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Everything posted by Gailmegan

  1. I would give him a little quiz, including some of the harder parts of the translation to see if he really gets it. If he doesn't get it, I would have him redo the assignment. IMO the main purpose is for him to learn it, so I wouldn't impose any additional consequences, but I would probably hide the answers. Of course character is important too, but I would address that separately.
  2. That is exactly what we do. After reading WWE text I realized that between SOTW and FLL (not to mention scripture and catechism memorization that we copy sometimes) my son has more than enough narration/copywork/dictation to meet the weekly suggested amounts in WWE. And on the rare occasion that a given week doesn't have enough I supplement from a book we are reading. This has only happened once in the 9 weeks we've been doing school.
  3. For those looking for a liquid CLO I strongly recommend Nordic Naturals Orange flavor. We mix it in with fruit smoothie and we don't taste anything or have fishie burps. One day I even forgot to add it and the kids told me the smoothie tasted funny. LOL.
  4. Hanging on the wall just inside the basement door.
  5. You probably didn't see it, but a thread was started about this yesterday that was locked this morning. It's on Page 3 right now if you want to read it. But I figured you should be aware because of the rule about reviving locked threads. :)
  6. I don't have as much of a problem with these types of errors on an internet discussion board (especially if it's just a typo or an abbreviation), but I do have an issue with these IRL, especially when my MIL says them repeatedly in front of my children. The worst culprits IMO, that have been mentioned already, are "lay" instead of "lie" and the disappearance of the adverb. Those not mentioned so far are "have got" and "should of".
  7. Have any of you actually seen Obama's tax plan? Or seen it next to McCain's? Here is an analysis of both, side-by-side from the Washington Post. According to the chart, only those making more than $600,000 will get a hike - and those making less than $111,000 will get more tax relief with Obama than McCain. And even the hikes Obama is proposing are no higher than percentages under Reagan, and what historically in America (once income tax was enacted) has been the mean for the higher tax brackets. What was normal until Bush cut them by more than 10%. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/story/2008/06/09/ST2008060900950.html
  8. From The New York Times, Oct 4, 2008 and Link to full article: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/04/us/politics/04ayers.html?_r=2&partner=rssuserland&emc=rss&pagewanted=all&oref=slogin&oref=slogin So these men met once a year for six years to manage distribution of educational funds set up by a Republican foundation, and people are more concerned about Obama's connection with Ayers than they are with Todd Palin being a MEMBER of the Alaska secessionist party. It's "Country First" right??
  9. Sorry, I just woke up from a nap and my wording was fuzzy. I will try to find the link, but I read on MSNBC.com that it was a school reform organization that was "established and funded" by the Annenberg Foundation. Yes, Annenberg is now deceased, which is why I mentioned his Republican daughter rund the foundation currently. My point is that since this organization was established by Annenberg, who clearly had a say in board members, that his association with Ayers is even more than Obama's.
  10. This connection with Ayers is killing me. The board on which both Ayers and Obama served was an educational foundation run by Annenberg. You know, the right-wing Republican whose daughter now runs the Annenberg foundation and is a major contributor of McCain's. If Obama is guilty by association then Annenberg is even more so.
  11. Another with 3 boy pregnancies. I never had acne or facial hair. And I had terrible morning/all-day sickness with all 3. Heartbeats were low with the 2nd and 3rd but high with the first. *shrug*
  12. That's because the debate commission has NOT cancelled the debate. It is still on - the only question is whether McCain will show up or not.
  13. They have already built the stage for the debate, reverted traffic and made many other accomodations that cannot be redone without incurring a greater cost. They have already stated (trying to find link to post, but I'm not finding it, yet) that they do not have the means to redo this at a different date. They were not given enough notice. The contract had a 48 hour time limit for cancellation, and McCain made his announcement with barely a few hours to spare, technically. But since the debate commision has not cancelled the debate, the contract is still valid.
  14. That's not how the people of Oxford, MS and Ole Miss feel about it. I would like to know who is going to reimburse them the $5.5 million they spent to host this event.
  15. My little one is due around Thanksgiving, but if he's like his older brothers he won't come until December.
  16. It is for me! Barack Obama without a hesitation. He is FOR LIFE in EVERY arena except the unborn (and then it's not that he is anti-life, but pro-choice). We have had 20 years of "pro-life" (anti-abortion) presidents since Roe v Wade and nothing has been done to reverse the ruling. I recently read a survey that 69% of Americans are pro-choice. Roe v Wade will not be overturned until the majority of Americans want it overturned, so casting my vote for that ONE reason only would be a waste of my vote, as well as against my conscience and my common sense.
  17. Praying!! I hate to be away from my boys too! But I have done a Susan Hunt Bible study, so I expect her speaking should be quite good. I love the recent Christ-centered emphasis in the PCA!!
  18. I can think of no better reason! ;) Since my oldest is 7 I haven't introduced them to MP yet, but I have all the movies and all the Flying Circus episodes on DVD!!! Doing medieval history next year should give me a good excuse for showing them Holy Grail, right??
  19. Thank you for including a voting option for those of us who are solid evangelical Christians and do NOT support Palin. :001_smile:
  20. But once again, that is NOT what she said. (And even if it were, that's not true either). The reason I refuse to let this go is because I am an English professor at a local college. I teach freshman writing. And I teach my students to choose the right words for their intended meaning. when you break down the "actual" words that Sarah Palin spoke, there is no denying that she was in fact putting down community organizers. Her speech writers were fully aware of the words they chose and the implications of those words, as is anyone who knows how to write effectively. You may choose to find a less cynical interpretation, but you cannot deny the literal meaning of the words she spoke.
  21. And once again, I will repeat my response to you on this exact point: She chose to use a qualifier, which did in fact demonstrate her intention! She used the word "actual". So I agree with you that she said what she meant. And what she meant was quite demeaning.
  22. So now the Democrats control the media??? And setting the record straight about your own experience doesn't require attacking the validity of the responsibilities of community organizers. Apparently we cannot settle this one. You are determined to read an intention that was not in her "actual" words. If that's what she meant, that's what she would have said. And what she actually, literally said is in fact untrue and demeaning. The fact that she was the mayor of a small town is true and not demeaning. We all clearly view this issue coming from our own strong presuppositions. Sadly, I don't see us coming to agreement on this topic. So we can choose to respectfully disagree.
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