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Everything posted by blessed3x

  1. Settlers of Catan is another of our favorites. Do you have the expansion packs for Dominion? They are great!
  2. :grouphug: We have been there. Lifting you and your family up in prayer right now.
  3. This was a small charge ($26.37) and from previous experience if this would have gone through there would have been a few more increasing in size. The last time this happened to me (1.5 years ago) there was a small charge, then larger and then they went shopping at SAMS club. I don't know how they did it, but was told that they can now put your information on a new card. :glare: Ugh.
  4. :glare: I check my account daily and found an unauthorized charge on it this morning. I have called the bank and am getting a new debit card while they investigate, but enough already! :banghead: These people should put their energy into getting a job instead of *stealing* from others. :mad: Pathetic. Sorry.... rant over.
  5. :iagree: Very well said. Praying for your sister and family. :grouphug:
  6. I would suggest she shadow some different career choices to help her make up her mind. My oldest daughter thought she wanted to go into engineering and shadowed a couple to help her decide. She quickly realized that she did not want to do that, and looked to other areas. She is now in nursing and *loving* it. It was a much better fit for her.:)
  7. I asked the same questions last month for my dd22. We are buying her a machine for xmas this year as a step up from the one she currently has. Maybe this post will help you. ;) The hive was a great help to me. We bought her a Janome. :)
  8. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: We had to do this in January. I am still raw from it. As another suggested, have a blanket with you. They can get cold. I sat on the floor with the blanket next to me. My 15 year old Border Collie laid on the blanket with her head across my lap. I cried, spoke lovingly and pet her for hours. Take your time. My heart goes out to you. Even when it truly is best for them, it is hard.....
  9. You have me watching now.... ;) Something may be happening soon. :D
  10. Thanks for sharing a great story. :grouphug: It is always encouraging to hear of good works. :001_smile:
  11. I have this one. :thumbup: I use it every morning for hot tea and it works very well. It does have the auto shut off once the water is boiling. A local cooks store in my area also sells it and highly recommends it. ;)
  12. If you enjoyed Firefly you should watch the second half: Serenity :)
  13. Thanks for starting this thread. I also need a new haircut and have been looking without success. Do you mind if we both get this haircut?! :D LOVE IT!
  14. Thanks, hive. I went last night and bought it at Best Buy. They offer a 30 day price match, so if it goes on sale between now and mid-November I only need to bring the receipt in and they will refund the difference. DS is going to be so excited! :D
  15. Thanks. That is my initial thought too. Guess I will be going out after hubby gets home this evening. :)
  16. Ds10 would like one. This week it is on sale at Best Buy for $199 and you get a $20 gift card. In my mind I am getting it for $179. Even on Amazon this is $215 right now. Do you think I will find it cheaper before the holidays, or should I take the plunge now?:bigear: These are my questions every year.... buy now or wait? :tongue_smilie:
  17. :iagree: I have ordered from them and have always been very happy with their service. :D
  18. This is one of my favorite recipes. :) Pesto Cheesy Chicken Rolls. Yum. Love, love, love it!!! I hope you like it half as much as my family. Enjoy. ;)
  19. I watched it, and agree with everything said above In the past seasons I have had a 'favorite' couple, but not so far this time. I do like the couple who came in 2nd and felt bad for them. They were nice and played well, but lost 1st place to the team that they helped. I did not like that. :glare: It may be a game, but you still have to treat others with respect. It should be an interesting season. :)
  20. Thank you! Thank you! And to the others who agreed with this. It is half of the price, so I will try this one.:) DH has a CPAP machine that drives.me.crazy. :glare: I cannot sleep with the noise that is makes. Hopefully this will help. Thanks, hive!
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