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TN Mama

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Everything posted by TN Mama

  1. Okay, after a quick scan of the dino article, it's about planning a trip around paleontology digs. It lists some places to go & what they do. Looks fun!
  2. The reference to statements of faith in the table of contents is a Q & A where someone asks a question about joining a homeschool group that has a statement of faith that they don't agree with. I'm not sure what you are asking about Great Science Bios and Feng Shui the school room - but the science bios is a short section that lists some interesting & modern people in science related fields (example: Tony Fadell and the iPod). I haven't read the article about dinosaurs, so I can't yet answer that question for you.
  3. I didn't know this! http://gardenandgun.com/article/interview-robert-harling
  4. Most of the ones listed get me. I specifically thought of Steel Magnolia's and Sally Fields in the cemetery when I first saw the thread. My Sister's Keeper - much of the movie, but the end (ugly cry) Passion of the Christ - where Jesus is being beaten and the rest of the movie (ugly cry) Rudy - when Rudy plays Facing the Giants - the death crawl & the end An Affair to Remember - when Nickie comes to Terry's house & discovers why she didn't make their meeting The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe - when Aslan gives his life for the Pevensie children The Blind Side - many scenes There are a million more. :)
  5. I love magazines. And I love reading about homeschooling. I haven't found a homeschool magazine that I love, until now. The first issue was just released yesterday, and I spent hours pouring over it (although I still haven't been able to finish the whole thing). Thought I'd share here because it reminded me of that feeling I got when I first discovered this forum and found there were other people like me who homeschooled. :) http://homeschoollifemag.com/ From their site: Isn’t it time for a cool homeschool magazine? Have you been wishing for a homeschool magazine that’s smart, fun, and packed full of resources you can really use, whether you’re a classical homeschooler in your third year of Latin or an unschooler helping your child delve into his passion for archaeology? Meet home / school / life, a homeschool magazine that’s as creative, playful, and informed as the best homeschool days. Our Spring issue is live! You can take a peek at our spring sampler, or subscribe to read the whole magazine.
  6. I subscribed & must say - I am LOVING this magazine! I was wondering if there was a thread about it.
  7. We've used both. My visual/kinesthetic learner did far better with Winston than with Easy Grammar.
  8. I haven't tried pumpkin protein, but if you have links to the above, I'd love to check them out.
  9. I'm a fan of pea protein. And I try to stay away from whey proteins. I am a bit sensitive to the aftertaste found in many protein powders (and bars), but have found that the Arbonne powder doesn't have that distinct flavor. It is also soy free.
  10. Yes, I absolutely want to tie in literature. I do plan on using some SL books. I do have History Through the Ages, as well, so hopefully finding literature won't be difficult.
  11. Wonderful. I will dig into these later! I am nervous about planning it all out, so I was curious if someone was following a plan. It's been some years since I successfully laid out (and followed) my own plan.
  12. This year we are studying US History with Notgrass America the Beautiful. My 7th grader asked me if she could go more in depth with WWII next year. I'd like to take her lead on this and find something for 20th century world history. But... what do I use? Whatever we decide to do, I know I'll add in documentaries (her request). She's a strong reader and enjoys history. My 5th grader says she'd like to do the same thing, though I'm not really convinced. :) Ideas?
  13. I'm not a pork chop fan either. I only recently decided I like pork tenderloin (grilled). My family has deemed this their favorite way to have pork chops. http://auntnubbyskitchen.blogspot.com/2012/03/best-ever-baked-pork-chops.html
  14. These both sound wonderful for my wannabe vet, who is a rising 5th grader. The Fat Dogs and Coughing Horses sounds interesting, but not sure I have time to put anything else together this year. Thanks for sharing these neat resources.
  15. I wondered the same thing when I was researching typing. IIRC, one of them is compatible with Windows 7 and the other is not. I think it was Mavis Beacon that I was checking out when I noticed that. Anyway, check compatibility with your machine prior to purchase. :)
  16. Martha, If you consider CPO, you can e-mail the rep for Oklahoma and they will send you the student text and investigations book for free. Then you can either purchase a used copy of the teacher book, or I think there are pdfs of it online?
  17. I am so very sorry to hear of your father's passing. So thankful that you and your brother were able to be by his side. Hugs to you & yours.
  18. Fels Naptha is what has worked best for us, too. But yeah... scrubbing is not my favorite part of softball.
  19. Like I said, it has been several years since we purchased and used the ASK kits, so perhaps they no longer offer the Discovery Science, but that was a nice perk! Hope they are still offering it. :)
  20. THE Filing Thread: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/189482-does-anyone-incorporate-a-filing-system-for-lesson-plans/
  21. I met & spoke with the creator at a convention, and really liked the product. For me it was a no-brainer since it included a year subscription to Discovery Science.
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