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Everything posted by pfamilygal

  1. Well, dh and I are a mixed marriage. So the children were all baptized as infants in the UMC church as a sign of God's prevenient grace. But dh baptized the older girls a few weeks ago in the Paluxy River because they wanted to do something to show that they wanted to follow Jesus.
  2. I've had stents in pregnancy. You do not want them. They are so painful. I passed at least one stone each pregnancy. Usually multiples though. Drink a ton of water, avoid leafy greens, soda, tea, and grapefruit. If you get another one, you can take Flomax (prostate med). 95% of people will pass their stone within 12 hrs. The reason you're peeing out bits now is because you probably scraped the crap out of your ureters. So you may be passing bits of clot/scabbing from your ureters. And it is more stressful for your baby for you to be in agony than for you to take meds. Really. Take them.
  3. Um, I consider it awesome that I occassionally vacuum. I certainly don't intend to clean the vacuum itself.
  4. Yes, he's attainably hot. Like, you wouldn't have to just sit there and drool. And I'm 5'2", so I don't care if he's not super tall. Tall guys freak me out a bit. Oh, and saw it this evening for my birthday. Yum.
  5. I actually own the snotsucker thingie and it works well. But the fart whistle? Hmm. I don't think I can go there.
  6. A college friend is my PCP, but he doesn't examine my lady business. We were discussing the opposite at work the other day - if it affects us to see so many folks' funky junk. One of our OB's turned around and said, "Well, as long as it's not the garage I park my car in, it's all okay." :lol:
  7. http://www.fridababy.com/shop/windi-for-gas-relief/ Words cannot express.
  8. I didn't like him in The Town (or maybe Ben Affleck distracted me), but he definitely caught my eye in The Avengers, and MI. MMM.
  9. A person sent me an invite to his second wedding (e-invite actually) that included a link to a wedding gift registry. It was basically a list of categories for your monetary gift. http://www.honeyfund.com
  10. We put it on the baby announcements: "Susannah Ruth We plan to call her Anna while she is small." I did not want Sue/Susie.
  11. I feel your pain: Susannah always gets called Savannah Gabriel gets called Gabrielle (even though he is clearly a boy - with a buzz cut no less!)
  12. I love the ESV online. It will read any verse aloud for you. AND it will read your daily "read through the Bible in one year" verses aloud. I play it while I get breakfast going. :)
  13. I really enjoyed the portion I heard on the way to work. Has anyone read the book?
  14. We LOVE Wise and Otherwise. IT's like Balderdash with wise sayings. It is hilarious.
  15. I'd do PP or the other for 3rd and do ECC for 4th. We did it for 1st and 3rd and a lot was over their heads.
  16. And Lilia Podkopayeva. She was my fav! I also really like Andreea Raducan. Peeved me greatly when they stripped her gold over a Sudafed the team's doc gave her. Poor dear.
  17. Nope. All towels on hot with TTO. Everything else on warm.
  18. Exactly why adoption is not on our radar for now. We would have loved a large family, but 4 c/s's cost me my womb and we only have 6. But if we adopt, it will be later, when my kids are much older. I owe it to the children who already call me "mama."
  19. Ask me in 9 months :) We're doing PP this year. Looking through it, I am psyched. It looks like it will be right up my kids' alley. We did ECC a few years ago and are going to do a repeat in one year - except with all different countries. I'm working on gathering supplies and planning now.
  20. AAS has made a huge difference for all my older kids. Their spelling/reading ability has greatly improved.
  21. All I know is that I now have the "I've never been to Boston in the fall" refrain from The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything going through my head on repeat.
  22. Something I have been doing to work through forgiveness of certain people is choosing to bless when I think of them. Even saying outloud if I can. Look at Romans 12:14-20. I think when we choose to forgive and then go the extra mile of blessing the person, God works in our hearts to change us.
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