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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. And I can't understand that. I know having the Holy Spirit doesn't keep us from sinning, and doesn't even keep us from sometimes desiring to sin, but believing those actions are a sin, and continue doing it...how do they reconcile that?
  2. I pick and choose the activities from Slow & Steady. I wanted to do every activity from day 1 for ds2, but he was born premature and we had problems and it was all I could do to get through the days (I had also wanted to do baby signs, too.) Year 4-5 is mostly learning the alphabet, one letter a week, which ds1 already knew when he was 3, and ds2 knows at 2.5 years old. If you can do it and it works, that's great! But I wouldn't worry about being behind if you don't do all of it. And you don't have to wait until they're a certain age to do some of the older stuff if they're ready for it. ETA We are planning on following WTM VERY closely, with room for adjustments. Our kindergarten is a bit more than described/recommended, but it's what ds is enjoying doing. I still haven't got my hands on the science books recommended, but I want to.
  3. I picked "I have watched it once or twice and refuse to allow it back into my house" even though I wasn't at my house when I watched it.
  4. This is something I have often wondered, but I can't ask anyone I know without hurting their feelings. I'm not judging, but I am curious how practicing Christian justify having...teA...with someone they are not married to. I like to think I know my Bible pretty well, but is there something in there that lets some people think it's okay? Because I was strictly brought up to believe that it's a sin. (Which may or may not be labeled as such in the Bible.) You can PM me if you want, but there were other Christianity questions being asked, so it seemed like a good time.
  5. My 14-year-old-self would be thrilled that I didn't end up an old maid librarian living in a tiny apartment living off Subway. (Which was the plan at the time.) At that age I was convinced that no one would love me, and that my childhood dream of being a stay-at-home mommy would never happen. I would probably be surprised that I was homeschooling, but I would think my kids were super cute-which they are :D
  6. :iagree: This, or just plain on a club cracker. I loved the herring like that :)
  7. I'm saying I'd like to bump you up so that maybe you'll get a reply and I'll get the recipe, too. My husband LOVES popcorn chicken, but I don't think you can do that in a crock-pot :001_smile:
  8. I believe it is both, not either or. ETA 3+3 is one step less, in my way of thinking, than 2+2+2, so I think that would be easier to do mentally.
  9. "Other" it depends on the meatloaf. I make mine with Stove Top and my husband loves it. I made the Quaker Oatmeal recipe and he didn't like it at all.
  10. :lol: There isn't a devil grinning simile, just an angel, or I would have used it M :D <-- There, I made horns.
  11. :lol: I have a friend who has offered to lend me her daughters for tea parties, but they're still a little to young yet. I have a BEAUTIFUL china tea set if you want to have a tea party :D I have some delicious recipes for finger sandwiches!
  12. My favorite game at that age was to pick a dollar amount (like $500, or $1000, you know, a number that could NEVER happen :D) and write out everything I wanted and how much it added up to.
  13. :grouphug: I really want a daughter to do all the girly things that my guardians didn't do with me, but I'm figuring that with 2 older brothers she'd most likely be a tom-boy and uninterested it dolls and tea parties. :sad:
  14. I did the exact same thing when I was 19, plus Karate 3 days/week. I ended up getting really sick and having to drop EVERYTHING. (I worked at Subway and every time I showed up I'd end up fainting from the heat of the oven or puking.) I had to withdraw from classes because I missed so many. And I never got past green belt (couldn't afford it after that.) Unless he desperately needs the money, imho, it's not worth the risk to his health.
  15. I sort all my supplies, stickers, papers, by theme. I have a whole box just for Christmas. It has all the theme papers, stickers, ribbons that were part of a Christmas kit, etc. Then, when I need something for Christmas, I know where to find it. Same with all other holidays, seasons, themes.
  16. Thank you, everyone, for responding! I guess I can make this work after all. Does anyone has any specific books to recommend?
  17. I have been blessed with a simi-non-disfuntional in-law family who is very supportive of our homeschooling their only grandchildren/nephews. My fil is a HUGE history buff, and he really wants to be involved with teaching the boys (he lives 5 minutes away.) He mentioned this when we were over there yesterday. He believes very strongly that our history should be American-centric, and did not at all like the idea of it coming up only once every 4 years (we plan to follow the WTM 4 year course.) His exact words were "That scares me." His reason is that too few American students know the history of their country well. Right now our only focus in history to give ds the idea that things were not always they way they are now. I'm buying some picture books that were recommended on here. Also, I intend to go over the history in "What your Kindergartener Should Know." And then start in with SOTW and the Ancients next fall. Does anyone on here have experience with teaching American history at the same time as SOTW? I imagine the American history would have little to no context. Would not teaching both at the same time be confusing? If you've done this, what curriculum for the American history did you use? Does anyone have any advice about helping fil feel good about my choices? I am sure he would read the history part of WTM if I asked him to, but I doubt it would change his mind. Please help!
  18. But Halloween teaches them to shaaaare! Sharing with Mommy, that is :D
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