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Everything posted by MichelleWI

  1. Can I add anything Disney-basedto Plaid Dad's list, please? :glare:
  2. If it's really bad, after microwaving the vinegar-water, scrub it with half a lemon dipped in baking soda. It works great and smells great, too! (If you happen to have a lemon. ;) )
  3. When this thread is ready to slip away into Neverland, save what you have written and the replies you have appreciated. Print them and put them in an envelope marked "Why Should I Say 'NO' To This Responsibility?" and refer to it whenever necessary. :)
  4. Call your cell phone provider's customer service number right away. These companies are "slamming" people. Just as you would handle a scam bank email, do not respond to these messages. My husband works for a cell phone company and this is a new, disturbing trend.
  5. I do give some gentle direction and correction to my children when they bring me things they have written. However, they are prolific writers and want to improve so are not frustrated by a little tip here and there. I think you are making a good decision for your son, since he doesn't like to write!
  6. Oh, Laurel, I can't imagine how upsetting this must be for you! :grouphug:
  7. I should think you could use it without the CDs. My daughter works all problems from the textbook. She does watch the CD lectures, though, and utilizes the "View Solution" option for better explanations of new concepts or for problems she has answered incorrectly. The CD can potentially replace the parent and teach in your place. You can use the textbook without the CDs just as you would any other textbook. In our house, it works as though she has two teachers (myself and the CD) instead of one.
  8. This looks like a great resource. :) We are building up a library of Landmark books, so this is perfect for us. Thank you.
  9. Isn't it great when they do things like this?! My oldest is very science-minded. I purchased three of her four intended high school texts as I found them at good prices and she has read them front to back. The Biology text is nearly worn out from reference. The other books and reference materials we have at hand have been utilized, as well. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with her, but I'm not complaining! :D
  10. When I click on "User Control Panel (CP)", it takes me to a screen with two boxes. "New Subscribed Threads" and "Latest Reputation Received". To the far right in the Reputation box, it says "__ point(s) total". Under the Reputation box, it lists Thread Title, Date and the Comment left by the person who gave me the Rep. Only the last five will show.
  11. If it makes you feel any better, I went looking for Jean's post and was impressed by it myself. :) I gave her a rep point.
  12. Are you being asked to do things outside the home based on the assumption that homeschoolers can do whatever, whenever because they don't really have a schedule to follow? Perhaps you need to set aside one day per week for outside activities? Make medical appointments and such only on Tuesdays (for instance) and only accept outside responsibilities that fall on a Tuesday. Only agree to play dates or library outings on Tuesdays. If something comes up that must be done, such as a dental appointment for which the office is closed on Tuesdays, switch schooling to Tuesday for that week and adjust your plans to fit the change. I've had to place restrictions like this because we had too many people wanting to stop by and chat or call on the phone when we needed to be doing school. Obviously I make allowances for friends in need or for emergencies. Some of the folks who abuse our preference in this area the worst are fellow homeschoolers who aren't very ... hmmm ... how to say this delicately? They don't appear to be as focused on the freedom and excellence available through homeschooling as they are on the option of being lazy 90% of the time. We homeschool year-round, taking time off in good weather for walks and other outings which are, truly, educational in themselves. We save bookwork for the cold of winter and the heat of summer. Ugh! Oh, and what planning I do is done on Saturday or Sunday for the coming week. :) I have an overall plan with goals, but I don't break it down any further than that except on a week-by-week basis.
  13. I didn't mean to infer that you should read threads just to search for something rep-worthy. I muddled my last post. I'm sorry. I read very little, honestly, because the boards move so quickly and I just don't have the time to keep up. I wouldn't participate in rep-parties, either, because that isn't the intention of the rep system. I don't think there will be a perfect solution for this because any format can be abused to some measure.
  14. You are getting the snow that missed us. I'm sorry, but I just can't manage to feel badly about that. *giggle* They are calling for six inches for us in a few days. :glare:
  15. Does anyone know how many other people must be "repped" before one can rep the same person again? Perhaps you can be a little more liberal in your rep-spreading? Just a *little* bit.
  16. I enjoyed this book, as well. :) I read it much like I read other books; skipping from spot to spot based on nothing more than a whim. I must have missed the R-rated material.
  17. My half-defunct computer has entrapped all of my links, but I just did a quick Google search for "printable graph paper". You might find a link or two there for the size that will work best for your student. :)
  18. I second the graph paper suggestion, if neatness is an issue. It sounds like he might see some benefit from stopping the curriculum for a short time and doing worksheets and drills instead. When we have done this, we are usually back to the text within a week, but move along swimmingly!
  19. I'm posting to this several-days-old thread to bump it up because I saw reference to it elsewhere. Someone in that thread asked for the link, but I can't recall name or thread so hopefully she'll see this. :)
  20. That is wonderful! What a great story. :) I encourage my children to write letters and cards. I was recently reminded of the importance of this when I needed to revisit the rules for business letter structure myself. I tried a simple Google search for format suggestions and the samples that popped up were horrendous! I pulled out one of my 1950's Grammar and Composition texts and found precisely what I needed.
  21. I think that's sweet of him! My husband, on the other hand, is always advocating homeschooling and then giving strangers my phone number and email address so they can ask their homeschooling questions. I don't mind, but it does disturb me a bit when the occasional person actually does follow through and contact me. Of course, I'm thrilled to help, but ... I don't handle strangers very well. :001_huh:
  22. What a great thread. :) My husband is hard-working and currently dealing with a lot of work-related nonsense. He comes home and shuts it all off to be with his family, though.
  23. The idea that Judas didn't mean for Jesus to be put to death is just a guess made long, long after the fact to try to explain why he would do such a heinous thing. As was said, it's a revisionist viewpoint and I tend to take those with a pinch (or a pound) of salt. There is some merit to considering the idea, but the scriptures would probably have pointed out this motivation if it were true.
  24. That is very kind. The man who plows out the elder care facility next door often runs his snowblower up and down our sidewalk and I appreciate it so much. My husband leaves for work early and returns late, and I am not allowed to shovel "in my condition". ;)
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