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Everything posted by Koerarmoca

  1. I agree with the B- I think it was well written. I think he just skimped on some of the details you wanted him to add. I know for my kids when they have a writing assignment from school I have to take the essay question and elaborate on it because they just don't know how to make a 500 word essay on "who was Helen Keller" I need to prompt them more than that. More of a who, what, where, why, when, how kind of approach. I think maybe just adding "explain in detail" or "elaborate on" to the essay question might of helped to form his thoughts better. If he is a child like mine that takes it so personal when the get less than perfect marks. Is a re-do acceptable? or maybe having him write on one of the important parts he missed for extra credit.
  2. A reason for handwriting & Abeka health. I don't have much schooling under my belt but the years we have schooled these where always keepers. I don't have these things now but hopefully I wil aquire them and not be tempted by other programs when I know I love these already.
  3. Do you plan weekly, Monthly, per semester, of for the entire year? How do you break down your subjects? do you do everything everyday? or do you have say math & bible 5 days, grammar/writing 4 days, science & history 3 days, electives 2 days etc. Do you have a very specific we do math at 9, history at 10, grammar at 11, lunch at noon type schedule? or are you loose about it? If you do workboxes do you time independent activites? like you have 30 mins for box 1 if you are not done in 30 mins move to box 2 and then the rest is "homework"? how do you schedule 1 on 1 time with each child (I will be schooling 3 kids) how long is your school day? I am just trying to get a feel for what would work for us so geting a peek at what others do would be very helpful.
  4. She gets weekly homework packets. This week was the first time I have seen any math come home all year. I was expecting she was going to need a lot of help. Nope, not even a little bit. She did all the math in her head, no fingers or anything:ohmy:. She told me "I have a number line on my brain" :lol: so I started tossing out many addition and subtraction problems and she got them all, and quickly. Now she has me wondering just what math we will need next year.
  5. it just started working on the ps3 here. It has been working on the laptop for a while. my friend had it back up on her wii for a while I guess different systems where fixed at different times.
  6. no I am going to buy all 10 or more they have :lol: here ya go http://cgi.ebay.com/NEW-COMB-BINDER-BINDING-MACHINE-W-50-FREE-COMBS-/120594915879?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c14046227
  7. He likes talking curriculum more than many other interests I have. He might not put down the playstation controller or make eye contact but he engages in conversation. If I really need his full attention I trap him when he is in the shower and has nothing distracting him :lol:
  8. I found one on ebay for $60 that comes with 50 free binders. I like the look of it. I may save up for one I dont need one but I could find many uses for it :D
  9. Its working on the laptop now, but not on the PS3. strange.
  10. yup :( I hope it is up soon. I like to fall asleep to tv.
  11. yep. with the laminator I have it came with a bunch of smaller sheets so if I just need one small thing done I use a smaller sheet if I have a bunch of little things I use a letter sized sheet. it has little guides on the machine for the smaller sized ones to the bigger sized ones.
  12. the purple cows one from amazon you can. It comes with 3 different size sheets letter sized and two smaller sized 3x5 and biz card sized I believe. I have used the letter sized to print flash cards and cut them out with no problems and they have held up nicely. I have laminated pre cut things with space inbetween and the sealed just fine.
  13. :iagree: dd5 loves to spell. She is always asking me to ask her how to spell. Mom ask me how to spell dog, cat, this, mom, her sisters names etc. Some of it has been picked up in reading skills, some from phonics skills, some purely memorization etc. my 1st grade spelling plan (so far) is to just make lists of words we come across in FIAR that we want to add to her spelling/reading skills. As much as she loves spelling though I may add a more formal spelling curriculum later in the year when phonics are more solid.
  14. I love laminating.. I have made a few games and such love it. aside from that. My "just mom" zipper pouch it has pens, pencils, glue sticks, sharpies, white out etc. just stuff that I don't want grubby kids hands all over. I have had this bag for 5 years and have barely had to restock it where as the kids supplies I am always buying so it has been a great tool for me. library card & netflix are both great to have. not 100% school related but our accountable kids program has helped with chores and I will add school stuff next year. a really good pair of scissors (or a cutter if you can afford it I wish I had one) I wish I had a copier/scanner that is on the list for next years tax return. pastel colored printing paper. I like assigning each kid a color for printed items it makes filing so much easier on me. post it notes & index cards.
  15. Thanks so much that looks perfect :D
  16. Lunch- leftover lasagna YUM Different- dd2 is actually interacting with a phonics dvd that was meant for dd5. Quite possibly the most boring dvd ever she is NOT big on tv at all. (big kids are at school 2 of them taking PSSA's today :glare:) Wishes- A maid and a bigger budget for schooling next year
  17. I really dont want to add a writing curriculum but her handwriting is awful. I dont know how she gets such high marks in school when I can barely read her writing myself. Dh says because teachers are used to reading sloppy work from boys like him :lol: What tips would you have to help improve her writing with out buying a curriculum?
  18. I think the science is more of a general science/life science with a strong focus on getting them ready for biology (seems not much different than what science 7 was) It is hard to explain how the electives work. Its basically a time slot that rotates on a 6 day (maybe its 7 day I can't remember) schedule so Day A she might have Gym, Day B might be Typing, Day C might be Photog Day D might be swiming etc. then it rotates. It is just that photog. was her choice for a filler elective its 1 semster then she would take regular art. Band would be everyday (it would be here too I am a music teacher :lol:) Writing lab would be everyday its class for kids who struggle with writing so She would have this rather than a writing elective time slot. writing electives are things like creative wiritng, newspaper, yearbook, script writing etc. Band is not considered and elective They have to have band or music 8, drama, dance etc. It's their "fine arts" credit. I am not even sure I understand their system. I might have to ask her to clear it up for me when she gets home. She is always explaining this to me. I just value the opinion of the school where they would place her academically. I also know that I have the freedom to make choice for her Home school wise. I haven't schooled her at home since 5th so this gives me an idea where we are at kwim?
  19. if at all possible I would take the kids to tha farm as planned. Or find something equally fun to do. That would handle their disapointment. For my own anger I pray through it, pop on some worship music and clean my house :grouphug:
  20. I had a phone conference with dd12's homeroom teacher this morning. To talk about her track into 8th grade. Bassed on placement tests and teacher rec's she would have these classes. Alg 1 science 8 Hon (which sounds like mostly biology) American History Hon English 8 w/ remideal writing lab Spanish 7/8 Band 8 Bible 8 Photography 1 (1st term) Art 8 (2nd term) I personally don't feel she is ready for Alg 1 (or that I am ready to teach it :001_huh:) I planned on using saxon 8/7 starting in the summer and maybe starting Alg 1 (teaching text books I hope) 2nd term. working through the summer and then what ever we do for math after that would start in 9th. I also wasn't planning on biology until 9th grade. Isn't that the more common track :bigear: for American history I have AAH but planned to beef it up with library books I know I have freedoms to do what I want HS wise, but I do vaule her schools assesment. Would my math plan work?
  21. I have 100EZ to but it seems to simple for her atleast the first 10 or so lessons where. and I can get OPGTR at the library :)
  22. have you been in touch with the seller? I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. maybe its sitting in her car or a forgetful husband didn't drop it at the po. I would ask the seller about it and ask for a refund if it doesn't come in X amount of days. Just don't wait 45 days from the purchase date then its to late to file.
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