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Everything posted by Tenaj

  1. It makes me crazy. I have been known to ask if they have lost their ear buds.
  2. Tenaj


    Wordle 386 5/6 ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ 🟨⬛⬛⬛🟨 ⬛🟩🟩⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩⬛🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  3. Tenaj


    Wordle 385 4/6 ⬛🟨⬛🟨🟨 ⬛⬛⬛⬛🟩 🟨🟨⬛🟨🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 My streak of three's is over
  4. Tenaj


    Wordle 384 3/6 🟨⬛🟨⬛⬛ ⬛⬛🟩⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  5. Tenaj


    I'm bragging on this one: Wordle 383 3/6 ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛🟨⬛⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  6. Tenaj


    I had flunk and then flump (which I had no idea was a word and was shocked when Wordle accepted it as a guess but now I like it and will look for ways to use it daily)
  7. We always "run the sweeper" here in Ohio.
  8. My mom was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney disease in March of 2021. She changed her diet and her kidney function improved for about 6 months. She had other health issues however which led to her passing in December of 2021. Her heart and kidneys were failing at that time but she also had broken her neck in a fall and I think her mechanical heart valve started failing at about the same time. She was 79 so I'm assuming that's why there was no talk of transplant but she also had other stuff going on. My great aunt was in her mid eighties when diagnosed with kidney issues. She did dialysis for about a month and then decided to stop it. It made her exhausted and she was confined to a nursing home because she was too weak to go home. She had been very active right up to that time so mentally I think it was very difficult for her.She passed about 4 days after ending the dialysis in her sleep.
  9. Thanks for all of your thoughts and advice. It helped me clarify what the issues are and how to keep the relationships going forward in a good way for all involved. I'm going to delete the original post now.
  10. This is what I've been concerned about! The girls are going through a bit of distancing just because of maturity levels (my dd is almost 13, friend is just 10). They are involved in different groups now and my dd has branched out a bit with sports and social activities that don't involve her friend so they don't have quite as much in common as they used to. I don't want a natural distancing that's happening because of interests to become twisted up into the family issues with the younger girl feeling left out.
  11. No car for the 18yo unfortunately. That would make a difference - see my other answer though that I'm fairly certain another friend will be there with a car and that they would all stick together.
  12. (1) Yes, I'm sure of it and honestly have suspected for a long time that something was "off" but no actual evidence and none of my kids have ever mentioned anything. (2) I've thought of that, too. I'm fairly certain kids are safe when there and actually realized after I posted that usually this party involves more than just my kids so there will be a larger group there. (3) Not really. 18 year old does not drive and they are a half hour away from us or anyone in our family that can get there. On the other hand, I'm fairly sure that one of my 18yods other friends who I hold in high regard will be there and he has a car. I'm sure that if something did happen that was uncomfortable or unsafe they would all stick together. (4) The only concern I had is that now that the course case is over, he may be back at home. I do trust the mom because she has never been anything but loving and careful with my kids.
  13. Well, I can't go - my dh and I have another commitment so it would be my ds(18), ds(14) and dd(12) attending the party at their house. The easiest thing would be for me to not let my two youngest go but then I think of their youngest (best friends with my youngest) and I feel so bad for her 😟
  14. Thanks for all who responded. I knew there would be wise counsel here 🙂
  15. Praying for you that all goes well and that your dad can have peace and acceptance. It's so hard!
  16. November 29, 1999. Some Christmas gifts for the kids. Marker sets in a cute carrying case.
  17. My son had Covid last December so we aren't sure what variant he had but he lost the taste and smell after he was physically feeling better so maybe 5 or 6 days in? He still has moments where it isn't right. For instance, I made peanut butter chocolate chip cookies last week and offered a plate for him to take to his apartment but he stopped and tasted a corner first and decided to leave them here because they didn't taste right 😞
  18. My grandson's daycare closed so I got to babysit because my dd's workplace did not close. It was a bit of an annoying situation for her because they didn't announce it until Wednesday before so she felt a lot of people probably had to scramble. My dd's workplace had been basically shut down for about two weeks because of a Covid outbreak so she thought that's why they didn't shut down - it's a business where clients need to be able to see the office personnel (apartment complex). I have a lot of elderly people in my immediate, nearby family at the moment so there was some tongue-clucking and head-shaking when they heard that my grandson's daycare was closed for Juneteenth. I enjoyed explaining the holiday's significance to them in support of the holiday. Hopefully, some attitudes were changed or at least reconsidered.
  19. I recently shared on another thread about my mil's 'compliment' when I had a houseful of small children. "I'm so glad you spend time playing with the kids rather than cleaning the bathroom" Another classic by the same person to anyone who is heavier-weight than her "Here you take the baby, you have more comfortable shoulders with padding than I have. I'm all skin and bones". I could go on. It's just part of life now 😬
  20. I would offer to watch the kids once in a while so that she can have a few hours to herself - especially if you can take the kids to your house or somewhere so she has a few hours by herself in her own house to do whatever she wants. But I would not volunteer to clean or to help her clean unless she specifically asks. I would have taken such an offer as a criticism. My MIL story: When I had a houseful of small children (probably 5 or 6 at that point), she was over and used my bathroom. She came out and said that she was so glad that I spent time with my kids rather than cleaning my bathroom. I was mortified. She is the queen of couching a criticism in a compliment and that was just one of many instances.
  21. We have a lot of boys - LOL! When our oldest son was married, we still had a house full of younger kids and really no money to spare. We did the rehearsal dinner and never really offered more. We did end up buying seven suits (which is no small amount of money) for all our guys, a flower girl dress and shoes and helped out with manpower through the whole weekend and the lead up. Our next son is getting married in November. We will do the rehearsal dinner and outfit everyone again. But, can I brag for a moment? My son told me he has specifically been saving money for his wedding even before he had an inkling of the current relationship (or any relationship). He wanted his wife-to-be to have the wedding she had always dreamed of so he started saving during college. And he is paying for the whole thing .. . well, we'll do the rehearsal dinner, a grandmother bought the dress and the parents of the bride are doing some of the small stuff but that's what they have worked out and it just makes me smile every time I think about it. They are having it at a venue and having a full meal so they are doing it up bigger than I would think was necessary but I just think it's really cool that he thought ahead.
  22. Thanks for all the responses. My dh and I are going to start the hunt for a new dentist. He is due for a checkup so he's going to be our first guinea pig 🙂. I'm going to ignore the referral and try some exercises in my own. I feel so relieved.
  23. My dentist, whom I've been going to for years (probably at least 15) has suddenly become a dentist/TMJ/Sleep Disorder Center instead of just a dentist. Six months ago I had a regular cleaning with his new dental hygienist and it was the most awful cleaning I have ever had. She was rough and condescending. My whole mouth hurt for hours after she was done and this was after having had a dental cleaning six months before that where I was told by a different Hygienist at the same practice that I had just come in to brag because there was nothing to clean. Anyway, during that cleaning I was told that I have been grinding my teeth for years (but my dh never hears it) and that I probably have sleep apnea (no evidence of that at all, no snoring, no extra tiredness) and that also, I need to bleach my teeth (this was all the hygienist). I explained that I have some tooth sensitivity and that's why I don't bleach but she pooh-poohed that idea. Anyway, then the dentist comes in and without warning grabs my neck and wrenches it one way then the other and then informs me that I am tense (yeah - because your new hygienist is obnoxious and you just grabbed my neck). He then said I probably needed a sleep study and physical therapy to get rid of my headaches . . . which I told him I don't have. I ignored all the advice but did buy a over the counter mouth guard and decided to find a different dentist. Fast forward to today. In a weak moment yesterday I agreed to fill a cancelled appointment they had for a cleaning. Different hygienist and she was fine. All is well, dentist comes in, grabs my neck again and wrenches it again and informs me that I need physical therapy because I must have headaches because my range of motion is so small and I am so tense and he can tell this. He writes up a referral for this therapy and despite my reservations, I accept it. Has anyone else had this experience? Is this a new thing for dentists? Have you had this type of physical therapy? I'll admit that my neck does seem "stiff" at times but I just figured it was normal ageing stuff but I don't have headaches at all - I mean, maybe once or twice a year when ill. They've already called to schedule and I'm just really torn about this. If it's something that will head off a future problem, I'm willing, but if its just this dentist drumming up business for himself and this therapist, I'm not really ok with it. While I was in the chair, the obnoxious hygienist was in the next room and I heard the end of one appointment and the beginning of another appointment and in both of them she was telling the patients that they need to wear a mouth guard at night for grinding and bleach their teeth. That makes me think this is just their new push on all their patients. And since he's become an "expert" in TMJ that's also his new routine? I just want a dentist to take care of my teeth . . leave my neck alone!!!! Please share any experiences you've had specifically with this type of neck therapy. Thanks!
  24. My 28yodd tested positive yesterday. She was at our house on Monday for a family gathering, got the body aches on Thursday and now she's worried about her grandparents and elderly aunt who were here also on Monday. Her 2yods was sick last week and she tested him but it was negative so she didn't think any more about it even though there had been two cases in his daycare. Then she found out that a coworker who was out sick at the end of last week had Covid. She was covering for him in his absence and physically worked in his office the whole day Friday and had to deal with nasty trash (takeout food containers) that he had left. No one told her he had Covid. Then on Tuesday she went to cover for him again but he was back. They were in the same room for five minutes. That's when she found out he had had Covid. So she was either exposed last week or early this week and either we were all exposed or not. She was feeling a bit better yesterday but her lower eye lids were swollen. I think I've heard of eye involvement for some people?
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