreeze at the recycle center, Menards run, Target for school supplies, Sherwin Williams for paint samples for basement, dropped off an Amazon return, arrived home and made lunch. Watching the Great British Baking Show whilst we eat and then will do dishes/clean up, head to the thrift store then the orthodontist, come home and eldest will get picked up for Civil Air Patrol and the other 3 of us will hang sheetrock or work on wiring.
  20. Last week of freedom before new teacher week next week. Today, I have to get to the library and might run errands. I also have to work on curriculum writing which has been put off due to all of the basement remodeling.
  21. Following with interest. Although I will say working on pulling wires for basement electrical overhead through floor joists and bringing drywall down into the basement has been a great jumpstart.
  22. Hanging drywall this morning. Then may go visit SIL.
  23. Hanging drywall. It is going much slower than anticipated.
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