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Everything posted by readwithem

  1. Oh my word. HSLDA had erroneous information on Germany on their website a few years ago when we were considering a transfer. This is ironic but also very sad. I emailed them and will post here if I get a response. Thanks Joan - how horrific for those of you there!! (I realize you're not in Germany but Switzerland but I know it will affect you as well).
  2. I remember you (maybe it's because I used to work right next door to GT) :) Congrats on your ds!! That's wonderful all the way around - that he has a job offer and it's a place he already knows!
  3. :iagree: Wow Lori!! I can't believe she's a mom already. Congratulations to all of you!! Nice to hear from you. Maybe we need a WTG (Well Trained Graduates) board :).
  4. This was my first thought as well, though my copy is out on loan so I can't check it.....
  5. My dd deliberately took the SAT in March two years ago. She was taking a lot of SAT subject tests, and the March testing date is the only date when subject tests aren't available. That was her only reason :glare: She was determined to be "one and done" and was very happy with her score.
  6. Check with the schools where your child is applying. Many schools will accept the January test date, I think the wording is something like "the test date in the month the applications are due" - so if the apps are due 1/1/2012, you could still take the January test. But do check the websites for each school, most have that listed in their application section.
  7. I thought the very same thing when I read your post (on both counts - nice to see YOU my dear friend, and YES on the boy vs. girl thing - or definitely personality thing!!) I haven't been here in a long time - not sure why - probably because I'm really feeling retired from homeschooling :) How was your summer? College girl did SAT prep with some of the "grads" of the inner city school where I tutor during the year - some may be "within range" of National Achievement (they'll be juniors this year) so that is VERY exciting. :)
  8. My dd's post office is a bit out of the way for her. When we went to the post office to put in a forwarding request for the summer, there was a card I had sent about 2 weeks prior :glare: So I don't send too much snail mail - we Skype with her almost every night (I know, it's a girl thing) and email quite frequently. It might just be her personality - but she doesn't seem to really need to get mail.
  9. Here are slim things at Lands End - could he wear the $20 jeans? If you sign up for Lands End emails, you will get an email almost every day - free shipping or 30% off or $50 off $150 - maybe something will work for you :) I'm so sorry you had a bad shopping experience. I break out in a sweat whenever I have to go to the mall.
  10. They'll be mailed to your home, around the middle of July. You can also call and get the results for an $8 fee (per call, not score). http://www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/ap/exgrd_rep.html
  11. This and this. We were aiming for "one and done" and my dd was happy with her score - same as Kareni's dd, she took it in March of her junior year - we also called junior year the year of testing :)
  12. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/15/opinion/15engel.html?_r=2&ref=education
  13. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/15/opinion/15engel.html?_r=2&ref=education The students in the Independent Project are remarkable but not because they are exceptionally motivated or unusually talented. They are remarkable because they demonstrate the kinds of learning and personal growth that are possible when teenagers feel ownership of their high school experience, when they learn things that matter to them and when they learn together. In such a setting, school capitalizes on rather than thwarts the intensity and engagement that teenagers usually reserve for sports, protest or friendship.
  14. Nobody can predict Ivy acceptance, particularly at age 4.:001_huh:
  15. http://www.abc26.com/news/nationworld/sns-rt-usreport-us-lawsuit-tre72d7fa-20110314,0,2056857.story
  16. Off the top of my head, I'd think it has to do with the weather more than anything else. I read the post office in Atlanta was closed for a full week. A package I sent to my college daughter took 2 1/2 weeks to arrive, 10 days longer than the post office predicted. So I think they're taking into account that many schools have had lots of snow days this year - here in the DFW area, schools have been closed for a total of 5 days. :eek: ETA I just read Jane's reply and I may have misinterpreted your question. I thought you were saying they had extended the deadline for students to submit applications.
  17. I did this many moons ago, but I lived at home and went to a 4 year commuter college. Is there some place close to home where your ds could start, with the possibility of transferring? Does your ds have any particular reason he wants to graduate early?
  18. Since it looks like your ds might be NMF, I would look at Univ of Tulsa. They have a good chem engineering program, and offer full ride to NMF.
  19. I'll join your broken record :) (maybe we can make it a duet!) :grouphug: A common theme on College Confidential is "Love thy safety." A safety is a school where your child has 75% or more chance of being accepted *and* a school which you and your family can afford. To find financial safeties, you can look for schools where your child's scores and grades are in the upper 25% of accepted students for that school. ETA not meaning to direct this toward Jane, just to the thread in general.
  20. Jane - Your ds isn't alone. My dd is still surprised every Sunday night when her hall goes into panic mode because people have played all weekend. It's as if they're surprised that Monday morning will always follow Sunday (and Saturday and Friday) night.....
  21. I think you still might find a deal within 30 days of departure, though typically fares drop if you check mid-week (which would be now). Is there another airport you could try on either end? I wonder whether a larger airport would offer more competition and lower fares (since Dana mentioned that airport is small).
  22. We love the Rome game. It's different enough from the original game to make it worthwhile. You have foot armies, calvary armies, and have to "settle" (not sure whether that's the right word) in 5 different locations. Everybody gets resources and a chance to take actions on every move.
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