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Everything posted by cherimoya

  1. The maker of iStudiez also has another app called iTeacherBook. iTeacherBook is a sister app of iStudiez Pro and mutual integration of both is planned to be implemented in the near future. Hope it will be soon for their integration.
  2. Calibre It's such an awesome app. Someone mentioned it in another thread on this past weekend. I started playing with it and in 2 days time, I have my whole library of ebooks (kindle, ibooks, epub), pdfs all organized. Roughly 1400 books. It's an amazing free open source app.
  3. www.upack.com Upack is an alternative. We used it for our 2000 miles move. Like pods but cheaper.
  4. There are bad reviews on Amazon for the software. I went with the books.
  5. I have the following... iStudiez Pro (iPad) -$2.99 https://itunes.apple...d310636441?mt=8 iStudiez Pro (Mac) - currently on sale for $4.99 (normally $9.99) https://itunes.apple...402989379?mt=12 iStudiez for the Mac is nice to have to type out the assignments and sync it to the iPad or iPhone. Homeschool Helper (iPad) $4.99 https://itunes.apple...d533340650?mt=8 The above is such a lovely app. It didn't fit my needs as it doesn't have the ability to sync. I'm somewhat of an app-aholic as I had some itunes giftcards to play with.
  6. I love having the WWS pdfs on the iPad. The WWE books were so thick and heavy to have to take out daily.
  7. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/447605-valentine-swap/ The other thread in General above.
  8. Thanks for the Calibre idea! I'm going to try it out.
  9. abc PocketPhonics https://itunes.apple...d299342927?mt=8 Another one that is very good for early learners. There's also the series of the Teach Me Preschool, Kindergarten, 1st Grade, etcetera. The link below is the one to Teach Me Kindergarten. https://itunes.apple...d336689375?mt=8
  10. Word Wizard https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/word-wizard-talking-movable/id447312716?mt=8
  11. Starfall Learn to Read https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/starfall-learn-to-read/id551817261 Monkey Word https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/monkey-word-school-adventure/id565951597?mt=8 Reading Raven https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/reading-raven-hd/id496586135?mt=8
  12. I have that app but after exploring it a bit, I decided against it. My only problem with it is with multiple kids, I wanted the ability to sync and have the kids check off their assignments but that is not possible. The user interface of that app is very nice though. I especially love the planner look and the steam above the coffee cup! I love the reading log feature and the tasks and field trip logs.
  13. You might like Handbrake, it's free and is for the Mac.
  14. http://www.typingclub.com/ Typing Club is free. My kids like it.
  15. FYI Dillards has an annual 50% of sale and clearance prices on January 1st. It's both online and in store. I think online it starts at midnight. I've gone to the stores before but won't be going this year (not much of a shopper here). Here's a link to the sale & clearance stuff but the 50% off won't show til New Year's day. http://www.dillards.com/content/Dillard-Sale-Clearance?cm_sp=splashlink-_-hero1es1-_-122612_ChristmasSale
  16. Thank you for clearing that up. I was so confused when people "liked" tragedies.
  17. My 2nd & 4th graders use Wordly Wise 3000 Online purchased through Homeschool Buyers Co-op. It's a completely independent program. I especially like the immediate feedback for the kids.
  18. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pdf-expert-fill-forms-annotate/id393316844?mt=8 PDF Expert link above.
  19. No help here but I have both Notability and PDF Expert. I don't know how to do it with Notability but it's real easy with PDF Expert. I've resorted to using just PDF Expert as it renders the PDF faster and I'm able to copy, extract, moved and delete multiple pages without doing it one by one. I just wish that PDF Expert would have more kid-friendly color themes just like Notability.
  20. Prices have increased significantly since two years ago by about 30% even with promotions. Just a pair of men's chinos cost $54! I think Moderator has it right---Sears. :glare:
  21. It's been a while since I've set it up but here goes... 1. At the bottom you have the cog wheel, tapping on that gets you to the settings. 2. In settings, under Parental Controls, have the "Hide Add/Edit Buttons" switched to OFF. Tap on "Children" on the top left. That gets you back to the main screen. 3. There's a plus sign next to Children at the top, that will allow you to add child. Tap that blackboard (blue arrow) will allow you to edit the child's details. 4. Look down to the Banks. It already has a Piggy Bank. You can tap on that to edit the setup of that bank or add another bank by tapping on the plus sign. 5. Once you tap on the specific bank e.g. Piggy Bank (blue arrow), it takes you to the Bank Setup screen. There's where you can rename the bank...choose currency, put in the starting balance and below that it has an Interest section where you input the interest rate, interest interval and start date. Hope that helps.
  22. iAllowance does have the interest feature. It's a set it and forget it app for me. Basically I have it set up where my oldest gets a certain amount each week. I have the amount split and deposited in the money piggy and in the savings piggy. I set the interest rate and interest is deposited once a month (you can choose by days, weeks, months, years). It's very nice and easy to deduct when they spend as well.
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