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Mama Bear

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Everything posted by Mama Bear

  1. Reya, Put very gently, I think perhaps your experience and children are so very different from many others' that you'll want to consider using Susan's high school texts for them now. Best of luck keeping those punkins busy -- sounds like you'll have less than the usual eighteen years to enjoy them being at home and just doing family kinds of things.
  2. I can't remember the name... Ready Something? Put out by the College Board, the idea is to familiarize kids earlier and help them to be comfortable with the test, also providing them info on where they'll need to focus as they study for the SAT. Perhaps the College Board site has more info?
  3. actual talents to offer Susan and her family, but I bet I could think something up. I'll start with a cheer. Go, Susan, Go! I'm gonna need Book 2! Soon! Okay. Lame. But perhaps those getting more than 5 hours of sleep/night could work on better cheers? Come on. Rhyme and meter are of utmost importance. Think of it as the poor man's haiku. Ready... set... GO! Susan. Thank you very much for your work.
  4. are always a good idea, providing you have no contraindications. Turmeric, ginger, and holy basil are rock stars in this category. But I'm concerned about the swelling. I have intermittent tendonitis, including a messy knee, and swelling would send me in for an MRI, and with my history, probably some type of surgery. Sitting out runs isn't a bad idea until you can get in somewhere. In the meantime, I'd also think about opposing muscle groups in that area and whether or not you have something tyring to overcompensate for another area that has then turned into a contribution to the injury, if that makes sense? Best of luck, madame. Inhibitory pain absolutely bites. :glare:
  5. Hi! I noticed on Natalieclaire's message thingy that you're in a small town near Puyallup? Me too. :o) Thought I'd wave.

  6. Hey! Did you make it to the latest WTM WA thing? I feel like such a dork for missing it. Or maybe it wasn't posted? I don't know. I'm just not here much these days -- too much going on. But I hate that I missed seeing local peeps! How are you?

  7. Kay, I'm so sorry to hear of this. Your poor family. I hope you get there quickly and safely and can all be together for each other in this awful, shocking time. Prayers for safe travel and peace for you all.
  8. Then she should rethink the great books thing. Having a good grounding in history/lit puts one in an excellent position to take on poli sci (JMO, but I think it's sound). Can you pull up anything from the dept(s) where she's looking to go? If so, you might find phrases to "respond to" from their sites.
  9. stuff I have to say when I'm writing up monthly reports for my kidlets. The teacher who helps with this suggests that I look back at the goals i have written for them, the scope and sequence, if you will, and then mention particular scores or progress made within those goals. For you, when you say that you want her to stand out, think about the goals she has in her major (or major area of interest), the details which would bring her to the attention fo said dept heads, and use some catch phrases particular tho the area of interest. If it's Humanities or Liberal Arts, the mention of Classical Ed should have an impact, if Lit or History, Great Books mention should make 'em snap to. What's she interested in?
  10. I like the "Great Books" idea. How about something like "Educated at home following the classical model, with an emphasis on Great Books study."
  11. Thank goodness for IHOP, man! 'Bout time someone set us all straight, huh? :tongue_smilie::D
  12. REI's brand of baby backpack for my 28+ pounder. Borrowed a friends Sherpani to try out during the summer. It was pretty good, but the REI version is super adjustable for the adult which means lots more comfort, esp. for longer walks or afternoons hsing the bigger kids. I have used various Keltys over the years and the best one is the second most expensive -- not the backcountry hiking trip version but the second heftiest. Back when I had only four, I once spent nearly 6 hours with about 30 lbs of kid/gear, by myself with the bigger kids, through a hike, vespers program, dinner in a cafeteria and had only the slightest twinge in my shoulders the next day. That said, IMO the REI pack is at least as comfortable and less than half the money. If money is no object, :D get the most expensive and involved model Kelty has -- then compare it side by side with REI's top of the line. It depends on your shape/little guy's tolerance, but REI gives Kelty a serious run for their money. Pardon the pun. Sherpani is least expensive and really not bad for what you get (pack/bag pieces included in the purchase price, not necessarily so for Kelty and REI). If I had to hike across the Andes hauling a kid and gear? It would be the big ol' Kelty with every last feature available. (Don't know why I'd want to do that, but...) For hikes between 4 and 6 hours, or just walking around a park or the house, the REI has been AWESOME -- it even has a spot for a bladder-type thingy (like Camelbak), and a little shatterproof mirror so I can watch Mr. Drooly-pants. I have the pack that zips off the back for my eldest to carry (full of water, to slow him down to the speed of us commoners), and a diaper bag that clips on and off easily (for extra clothes, etc.), and the hood/rain shield. Plus it's been the most easily modified (mostly in height/length) for my growing SNK who can't walk (yet) but shouldn't have to miss out on family hiking -- he can be fully wrapped in a waterproof and lined blankie and off we go. HTH -- Post pics of what you get! :D
  13. Yay for you all!! Hugs to the new little guy. :grouphug:
  14. I love birth announcements. :D As to the "how to" part: it comes to you. When expecting #4 I saw one of those "A Baby Story" shows with parents expecting #4. They talked about how their friends all thought they were nuts for having "so many" kids and the dad said that their standard response had become: When you've moved from man-to-man to zone defense? There's really no difference. I laughed about that for weeks. :) There is a difference, but you ran out of extra hands awhile back ;) and with each new little one the adjustments just come, as needed, and everyone survives. Congrats on your new little Justice.
  15. So glad he's on his way home! :grouphug: I was up last night with my non-sleeper when the news about the explosion broke. So horrifying.
  16. Treat the beet greens as you would spinach or chard. And ROAST the beets in the oven at about 400 with oil, salt, pepper 'til they begin to change color or shape, just a little, and/or are sizzling. To DIE for -- the sugars caramelize and they're so yummy! Fennel is nice sliced, sauteed and added into other things, like apple crisp, or roasted in the oven, again with salt and pepper just until tender. If you want to use it raw, it's nice thinly sliced with fresh apples, nuts, currants, a vinaigrette with honey and mustard... Slurp. Have fun!!!
  17. Thank you, thank you!! Here, have one of those gorgeous chocolates. :)

  18. My bday is, erm, today, because the clock on the computer says it is, and I couldn't think of a single thing for myself when my mom and kids demanded a bday list. I'm thinking: -furniture, as in places to store more books or a better system for the girls' clothes -the computer stuff we have set up on an actual table in a place we can really use it -shiny things, as in floors and sinks and mirrors, all clean and sparkling -chocolate to share with everybody -a nice walk -to get well and stay well for the rest of the winter -supplies for making the kid's Christmas presents -a payment on someone's braces? -someone else to argue with insurance companies??? See? This is why I'm siding with your brother. I KNOW we mamas can theoretically get and have something just for us (and he sounds like he was trying to crack you waaaay up), but the concept sort of boggles the brain at the moment. I'm going to my aunt's for dinner tomorrow night and all I can think is how weird it is that a bunch of family is getting together because it's my birthday! "What? Why??" This is pathetic!!! And it's easier to see it in someone else, so here's my opinion about the gift card: go halvsies. $25 for a nice nightie or warm slippers and a good scarf or cute bracelet for YOU, and the rest you can spend the way your knee is jerking you to. :D I may be back tomorrow asking you to hand the advice back to me. Hope it was a very happy day for you.:)
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