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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. We have a movie theater in the town 10 miles up the hill and another one 7 minutes down the hill. There is also a bowling ally 10 minutes away, but apparently drug dealers hang out near the door and a young person was killed, so dh won't go there anymore. That's it. From what I understand, there are drugs being used by a lot of teens. Our town has about 2,000 (?) but we're really close to other towns.
  2. :svengo:I don't know how I'll handle the stress of having to wait that long! Would one of those expensive "5 days before your missed period" make that 11 days? Or is it different if your period is wonky?
  3. Menstrual cycle experts, please help me! I don't usually track my cycle but my last period seemed longer than usual and for four days I thought I might be pregnant. I didn't want to deal with all that uncertainty and stress so I got an app to track my period. Well I'm on day 42 since my last period started. (Period started June 18.) I do have a medication that could cause a skipped period (but to my knowledge that's never happened before.) I have stayed a consistent weight for 6 months. I haven't been overly stressed (except for those four days) and I have dealt with much more stress before with no skipped period. I'm probably not getting enough fats in my diet, though (but I'm 165 so I'm sure I have enough fat for a period.) The thing is I only had....unfiltered teA on day 35! (July 22) I was late, so I thought I was safe. If you are having a skipped period, does the egg stay viable? Could I be pregnant? And if I am, how long before it shows up on a pregnancy test? Because clearly the "day you miss your period" does not apply. That's about 2 weeks, right? :confused: I took a test Friday morning, but it was negative (not expecting it to show up, but dh insisted.) Please help! And TIA! (We are not trying to get pregnant right now.)
  4. My brother and his wife got married the day before Thanksgiving, but that was so that everyone in our very large family could be there. Perhaps they are trying to insure people will be on break and have an opportunity to come, instead of people not having the time off or having to spend their vacation days on their wedding?
  5. *un-ladylike snort* What is that saying? You can hit a person with a hawk but they will still say it's a mouse? (I don't think I wrote that right...)
  6. It's a nice idea, but our 995 sqr ft townhouse is all open on the downstairs, and that's the kitchen/living room. So I'd have to have ds3 all by himself downstairs for his turn. And, of course, as soon as they are separated they beg to be together. :glare: They seem incapable of playing on their own once they've been told they can not do what the other is doing. :glare: As I was typing this Ds3 kept making ugly noises because he didn't want ds5 near him because he was afraid ds5 would take his books away. Ds5 would only stand there and stare at him, not playing anything, with ds3 freaking out and crying for him to leave him alone. I told ds5 to stay away and play with something else. He refused. So I sent him up to his room. What does ds3 do? He pitched a fit because he couldn't go upstairs with big brother. :banghead::banghead:
  7. Builder Boy is a kinetic learner. He learns best when he can physical move something, put something together to solve a problem or learn something knew. If he hears something he likes he goes straight to his wood blocks on the play table and starts acting out what he just learned with the blocks to cement it in his mind. This is how he processes things, and because he does do it with a lot of things he remembers a lot of things. A day does not go by where he does not play with his blocks. Even when watching tv he is acting out the story with the blocks. After a reading lesson, after a math lesson, etc. he is working things out with his blocks. The problem is that he is not an only child. Early Bird wants to play with what his big brother wants to play with. And they seem incapable of sharing. They fight over the blocks every.single.day. With most things if they are not sharing it gets taken away and not played with for a while. But I cannot do that with something that is so necessary to Builder Boy's ability to process things! I have flat magnetic letter tiles I picked up at the thrifts store, a great Tub Of Letter Tiles I got on Amazon.com, regular magnetic letters from Walmart, and the Fridge Words Word Builder. It never seems to be enough! What ever they are given, the fight over them! (I've tired giving them each different sets of letters with varying success.) I am at my wit's end. I do not know what to do. How do I punish them for wanting to have enough letters to make the words they want? How do I punish them for playing with words? This is his creative outlet. This is how he bests expresses himself. The few times I have taken the wood blocks away as a punishment I feel like I'm taking away his voice, his ability to understand things. Thankfully he also has plastic duplo blocks to play with, but he doesn't have as many, and it's not really the same thing. Please, someone, tell me what to do! :sad: (Sorry if that's a lot to read. I wrote a blog post about it and then cut out a lot to make it small enough to post it here. I really need some help/perspective!)
  8. I've been able to see it just fine today and yesterday.
  9. :iagree: We are using this and are very happy with it. But you do have to make copies/scan and print and for some people that's not possible/cheap.
  10. If you haven't finalized your purchases you might want to re-think AT&T. We hate them, but we're stuck with them. They never do what they say they will do, never give you the price you agreed to, and customer service can NEVER help you with a bill or refund or issue because they can only tell you what they think you owe them. That's it. You ask questions, they can't answer or give you the wrong answer, or tell yo something that they don't actually do. I have wasted SO MUCH of my time dealing with them!
  11. Yes! I really want one more, hopefully a girl. :001_wub: Plus, I can't reconcile myself to the idea that I would have my last baby at age 22! Dh wants another baby, too, but we're waiting to see if he can get transferred to a new office that his company is suppose to be opening in 2013. :glare: I feel really sorry for my friend. She really wants another baby, but her husband had himself snipped because he didn't want more than 2. She holds every baby she comes across, but it's not the same. :sad:
  12. I am blessed to have in-laws that are only 5 minutes away and a friend with kids who is also 5 minutes away. I have never had to pay for a babysitter (although there have been times I had to take them somewhere because neither of my options could take them.) I don't know anyone I would be willing to ask watch them, and I couldn't afford it even if I did.
  13. I don't know if this is common, but maybe make sure the words aren't on the picture if your kid is reading? I bought an at-home speech therapy book that had the words with the picture (they were hand-drawn in thick sharpie, so they weren't always obvious what they were.) It also had them in a grid with the letter that was being tested and ds5.5 figured out pretty quickly what sound he was suppose to be saying in the word. So the results were not exactly accurate. :glare:
  14. What would you think about a 3 month old baby :001_wub::001_wub::001_wub:
  15. There is currently a blog tour for parents of gifted kids going on right now that address/will address the problems you mentioned. It's being put on by parents on here. There is also another blog tour being put on by a more "official" organization. You can find more information here.
  16. Aww, what did I miss? The ONE night I don't stay up 'till midnight reading the forum... :glare: I feel your pain. I just spent what felt like FOREVER with ds5.5 doing handwriting. He forgot how to hold his pencil :confused: 3/4 of the way through but wouldn't let me stop and insisted on finishing. :banghead:
  17. Various worksheets to earn screen time, Learning to Be a Scientist with their friend (I'm blogging about it) and some reading review. Our school year starts August 6.
  18. Just a thought for posters: You might want to consider posting your blog post the night before your day. That way it is up and available for viewers in the morning and for those in earlier time zones. I almost did it last night, but I put off doing it until this morning in case I had a last-minute revelation in the night ( I didn't.) My kids miraculously let me sleep in until 9am today and when I went on my blog to post the Blog Tour submission I already had a lot of views who didn't have anything to read.
  19. Uh, oh. I just read the two blogs for today and I can't believe I have to come after those! Mine is no where near as informed and official sounding! :tongue_smilie:
  20. Ours are 35-45 minutes, sometimes he goes a bit longer. We start at 10:00 am and he tries to be done by 11:00. But when I was growing up I was in a "church" that had 2 hour services, with a sermonette and then a longer sermon.
  21. :blink::confused1::thumbdown: They can't possibly be serious. I looked at the date and it wasn't written on April 1st...?
  22. Good to know, thank you! And the pictures are great! My dollar store has those foam noodles, I'll get some!
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