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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. I did say in the sentence after the one you quoted that it only should count if there was enough of it, which there rarely is.
  2. Oh! This reminded me of the Surprise Funeral Home in AZ. :lol:
  3. :smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5: I don't have one to add, but I've got tearz in my eye's. (;))
  4. Okay, maybe I'm the only one who thinks this, but calling ketchup a veggie is the same as calling applesauce a fruit, imho. If there's enough ketchup (not that you'd need enough to make a whole serving) I don't have a problem with that counting. A better example is tomato sauce on pizza (again, if the volume was enough) or spaghetti sauce. :lol: LOVE it!
  5. They SEARCHED the kids' lunches to make sure they met guidelines?!?! :eek::svengo:
  6. :grouphug: I've always assumed the day was suppose to be about the bride and groom, and everyone else seems to think it's about everyone else. :glare: I think in your circumstances you could do something wedding-like, as long as you're ready for dealing with family. Find someone who will fight for what you want to help you. I'm too far away from my sister geographically to be her champion. :sad:
  7. I think vow renewals somehow implies that your commitment the first time wasn't enough (I know, I'm picky/grumpy like that.) But dh has mentioned doing it several times, in a kinda redo/better wedding. :001_huh: He talks about doing things differently/having more money to spend, while I am perfectly happy with our first wedding. :glare: Granted, we were young and it was an inexpensive wedding, but I don't need anything else. I think if I did anything like that I would add new vows that we wrote ourselves, instead of repeating the original ones. But if you never had any wedding I think it would be okay to do something nice. I wouldn't wear a white dress, and I don't know about marching down an aisle, but I'm sure it could be a great excuse for a both-sides-of-the-family reunion. Flowers are definitely okay in my book. Kids could throw confetti on you or something. Congrats on the 5 years! :party: And a word of advice from someone who didn't let anyone control my wedding (and had to fight a lot of battles to keep it that way, :glare:) and from someone who is currently watching other people control my sister's wedding :glare:, and from someone who is still hearing negative things about my brother's wedding last November :glare:: do it your way, do it with your and your husband's style, and don't let other people dictate how you decide to celebrate your love and commitment.
  8. We've used it for, I think, the past 7 years. We are in a similar position, minus the out of state money, and we are very happy with them. I do remember a part of the process asking about out of state income, so it is covered. We were annoyed with the extra cost to take the cost of the program out of our refund, but we didn't have the money to pay out of our account, so we had to do that. We did the online version, the next one up from the free/minimal one.
  9. :smilielol5: :thumbup: Homecoming mums - do you know what I am talking about? Is this like your MIL wanting to move in with you?
  10. I grew up in a "church" that did stuff very differently than mainstream Christianity, who taught that THEY were the only True Church, and if you celebrated Christmas, Halloween, Valentine's Day, Easter, Saint Patric's Day, than you were pagan. If you ate unclean foods or didn't keep a sundown-Friday to sundown-Saturday Sabbath then you didn't really love God. So I grew up with this belife that I was right and everyone else in my class was wrong. They thought it was weird that I was kept from school on those holiday celebration days at school. So I grew up with virtually no friends. I was weird. Because of that I started reading a lot of books in my free time, which earned me the label "the Girl who reads at recess." I was perfectly fine with that. In high school I relished their...not hatred, but rejection of me as a badge of honor. If they were so wrong about everything then them rejecting me was a good thing. It took a certain young man and the love and grace of his faith to help me get out of that mindset. I still embrace that which makes me different, it's who I am. I'll always be an outsider, I still have trouble making friends. And I'm worried that my sons are growing up to be outsiders, too. I'm trying really hard to find a local homeschooling group. I know how important it is that they have friends. I'm not sure if any of that answers your questions, but I hope it helps to know you're not alone in your alonness :D
  11. Congratulations! What a beautiful ring! I became engaged on my 18th birthday and we were married 5 months later. We've been "together" for 10 years (starting from when he first "asked me out") and married 7 years. It can work and I hope all happiness for you both. :001_smile:
  12. It being Amy makes it more probably than any of the main family. I don't like her because she seems like she's always doing things for the camera, trying to get attention. And though she says she respects the Duggars' beliefs, she says lots of things that are the opposite that seem intentionally to get more camera time. And that has nothing to do with her wearing pants or showing ankles. :tongue_smilie:
  13. Dh and his sister are big fans. I think his favorite is Touch of Satan. There are a TON of them on Netflix streaming.
  14. Yes. I prefer "we're pregnant." :D I don't think dh ever said it, but it doesn't bother me. If it helps the husband feel more involved, why not? He did have something to do with it after all. And he has to deal with a hormonal, most likely puking wife for 9 months. But I do understand having a pet peeve that other people don't get, so I won't judge you. :Angel_anim:
  15. :lol::lol::smilielol5:Brava to ibbygirl for daring to make a poop joke! :D
  16. How awful! It makes me so glad to live in the US. I'm bordering on hating California, but at least we don't have to deal with stuff like this!
  17. I don't know if this would make it better or worse, but How It's Made did an episode with eye surgery. Ds5 watched it like it was perfectly normal. It's from the first season, and is available on Netflix Streaming.
  18. Is there anything I can do, or must I wait for lesson by osmosis to be invented? Here is a lesson: osmosis is the process of diffusion of WATER. Lessons are not water, therefore lessons will NEVER be learned by osmosis. Now learning by diffusion is a different matter entirely... __________________________ Sorry, but the misuse of the term osmosis when people should be saying diffusion is a BIG pet peeve for me. :glare:
  19. dumb question of the day...beef soup bones That's really more like a statement than a question....
  20. Rigor threads Is that what happens a few hours after you pick cotton or shear sheep?
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