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Mrs. Readsalot

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Everything posted by Mrs. Readsalot

  1. Gone Away Lake Henry Reed Inc Henry and Ribsy series by Beverly Cleary Inkheart (read aloud so I could change a bit of the language) Misty of Chicoteague and others by M. Henry The Westing Game The Shakespeare Stealer Detectives in Togas and the sequel The Mystery of the Roman Ransom we also really enjoy books be G A Henty
  2. Dh is on a diet so shh.... don't tell him about the calorie content or he might cancel our date. I picked up a menu when we purchased some bread yesterday and was thinking about getting the Turkey Articoke Panini, now that someone has suggested it I think this will be my choice. Not sure what I am more excited about going out with dh or not having to cook LOL We don't go out much when dh is on a diet and cooking has gotten to be a bit difficult at the moment. I tend to run out of low calorie ideas quickly.
  3. When houses have sold real estate agents will use it as a comp for houses on the area that people want to sell.
  4. It has been a while since we did those levels so I looked at the catalogue. I think the 3+4 one year condensed would be fine for a 5th graders. If you wanted to change and or add readers/read alouds you could look at what books from 3 and 4 are left out of the condensed core and add those. They do leave a few great read out.
  5. I agree with all that GothicGryl said. I would make sure all the i's are dotted and t's crossed. Start with school they might know the regualtions. Also make sure you have the support of both parents. The legal battle between the parents could make this very difficult for you. Really the fist step would a if it is allowed in your start. For example in Maryland it is my understanding that you have to be the parent/relative to homeschool. The do grant short term exceptions but they are few and difficult to get. This is usually only if someone is already being homeschooled and their parental status changes. You have a very warm and generous heart to consider taking on this responsibility.
  6. I enjoyed reading your blog about the book and also the cub scout event(takes me back) You have some special young men there.
  7. Mainly becasue we have a side by side frig and freezer and lots of things don't fit in the freezer well.
  8. This is Pride and Prejudice told from Mr. Darcy's standpoint. Honestly I wasn't expecting much and I was very pleasantly surprised at how good it was.
  9. A Michaels is just getting ready to open too. We really already have a Starbuck across the street. I think I am even more excited about Michaels than Panera. Dh is considering hiding my credit card LOL I hope he is kidding. We are in a resort town but the powers that be are beginning to realize that people do live here year round.
  10. Look out carbs here I come. We live less than a mile from the location. We showed great restraint tonight and only bought one loaf of tomato basil bread. Dh has promised that we will go on a date there this weekend.
  11. In West Virginia you have to have 4 more years of education than the level you plan to teach. ie to teach through 12 grade you would has to have a Bachelors degree. Although I would not quote me on this and it may have changed since I read it.
  12. Man it has been windy for days. Last night it was raining and we had thunder and lightning storms. I thought the house was going to blow apart. Our siding is just constantly rattling. We are used to some wind. We live very close to the ocean, and I can literally count on two hands the number of calm days we have a year. But man this is very gusty and nasty wind. I always feel bad for the ponies at Assateague(about 10 mintues from us) when we have weather like this, it must be just miserable for them.
  13. I have read the book and also found it a great read. When I read the section you are asking about I thought Wow how true it that. I have seen it many times. Adults who have parent that are there to lend/give etc money don't have as much motivation to earn it themselves, why should they. My dh and I have had to work hard to get ahead, we have never had our parents help us. Actually my mom stole a significant amount of money from me(long story and not the time or the place) Earning our own way has given us a heathy respect for working hard and the value of money. We are teaching our ds this same respect and he is a great saver. He works summer jobs and thinks carefully before he buys something. I feel that parents that give to their children in excess are doing them a great disservice. In some ways they may be crippling them financially.
  14. Our thoughts and prayers will be with her, and her friends and family.
  15. What would you do? I would donate half to a sport equipment for 3rd world countries program. This program was started several years ago in memory of a homeschooled boy we knew and it is a wonderful program. The other half would go to Heifer International
  16. I am glad we saved the light. We gave up on fish awhile ago. I started the seeds in a dark room next to the furance to keep them warm. Then we they sprouts I moved them to the light. I keep the light on from 6 am till 9 pm. I had to transplant a few tomatoes today they are getting so big(not leggy though) I am very pleased with the light.
  17. It they are not working out for you family it will probably be a win-win situation if you find them a new home. Keeping them together would be my big priority. I have seen this happen with American Eskimos often. They are a difficult breed to own for some reason. I don't know why, as I am not that familiar with them. You might want to check out if their is a American Eskimo rescue organization. Usually these are a group of people very dedicated to that breed of dog and will go the extra mile to find them a great home. When I was showing Sheltie I aften hfound new homes for dogs that were several years old. I think they always ended up better off because they were the center of attention in the new home and not just part of the group. Note this is some of why I no longer show dogs. I now prefer to just have one dog you it spoiled rotten.
  18. This has done wonders for my talkative ds. He is playing the guitar and it seems to be a way for him to express himself without talking. Music to my ears you could say.
  19. I recently purchased an old book I would like to be able to use for homeschool. It smells of mildew and some of the pages look mildewed. Is there any hope for this book. If so what should I do?
  20. I often receive messages like this. I assume they are fake and delete them. Then I go into my pay pal account via their site and see it their is any message pertaining to my account.
  21. I put things away, and dh dumps everything on the counter. I did get him to put change in a jar. I consider this a huge accomplishment. I will take what I can get.
  22. We did have one political person come to the door. He was a Dem and I answered the door(I am a rep dh is a dem) So I told the guy I would get my dh. During their conversation the guy asked if I would like to hear what he had to say. DH said no she's a Rep. I almost fell of my chair laughing. Not sure why it was so funny I guess you had to be there.
  23. and his dad on acoustic guitar. OK I admit I like listening to them. DS is actually getting pretty good but somes days I do have to request for him to turn down the volume. He will pay the same thing over and over until he gets it right. Recently that has been the theme to MASH I have not had the heart to tell him the words to the song.
  24. then a day or two when the weather gets nice and we want to work on the garden we will take afternoons off. Ds has been working really hard to we are a bit ahead of schedule.
  25. I am going to make sure I can find the milk locally before I order the kit. We are in a resort town and don't have the most well stocked groceries stores.
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