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Everything posted by SilverMoonlight

  1. Nope, they are not specifically Catholic at all. I was a leader for a few years, and while our group *was* mainly Catholic, the reason you may see so many Catholic groups is because many conservative Catholics are quite uncomfortable with some aspects of Girl Scouts, so are turning to AHG. I know of one diocese that will not allow any Girl Scout sponsored troops in parishes anymore, but has welcomed the AHG program. But there is nothing particularly Catholic about AHG at all. Any denomination should be able to use it.
  2. My two older ones had/have always read above grade level (my oldest dd especially), youngest reads below, but is being tested for dyslexia.
  3. I used to do my own, but after so many years, I just want to not think about for awhile. So I am using a set Curriculum for most things (Oak Meadow.) And we like it. :D I have used CHC in the past. Sadly, it ended up really grating on my nerves.:blushing:
  4. Yup, I like that one :D ...and that one too... And now I will need to go look at that one... ETA: :lol: I was already a member there, I just forgot. :lol:
  5. I just got a Nook for my birthday, and I love it. I was very unsure which I wanted - Kindle or Nook - but for me, the Nook's ability to work with the library was a major factor in Nook's favor. Now - I have to say - I love *books.* I was concerned I was not going to like reading on an e-reader. I had read that it was totally different than reading on the computer - and it is. No eye strain at all. It took all of about 30 minutes, and I was totally in love with my Nook. I have read more in the past few weeks than I have in quite awhile - not sure why that is, but it is. Downloading books is easy ( I did have to have a credit card on my B&N account, but have pretty much mostly just used gift cards for anything I wanted to buy - but there are SO many free books available, too.) I also love that almost every book has a "free preview" so I can see if it is a book I will like enough to actually buy or not.
  6. Just a sort of BTDT post... Sorry - I didn't read any of the other posts. (I too easily freak myself out.) I don't have depression, but I do have Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia, which kept me literally housebound for a few years. I finally have a doctor (and she is just a regular family doctor...) that I trust completely and have started meds. I have to tell you, meds - any pills, really, even vitamins - are a MAJOR panic trigger for me. I have had doctors and therapists trying to get me on an SSRI for at least 7 years. But I wouldn't do it. I was absolutely terrified, especially of SSRIs. I can't even begin to explain how bad the panic would hold me if I even held a pill in my hand. The doctor I go to now actually has Panic Disorder herself. She knew exactly what I was going through. She offered to come and sit at my house with me on her day off all day and watch movies or whatever when I started the meds, so she could be there if I started to feel weird or anything. I also have her home number - not an "after hours service" - and I know I can call her or text her if I ever have a problem. I am now on daily Xanax, and have started on Zoloft, and we are upping the dose VERY slowly. And I am finally - after YEARS - getting my life back. I can leave my house for periods of time. I can go into Target. I can go to Church sometimes. A little TMI, but my IBS, which was verging on debilitating, has improved DRASTICALLY. I still haven't worked up the courage to drive, but at least I am riding in the car now, which before, I literally did not leave the house. I tried every natural remedy possible. But - Xanax and Zoloft are literally giving me my life back (and no weight gain, etc.). I know some people have problems with meds (which is why I skipped reading the posts, because I know I am still susceptible to scary thoughts....) but so far, all I can say is I wish I had done this sooner. :o
  7. Oh - I *totally* agree it could be. Absolutely. But she already has so much internal scarring, we just didn't (and now that she is older she doesn't) want to take any chances, kwim?
  8. My oldest daughter (21), who was born with congenital kidney issues, and has had more than her fair share of UTIs and kidney infections, has been told by more than one doctor not to take baths.
  9. I had one sibling, an older brother seven years my senior. He passed away last July. I sort of needed an "other" for the 'how close are you' part, as he had a brain tumor when he was two and as a result of that and a few strokes was profoundly & severely retarded. So it was not your normal sibling relationship, but I love(d) him tremendously, and one of the few words he was able to say when he was younger before he lost all ability to talk was La-La, which was what he called me - and he often reached out with his non-paralyzed hand to touch me, so I believe he loved me too.
  10. I'm the one with major anxiety (actually full blown Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia, which is what can happen when you wait too long to get treatment...or are afraid of treatment, etc...) After trying every natural remedy out there, I am finally on Zoloft and Xanax, and am finally, finally getting my life back - tho slowly and with a lot of hard work. Don't let it escalate. I lost SO many *years* of my life due to panic disorder & agoraphobia, that I can never get back.
  11. My oldest dd21 had told me about the website called AntiDuckface - I hesitate to link it because some of the content may be inappropriate - but that is possibly the spoof site mentioned. So goofy.
  12. The majority of our family consists of night owls - except for ds12, who just has never needed as much sleep in general. I let my kids sleep until they wake up in the morning (unless we need to be somewhere...) and it works just fine for our family. We feel that if they are sleeping, their body must need it, and that is fine with us. My DH works nights, and is home in the mornings/early afternoon with our family - so we do more homeschooling later in the day anyway. I have always thought it was so odd that being a night owl sometimes seems to have a stigma attached to it (lazy, etc.) while being a morning person is the "right" way to be. I felt guilty for years because I have never been a morning person, but would try so hard to act like one. Then I realized - if I get everything done that needs to be done, who cares what time it says on the clock? I feel better at nights, where in the mornings, I can barely function. :rolleyes:
  13. :iagree: And yes, we apologize to our children when we are in the wrong. I can't imagine not doing so.
  14. I feel the exact same way - and my DH works nights EVERY night. It's funny, because right now my mom is visiting, so I can go to bed when I get tired, and not HAVE to wait for DH to come home :rolleyes:. I'm "safe" because my 70 year old Mom is here to protect us all and beat off the bad guys :blush:. I also hate when I *am* the only 'grownup' home, and there is a noise or something, and my kids will get spooked but then feel safe when they crawl into bed or the couch with me. I feel like such a fraud - as I am probably almost as freaked as they are, but I have to act like "everything is fine, no big deal." :blush:
  15. That's the exact one I have in my netflix instant watch, and have for a long time, because I want to watch it, but at the same time, I don't! :blush: Scary movies really *do* scare me, and my DH works nights, so after I watch one I am usually wound up for a few nights after, and hear noises, and jump at everything.... But - I still sort of like to watch them too. I do NOT like gory movies, or slasher films, tho.
  16. That's great!!!! Congratulations! I lost 2 pounds (I hadn't been trying to, but I found out when I went to my dr appointment on the 27th...) but I was so excited about that that I think I may have ended up putting them right back on....:blushing:
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