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Everything posted by Down_the_Rabbit_Hole

  1. Literature, Spelling, handwriting, basic math, geography, Bible. I have done science and history without curriculum before as well as grammar. At one time or another I have covered one of the subjects without curricula for preK to 4th.
  2. 44 here (just about 45) and my perfectly timed 28 day cycles started to get weird last year. Had us wigged out when it started to happen because the only time I ever was late was being pregnant. Add to the worry was I was ovulating many times a month. Never know when one of those little things will be cruising down the tubes. I hate the irregularity of it. I feel like I am on constant watch for it starting.
  3. Technically we have our required 146 days (Iowa). However I require my children to finish all books on their reading list I give them, as well as finish their math and science curriculum. DD wants to finish her art curriculum but that is pretty much on her own.
  4. Oooh, knee high. I actually had to take my socks off the other day because my feet were hot...first time in 44 yrs my feet were hot. My husband was shocked.
  5. LOL, I know, I had sticker shock. It was smartwool brand I bought.
  6. Funny you should make this post now. I hate buying socks for me. Not sure why maybe because it is a boring buy.I knit me a pair once and loved them and am in the process of knitting another pair but it is taking forever. Anyway I just put a hole in my last intact pair so I HAD to buy some. I decided to buy some wool/wool blend, these are expensive so I just got me one pair because I wanted to see if $20 a pair was worth the money. Oh, YEAH!! $20 socks DO feel good. Very good! they even have an arch support thing where it hugs your arch. My feet stayed warm even hiking in the snow. The funny thing was I went on and on about these socks, how good they feel and all. Hubby said i was nuts, they were just expensive socks. Well he sung another tune when I bought him a pair....he was bouncing around the house saying how light he felt and how his feet felt like they were being massaged. Quality socks do make a difference appearently.
  7. Sigh, I am a little behind, but I did just finish The Bee Keeper's Apprentice. I had seen this book when it was first published and never even bothered to look at the description, figured it was some coming of age story. Then I saw a display at the library last week with "I cannot remember the title but I know it was a mystery" and the book was on the display. Naturally my curiosity got the better of me and I am glad I looked. I had no idea this book was a mystery AND that it was a Sherlock Holmes book. He is older and a supporting character but still a good read. I am reading the next one in the series now.
  8. Thanks, I made a join request on facebook. The ebay one is for a whole set, I am looking for just the guide. Thank you for the links.
  9. I have watched ebay for Preparing and Creation to Christ Guide but none show up. Is HOD like WP and forbid the sale of a guide?
  10. Just be careful. Office Max and places like it have been known to botch up a book.They are not professionals.
  11. The history shelf timeline thing awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. THIS! This is what keeps gnawing at me. SL came first in the group(from what I can gather) and with that their belief statements are the ones I am looking at. If you state you are creating a curriculum because you believe Blah, Blah, Blah then how can that change? Either you believe it or don't.
  13. We used Apologia but my ds was having trouble with it, this is why I bought the Biology 101 dvd.
  14. I would add in the Biology 101. My son just watched this and said he understood what he was suppose to get from his Biology book. He kept asking me for more DVDs like this. Several times he mentioned how much he liked the Biology 101 dvds and he is not one who likes science. We bought the Chemistry 101 DVDs to go with the ACE Paces Chemistry for next year.
  15. We used one a very long time ago. I do remember I liked it, thought it was a very good program but my boys were not into the hands on stuff so we quit.
  16. After much research and reading I am feeling SL/Inquisicorp/Brightflash are not being honest or trying to mislead with all the doubletalk they are doing. Also with a small company that is having enough trouble keeping up with their constant changes and the whiplash beliefs they want their curriculum to hold/teach I just don't feel it will be able to maintain their quality or the quality I felt SL had. I like the SL material of the past and feel it had merit so will be purchasing used IG's that reflect the SL I wanted and fell in live with, We will as of now, still use SL but only from the older IG's. The new ones seem to be taking a much flipflop route that I will not be able to keep it straight. The newest twist is they do not know if they believe in young earth/old earth or somewhere in between and will see what their costumers feel about it. Even Jesus said choose one way or the other but to be wishywashy then he will have spit you out (paraphrased by me). Deception no matter how subtle is wrong and does not portray a Christian character. They are saying one thing but the evidence presented is showing another. Not everything is misinformation.
  17. We used core G and never thought it was boring. I did not use it right after core F though. Core F is more hands on where as core G reverts back to reading and discussing.
  18. When we lived in Louisiana we would school out on our deck, I would set up a table and bring the white board outside.
  19. My dad is 70 and jogs 5 miles 3x a week. Swims, cuts 3 yards and does all his home maintenance himself. My gandmother is 100 and loves to play scrabble and card games. She cooks still. My grandfather has passed on but he was gardening up until his death at the age of 96.
  20. It was a perfect fit for my ds. We used both LL7 and 8 and did them in a yr and a half between 8th and 9th. It helped my son's writing become more organized and focused. He picked up the literary terms and will use them now when he is talking about a book. In other words doing LL7 and 8 matured him LA wise. I agree with everything Lori D said.
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