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Everything posted by colleenebeans

  1. My heart breaks for you. Please know it was not your fault. Cats are sneaky and yours was obviously determined to get past you...it was bound to be successful at some point. Totally not your fault. I have always had animals and when I lose one, the best thing that helps me is to go and rescue another one from a shelter or group. :grouphug:
  2. Oh dear. This morning at about 3am...I finally completed my first loaf of salt rising bread. 3 starters later and a VERY long night last night, I was determined to eat some no matter how it came out! As soon as I took a bite, I realized it was missing something. SALT! I never added salt. Salt in salt-rising bread, who knew?!?!?!?! I followed the videos on youtube and did everything exactly how they wanted but I think it was missing a video or two. I looked up other recipes and they all had salt in them. Urg...I cant believe salt didnt cross my mind when I was making salt-rising bread...LOL. It doesnt matter anyway, Im NOT trying this again. Not because it literally is a 2-3 day process(provided you have a good starter) but because I cannot stand the smell of this stuff. It really does stink. Someone compared it to dirty sneakers. Let me tell you, that was being polite. So there ya go...my un-salted salt-rising bread experiement has ended. :tongue_smilie:
  3. Right here with ya! My ds has Tourettes, ADHD and a touch of dyslexia. :grouphug:
  4. My son also has ADHD and Tourettes. He was diagnosed at 7 and now as time goes by(he is now 10) he is developing the lovely OCD that goes right along with the Tourettes. I have tried everything. I too was totally against meds in the beginning and used thinking putty and a NON-STRUCTURED routine. That is the only thing that kept him "focused" in short spans long enough to learn. If he knew what was coming next, he shut down, changed the subject, etc. My ds handles his Tourettes very well, however, it started to be very bothersom to him physically. We then decided to try a very low dose of meds to help the tourettes. It failed miserably. My son is so thin that the medication used (which is a blood pressure med) was affecting him too strongly. We ditched that option and tried a more naturally approach, it didnt work either. He became very impulsive (doing things like jumping over my brothers backyard fence, not thinking that there is a very large dog in the other yard) and just clearly not thinking things through. He always said he was bored because he couldnt stay focused on one thing long enough for it to be interesting...I was pulling out my hair! Finally, we agreed to start him on a very very very low dose of a mild anti-depressant to help with the OCD and impulsiveness and then started him on a low dose stimulant. (when a person has ADHD, a stimulant will slow them down) We were very nervous about the stimulant obviously because it can make the tourettes worse. PRAISE THE LORD, it has not. Deciding to take the medicine route, after all else have failed has been a true blessing. Even my son is thankful, he feels alot better and enjoys school now. PM me if you need anymore info...I will be glad to help if I can. :grouphug:
  5. My son runs a naturally high temp...not unusual for him to have a 105 temp. I have rushed him to the ER several times thinking that the fever needed to be reduced immediately and that something was horribly wrong. Each time, I was shocked by the outcome...it took me like 2 or 3 times over the last 10 years to finally be comfy with the idea of not giving a fever reducer strickly just for a high temp. The body needs the higher temp to do its job when sick. Now, if he was really uncomfy or if there was any other symptoms other than the fever, then yes, I would medicate. 106 is my breading point though, I cant help but to freak out after that.
  6. I didnt switch from singapore but started MUS with my older son and WE LOVE IT! I hightly recommend it.
  7. I didnt switch from singapore but I did start MUS a few months back with my older son and WE LOVE IT! I highly recommend it.
  8. Wait...how do we know that she isnt trying to sell her T.V or other belongings? As far as I know, none of us know this person personally and have no clue what she is or isnt going through. There could be so much more than just a woman standing in front of a large TV upset that she didnt get aid to help with heating. What if she is taking care of a special needs person in the other room whose medical equipment requires alot of electricity which increases the energy bill?? I know its extreme but there possibly could be more to the story than just what is portrayed to us in one article. I try not to judge someone unless I am standing in their exact shoes (which is usually impossible for someone to do), you truly never know what you would do unless having to confront that same situation in the exact same way. Maybe I am nieve, but it may be easier for some of us to discredit anothers decisions and situation just to pat ourselves on the back for making a "more right" decision or a more respectable "this is what she should have done" judgement. (this is said in general and not to anyone on here in particular) Just sayin....
  9. I would have a seperate place like a little table or small area with a picture on it or a memento so it feels more like he's "there" and being included. I have never had to deal with this so I really dont know what I would do...this is just the first thing that popped into my head. I will pray for your family during this time, It must be really hard.
  10. Your fine...LOL. I really really really want to get phonics road to reading before start in January but I think Im going to have to wait until after Christmas to see if anyone sends me money...LOL :D
  11. Here in Florida it is used all the time. I use it all the time in conversation with my best friend...as do ALOT of people around here. "Dude, where my car" HAHAHAHA. Its often used in place of "friend", "buddy", etc... Dude, I love you guys on here! :grouphug:
  12. I woke my son up about 2am, at least I thought I did, and he said "has it been 6 minutes yet?", "puppy go lay down". So, no luck over here. LOL
  13. Ha, maybe we should take turns being the cattle prod, I will volunteer to go first. Zzzt...just testing. Bwahahaha... Cindy~ how old are your kids?
  14. Oh and another thing that helps me out ALOT, is wearing my sneakers in the house during the day! Its so simple but when my sneakers are on my legs hurt less and I dont fatigue as quickly. It does wonders for my day.
  15. Thats right, all we can do is move forward. Plus, you may not realize it but your teaching your kids alot about overcoming depressing times. When they see you discouraged and exausted but you continue to just keep putting one foot in front of they other...(even if the one foot in front of the other is from your bed to the couch, still in your night clothes), it teaches them that there are going to be times in life where joy is hard to come by. However, it also shows them that, "this too shall pass" and things will turn around and get better. Its all natural and normal to get blue at times. Does any of that makes sense?? Its after 1am here but I cant sleep...LOL
  16. I agree, please dont wait. I was relieved to see your update at the bottom but I think you shouldnt wait till Tuesday, especially with a child that is still dizzy. I had a concussion and sometimes they can get worse before they get better. Kinda like when you get hurt, the next day stinks but the 3rd day is the worst, if there is any swelling in there its best to find it earlier. Hope that helps. Will be praying for you. If you dont go in until Tuesday, just watch him really really close...I wouldnt even let him sleep for an hour at a time, more like 30 mins. Colleen
  17. Thats what I was thinking. Now, the next question will be electric or regular...LOL Thanks!
  18. When my battery started going bad, it smelled hot, then it smelled like rotten eggs. It was really bad.
  19. HAHAHAHA, you were even a bee once too, you got a taste of bee life...not your back to larve...hurry, keep posting...LOL:tongue_smilie:
  20. :iagree:That is the reason that I would reduce dairy products for. I am going to order a soy milk maker for $60 soon. Wow, they have a soy milk maker? I never cared for soy milk and love the almond milk, I wonder if soy milk would be better home-made. Im gonna look into that...Thanks. Animal cruelty is the main reason why we cut dairy and meat out of our diet. Lovin it...no plans on going back.
  21. Ut-oh...I dont even know what an antecedent is...:tongue_smilie: Apparantly, we haven't covered that yet. The only sister in law that I have is named Susie! HAHAHAHA But if I had to write a sentence about any of her recipes, it would probably sound like this... Tell my sister in law, Susie, that she doesn't have to bring anything to the potluck. :lol:
  22. Oh my gosh, what are they going to do? Will be praying for them. Where do they live?
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