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Everything posted by Gailmegan

  1. Anyone want to elaborate on whyyou like those? I was thinking about Zaner-Bloser. this will be our first year doing cursive, so i'm subbing :lurk5:
  2. well i had my curricula listed before this thread even started, so i'm not taking'em down LOL. and i don't have a blog anyway.:auto:;)
  3. Congrats! I think it wil be a while until i get that designation. LOL
  4. I'm sorry if I made anyone feel bad about not being voted for anything. My highschool was small and everyone got a superlative, so it never occurred to me. If my school had been bigger I probably wouldn't have gotten one either. :grouphug:
  5. I agree that you should talk to the midwife again and find out exactly what the concerns/risks are. If the risks are minimal, and your gut says not to do it, listen to your instincts. If she has significant reasons, then I would trust her - midwives usually are less likely to request ultrasounds unless necessary.
  6. Hooray! So glad you have it all settled! I'm almost done, but still have a few little decisions to make. It is hard to wait until September. :D
  7. strider - I did purchase the Usborne IL and the Kingfisher (which we may not use a lot of until next rotations through). I think they will both appreciate those resources, since they both have strong visual learning tendencies. Mrs. Mungo - yes my Ker will be 5. He enjoys coloring while my older son does not - so we won't have any fighting over the coloring pages. LOL I think one set of student pages should be enough, but I could always copy the maps if Piglet wants his own. As for the tests...right now we are using Saxon for math and the workbooks include tests. I do give them to Rabbit, saying that it's a review to see how much he remembers, but I don't actually grade it. If he gets something wrong I mark it and he fixes it. I might do the same with the tests for SOTW. I guess if I order them and they seem to be too much I could save them for when Piglet does it again in grade 4. Thanks for the input everyone!
  8. I know that some of the emoticons from the other board are copyrighted and some aren't so I never know which ones are fair game to use elsewhere. LOL. So I'm safe to here.
  9. 1. I notice that PHP sells the student pages separately. Does anyone know if this is because of copyright, that we are not allowed to photocopy for younger siblings to use in later years, or for convenience since it is hard to copy from a thick, bound book like that? 2. Has anyone bought the tests? Are they worth it and for what ages? I am going to be using SOTW1 next year. 3. I will be doing SOTW a year later than expected for ds1 and a year earlier for ds2. I won't require the Ker to do much more than listen and participate in activities that he wants to. Has anyone done this with a Ker and have any suggestions? TIA!
  10. *anj* - i must be blind b/c i don't see that emoticon anywhere on the options here. we have it on another board I am on, but i was under the impression that they are copyrighted from board to board (don't even ask how I know - crazy long story LOL) Michelle - you didn't tell us if it's true or not ;) or at least when you were single??
  11. Joining the husband appreciation thread. We balance each other out so well. He's a keeper. :D
  12. Favorite chick flick? August Rush or Lake House Favorite romance? While You Were Sleeping /You've Got Mail /50 First Dates/How to Lose a Guy in 10 days/Serendipity Horror? Closest I get to this category would be Signs Action/Adventure? Indiana Jones/Star Wars/Bourne Identity Kid movie? Cars Horse movie? -------? Fantasy? The Never-Ending Story Favorite quotable movie? Monty Python and the Holy Grail/Blazing Saddles/Better off Dead/History of the World Part 1/10 Things I Hate about You Most hated movie? Princess Bride (and too many others to list) Favorite Jane Austen movie? Pride and Prejudice. Favorite comedy. See above for most quotable LOL - Monty Python if I have to choose.
  13. My vote is for swimming - but I am highly biased. I agree with all reasons listed previously, especially that in general swimming is better for all around health and can be continued through your entire life. But I must warn that although not as frequent as gymnastics injuries, there are still some common swimming injuries. I swam competetively from the time I was 6 through most of college. The athletic training room at college was filled with swimmers before and after practice getting ultrasound, heat and electric stim before (ice afterwards). After millions and millions of strokes shoulders and knees do start to wear out. I had to stop because I had destroyed my rotator cuff (shoulder). If I had known of the dangers ahead of time, it could have been prevented because there are resistance exercises you can do to strengthen the muscles that hold the joints together. I like the suggestion of diving. I was on the diving team for 4 years too. It was easy to do both swimming and diving most clubs/teams make it convenient to do both.
  14. Okay, 'fess up. Fill in the blank for us. You were voted "Most likely to _____________________"? And was it accurate? I couldn't find any hiding emoticons so *putting bag over head*. I was voted most likely to get through college without opening a book. Sad but true. I majored in extra-curriculars and skated by with mostly B's. But at least grad school was a different story. I finally matured and started taking my education seriously.
  15. It's nice to hear good things aobut Saxon. I'm using it with mine and it seems to be working, but i hear so many people don't like it that i start to doubt myself. i already bought 54, so we're going to stick with it.
  16. I know some who are allergic to wheat can handle spelt and/or kamut, but others can't. I think I have some spelt recipes if it's safe for them.
  17. Laughing because I could see my 4yo doing the same thing. A few months ago he got naked and painted himself everywhere with white-out.
  18. only solid bunnies here too, but i can imagine the mess my boys would make if i gave them your option. :lol:
  19. I figured. I was surprised though b/c it's one of the sources VP uses to go along with their history program and i have seen that a good number of people here have used VP history. thanks for bumping it, maybe someone who has used it will see.
  20. Here's the link - the only responses are my bump and someone saying she had no idea. LOL http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14378
  21. At least you had some responses. I posted a curriculum question a few days ago. I bumped it when it got to page 4, to give it another chance. No one replied at all. I agree that it is very hard to stay on top of posts the way this board is set up. How were the old boards different?
  22. I did give them the benefit of the doubt and I treated them with kindness too, but I think if they had truly matured they would have also apologized, not just pretended that they had never treated me poorly.
  23. http://www.websters-online-dictionary.org/definition/fast Sorry about the formatting - it lost it's left-justify when I c/p
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