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Everything posted by melissad2

  1. Nothing really...he told us we shouldn't be down there in the dark and we should leave. I never got dressed so fast in my entire life! :D
  2. One time we got caught by a park ranger while drinking tea in a state park...in our car.:leaving:
  3. Is it bad that I hated The Hobbit? We read it in the 7th grade and I just couldn't hardly get through it! Do I have to read it to my kids?!?:leaving:
  4. I love chick-fil-a and I will continue to eat there. I also love Target and I will shop there. I hate the new JcPenney concept and refuse to shop there anymore but it has to do with their new pricing and whatnot and nothing to do with their political statements. Chick-fil-a has every right to do business how they choose and we have every right to do business there or not. I don't care who sleeps with who because I am not the ultimate judge...I will leave that up to God.
  5. Sadly, someone convinced me to read it. I simply cannot get through the first chapter :banghead:. The writing is just SO bad!:leaving:
  6. Sorry but I think they would look fine together. :D
  7. I think it was a couple of days. The problem was that it wouldn't shut down, it just kept turning itself on and off. Good news-I had insurance. Bad news- there is a $199 deductible for iPhones.
  8. I dropped my iPhone in the toilet once :eek: :ack2: I dried it out best I could and put it in rice. It worked fine for about 3 weeks then, sadly, it died a slow death.
  9. Ugh...it's the sticky that never goes away. Once when my now 5yo was around 3 he took a banana and squished it all over my new brown sofa! I called my dh in and said "I'm not dealing with it, I'm leaving and call me when you're done!". He cleaned it all up and I was a happy mommy again.
  10. We usually go shopping together and I have final approval. He works for DOT so he wears jeans and uniform shirt to work so that's easy, the other stuff takes a little work.
  11. So awful! It takes some kind of a sick soul to do such a thing. I hope he gets exactly what he deserves. Praying for the victims.
  12. Which is why I use a small community bank. No outrageous fees...yet. When I call I get to talk to a real live person who actually works in the local branch and recognizes me by name. The drive thru teller that I always use kind of seems like family :) she always asks about my kids and my dad (who has cancer). When I had my last baby, on one of our first outings we had to drop by to see "the ladies at the bank" as my 5yo would say!
  13. Yes, unfortunately. My mil has very little to do with my kids even though she lives less than 3 miles away. She has missed ALL my baby showers, most birthday parties, and most all other special events including Tball games. I could care less whether she comes or not but I feel bad for the kids. She always says she just feels too bad to come (which I seriously doubt).
  14. I have never used a babysitter. Either my mom or my dh keep the kids when I work (I only work on weekends). If I need to do something without the kids during the week they stay with my mom.
  15. Have her stool tested for c-diff. Also maybe an ulcer from all the medications?
  16. Nah...not for me. Now being a mom....THAT is hard work. The marriage stuff is a piece of cake! The mom part is so very rewarding though :)
  17. I would do it. I love Denalis though :). Keep the bravada.
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