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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. My Grandmother-IL made sugar cookies for a bake sale, but put fork marks on the top like peanut butter cookies. Many people insisted that they were peanut-butter, and swore they could taste the peanut-butter, even though she was right there telling people that she cooked them and there was no peanut-butter in them. :willy_nilly: And I had a similar experience like a pp, but it was an aunt. It was at my 18th birthday party, I had just become engaged to my honey (7 years in October!) and she told my in-laws-to-be that they should just give us a box of condoms and tell us to go at it rather than get married. :glare: (We're conservation Christians, she's not.)
  2. I would like to point out that 1/2 of the reason my post/day ratio is so high is because I make it a point to quote people who are especially witty! So I am not ashamed :D
  3. I first learned about him on the "Where in time is Carmen SanDiago?" game (LOVED IT!) I think I may have learned about him in middle school after that, using PACE, but I can't remember if I ever heard about him in ps...
  4. I've had people think my little boys with the beautiful curly hair (and "Ladies Man" shirts on) were girls. I wondered if my baby was mine the first time I saw him. Both dh and I have dark-dark brown hair and he was born with blond hair and blue eyes. :001_smile: And I was SHOCKED when my ds#2 who was born at 32 weeks had a FULL head of dark hair!
  5. You can make a slip cover for the couch in a green fabric that you like. I think you are more likely to find a fabric that you like than a sofa.
  6. I wasn't justifying saying it! It was a self-actualization comment. Having been asked those questions many times, and not being offended by them, I hadn't thought about others being offended by it. I guess you missed my post where I said I wouldn't be doing it anymore.
  7. LOVE that one! :001_wub: I own it :D I absolutely refuse to watch any other version. Interesting that the higher vocabulary words made us think of older literature...
  8. I am a sight reader and a terrible speller, so I did not do as well as I would have hoped. :001_unsure: It even seamed like they made up some words to test your honesty. I haven't been reading new books lately. Just re-reading books I have. I need to start stretching my self. Was anyone else reminded of pirates and Shakespeare by the words?
  9. My resting place is the dark corner of the closet which is the only place that clean :001_rolleyes:
  10. Okay, I will admit that I say stupid stuff sometimes. When someone has 3 or either gender, I'll ask if they want to try again for the other gender. And I said the other day that I didn't want to risk having four boys (talking about if we would try for a girl if hypothetical #3 was a boy) and there was someone there who had four boys. I will learn to keep my mouth shut. But I'm an equal-opportunity offender :001_smile: I ask most parents that I have met more than just at the park (and sometimes them too if we talk a lot) if they're going to have more. But I never comment one way or the other, what ever the answer is. I just thought it's what you ask after "What's his/her name?" and "How old is s/he?"
  11. I was just told by someone who has been very involved with the process of the new gay history bill that it applies to private schools as well as public schools and that homeschoolers (since we register as private schools) will be tested on it. Is this true? Has anyone on here heard this? I thought standardized testing for homeschoolers in CA was optional :confused:
  12. OP, where did you grow up/receive the bulk of your education? I think that might have more influence on whether you've heard of it or not than your age. I just learned the other day that denying the Holocaust is a crime in Germany.
  13. There was a post some days back where a wife shared something special her husband did. I wanted to share something mine had done, but I didn't want to hijack the thread. So I thought it would be nice to have a thread where we can all brag about our husbands :001_wub: I'll start! A month ago I was sick for over a week (not cold/flu sick, a yuckier sick.) He was really worried and insisted that I go to the doctor, even though our insurance wouldn't have covered it and I thought I might be getting better. His argument was that if I died he would have to raise the kids all by himself and he'd have to put the kids in public school and they wouldn't get an individualized education. :001_rolleyes: Once we decided to homeschool he has never once wavered in his support, even when I have doubts about my abilities. I am so grateful for that.
  14. Hmmm, I should have chosen "other," because I voted with my mother's age, but it wasn't my mother who raised me. It was my grandmother. I didn't see where I can change my vote?
  15. I think in a world where yellow circles are more and more likely to be...confronted, they have a right to have a space free from possible confrontation. Even if the individual blue squares, orange circles, and purple circles were well behaved shapes. Would you be asking the same question if it were blue squares wanting to have their own confrontation-free group?
  16. Family or Relatives? Isn't that like asking "Plants or vegetation?" :confused:
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