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Everything posted by AuntieM

  1. The single biggest aggravator of my dry eyes - climate control in the automobile. I would suggest that when you were camping, you were in a forested area, perhaps near a body of water, that provided a more humid environment? Perhaps try putting a humidifier in your bedroom overnight, or if you have a whole-house system, adjust the interior humidity. If you usually sleep with a ceiling fan, turn it off. Just trying to think of some things - each person is different and may be off base. When my eyes feel dry, I also use warm compresses on my eyes, to stimulate the flow of oil from the oil glands. More oil will keep a lubricating film. It's possible your blurry vision is a symptom of blepharitis (do a board search for more info). If you get that oil flowing regularly, you will feel blurry for a bit, but follow with drops and things should clear. You can also try to wash your eyelashes with a dab of tear-free baby shampoo in the mornings. My eye doc thought I was borderline for need of Restasis, but I can keep my dry eye in check with compresses and OTC moisturizing drops. I can't remember now what the side effects of Restasis are, but at the time I remember thinking they didn't sound good to me.
  2. We've found them in garages at two of our houses. And these were no small spiders. Each of them had a body diameter about the size of a quarter, not including the legs.
  3. Never heard it, but love it! Well, maybe not the actual word (it's a bit awkward), but the concept. That's the reason I do not like to shop with other people. Or maybe now I will, and just teach them some new vocabulary.
  4. Amy, you are so NOT a flake! If things had remained what you committed to, fine. But they've not. So you have every right to back out (and in your shoes, I'd do the same). I am just snickering a bit trying to imagine the "What are we gonna do about a microscope NOW?!!" conversation amongst the remaining members. :D
  5. :iagree: Of course, the available school situation would have to be factored into the decision. If we were in an unsafe school district, maybe not. I believe in home schooling. I do not believe in homeschooling *at ALL costs*. Certainly I would look at all the options, and engage in much fervent prayer about which path to take, but the bottom line for me is that we don't homeschool out of fear of the educational alternatives. We school at home (or out) based on what is best for each child and our family unit in each given season. So, based on that, yes, I would likely return to the workforce before I let my home be foreclosed upon. But that's just me, and opinions & circumstances will certainly vary.
  6. Oh, wonderful! And yes, low iron can make you feel terrible. I feel like I lost several years of an active lifestyle to anemia. I hope you will start feeling better soon. Now this may be a bit personal, but when you go pick up your iron pills I recommend you also get a container of Konsul. It is the most effective fiber supplement I know. I you don't end up needing it, you have a rare constitution. ;)
  7. If you are sketching from microscope study, it will take a looking time for everyone to finish if there's only one good scope. How can you share a dissection kit? Everyone needs a specimen and a pan, right? So, two at the most for sharing (lab partner concept). If you need to keep cost down, do one dissection on an overhead projector. But that defeats the purpose of the class, no? In our experience, the fees associated with lab classes are high enough to cover the cost of all supplies, consumable and non. If you want to offer coops year after year, maybe you could make an investment in lab equipment for a group and recoup your cost through annual fees. But if you just want to do it for your own kids, no. You don't have to say that you don't want to share. Just use the excuse that time constraints require a maximum of 2/3 students per microscope. And may I just say, there is no soft spot in my heart for coop freeloaders.
  8. Yes, freezing will do the trick, that's what we did with beloved stuffed animals. But washing is best, since it's not actually the mites themselves that cause the reaction, it's their...droppings. The wash temperature must be a minimum of 120 degrees to kill the mites, so set your water heater accordingly. Many folks turn that down when there are small kids in the house, then never readjust it. Your water needs to be HOT. In addition to the covers mentioned above, put one on the box spring, too. Then take duct tape or packing tape and cover the zippers. Agreeing with carpet removal - I might try an area rug and just vacuum it regularly. For us, the bigest problems were just flat surfaces - shelves, dresser tops - and old books. That meant taking all book and knick-knack shelves out of the bedroom. Any books from the library or resale venues were quarantined to the freezer for at least 24 hours before reading. FWIW, my oldest ds had immunotherapy from ages 6-10 He was highly reactive to many things, but now, at 17, he is virtually reaction free. I hope you will have similar success.
  9. Extreme fatigue and hair loss were my first (and worst) symptoms.
  10. I had several of those symptoms. Also, are you having any shortness of breath? Unexplained desire to chew ice? [ETA - Copious hair loss is another symptom. Also, my mom had severe anemia (like another poster below, shehad to be hospitalized and transfused a shocking amount of blood, 4 pints). She actually had severe chest pains and went in thinking she was having a heart attack.] The bruising is not something I experienced, and it is something that would cause me to investigate further. I do not mean to be an alarmist, but my doc told me, because he wanted to order the lab work and knew I would read the orders, something like this: "When we see a patient with your symptoms, acute anemia is a likely cause. However, we also do a routine test for leukemia. I just need to be up front with you about that." Anemia was it for me, but it was good to know that another serious potential cause had been ruled out. It all depends on your doc's attitude. Does he seem generally dismissive of your issues ("oh, you just need a little iron, that'll fix you right up!"), or did he truly seem to listen and be interested in determining exactly what's going on?
  11. Sadly, I agree. But I have to admit, I'm glad it's becoming recognizable. Over the past several years, I've found myself going against the current of home schoolers around me, and being made to feel like the one who's in error. Because I'm no longer "conservative" enough to fit the old mold (the one that hasn't noticed its own drift towards unquestioning patriarchy). It's good to know that I'm not the only one feeling and seeing it.
  12. Well, why not go the whole nine yards... Paint a wall like stone castle blocks. Make a portcullis out of a big cardboard box and hang it atop the doorway. Get a couple of faux-flame torch-style wall sconces. Maybe just blow up the images on the covers of Paolini's four books and paint them on the walls.
  13. Well, there ya go. Please choose to let this go and enjoy your dd's excitement at being a bridesmaid. There are many ways to be a part of a group. I now must tell you that due to the nature of my job, I attend at least 3'weddings each month. It is very rare for the entire bridal party to sit at one table. And when they do sit, it is for a VERY short time. Many of them can barely wait for the moment to jump ship from the head table to go be with who they really want to share the party with.
  14. I was just doing some math. Your family - if everyone in your sig line attends - makes a full table of 8. Remove you and your dd, that leaves two seats. Maybe the seating availability is such that she needs those seats for other guests, and cannot come up with a pair of two that would be a good match for a table of children/youth. I think it is perfectly logical that those two seats be occupied by you and your dd, creating a complete table of 8.
  15. Well, I'd be thinking, "Thank goodness!" It's not all that fun to sit at the head table. Too many people taking pics, pointing and looking. And I would personally much rather sit with my own family. There are many decisions a bride has to make, trying not to hurt feelings here and there. She is probably nervous about your response. Just be a gracious person and let it go, and assure her that you are happy with whatever seating arrangements she thinks best. Anyway, that's how I would handle it.
  16. Oh, Ria, with the news I have been thinking of you. Will definitely pray. :grouphug:
  17. Hey Lisa, I followed that other thread as a spectator only, but want to jump in here to echo the others in saying that it was completely understandable. I knew you were talking about your DID and also appreciate both your candidness and sense of humor. No worries!
  18. Oh, no... wish there were magic words... :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Please know that we are standing by your side in prayer.
  19. Well, not counting things like Bedknobs & Broomsticks, I'm also in the Jaws club. You've never seen popcorn fly so high. When, under the deserted fishing boat, where there's a hole.... you know the scene...
  20. In this case, the motive escapes me. I mean, underneath their ludicrous exterior, this group operates to generate revenue through inciting lawsuits. Could they possibly generate income via a trip of this nature? My only guess is that this is extortion on a grand scale. Perhaps they think if they threaten loud enough, someone will cough up some cash to pay them to *not* go.
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