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Everything posted by Perry

  1. At the store yesterday I happened to look at the screen just as the cashier was scanning my steaks. Somehow a $15 package was charged three times. I know he didn't do it on purpose, but I'm wondering how often it happens inadvertently. I never look at the receipts, but I'm wondering if I should start. If you check them, how often do you find mistakes?
  2. I agree that it should be the job of the teachers, and that if they were using really good instruction most of those kids would be able to read. But I also believe that you could probably adequately train volunteers to teach reading in 3 hours, if you were using a really good curriculum (like ABeCeDarian). Unfortunately, they won't do that, so it will a total waste of time.
  3. Potato soup (this was a huge hit) Fried rice Omelets
  4. Yep. It's in the urban dictionary.
  5. That is typical reform math instruction- Everyday Math, TERC, Trailblazers, etc. It's why we started homeschooling. Has she checked what curriculum the charter school is using? It may not be any better. Sorry.
  6. :iagree::iagree::iagree: I think you have to audition for Interlochen, BTW.
  7. They settled, didn't need a jury. That seems to happen fairly often around here. He joked that he would tell the judge that he could tell if someone's guilty just by looking at them. I think you might get in trouble for that though. :lol:
  8. My dh did it a couple weeks ago and he was finished within 2 hours.
  9. Wow, that stinks. I'm afraid of this situation ending up like that. Which wouldn't be so bad except that we are in the same social circle. They are a well-known, well-liked family. If we did anything about it, it would just make us look bad.
  10. We paid for everything that was completed- the upstairs and downstairs. We haven't paid for the stairway, since it isn't finished, but now I wish we wouldn't have paid any of it since the entire job wasn't done. At the time it seemed reasonable to pay for the work that had been completed because there was only a tiny bit left. Live and learn. He's got to know that I'll tell people about our experience with them. This isn't that big of a town and reputation matters a lot. I don't know what the heck he's thinking.
  11. We recently had wood floors installed in the entire house. It was supposed to be a 2 week job. They started October 19, and most of the job was done within 3 weeks, but it took an additional 2 weeks to get the stairway (almost) finished. We knew from the beginning that the bottom step was going to be a hassle because of the way it was originally constructed, but he seemed to have a plan. It has now been 2 1/2 months and we still don't have a bottom step. Two weeks ago, after numerous no-shows and lame excuses, he made a quick appearance and said he'd be back 2 days later for the final installation. I wasn't here when he came back, but he left me a note that said as he was carrying the step in, he dropped it and would have to rebuild it as it was severely damaged. He was supposed to show up on Monday with the rebuilt step, but never showed and we haven't heard from him again. This has been going on for weeks, and I'm getting fed up. I've called him at least 10 times. This is a well respected business in town. He did our other house and did a beautiful job. The work they've done so far has been excellent. He just can't seem to get this last little bit done. I think since it dragged out so long they've got involved in their other jobs and he just put us on the back burner. They've been paid for the bulk of the job but haven't been paid for the stairway yet. Unfortunately, he's my neighbor, and our kids go to school together. How do I light a fire under this guy's butt to get the job done without it turning ugly? I suggested to my dh that we tell him we're going to have someone else finish the job if he doesn't get it done soon, but dh really doesn't want to get anyone else involved at this point. I don't know what else to do. He's really a nice guy, but this is getting ridiculous.
  12. No, but terrorism has nothing to do with it. I don't do crowds.
  13. Rural Wisconsin. Either northern WI on a lake, or near Madison. Both would be nice.
  14. EDM and TERC Investigations are why I started homeschooling. Loathe. Them. My dd went back to ps this year. She takes Geometry with a small class of 8th graders who are the highest achieving math students in the school. Most of them are in the talented and gifted program. Last month the teacher gave them a fraction assessment. It was a 32 question test over the 4 basic operations. An example: 3/5 +2/5=? My dd found it very simple and finished it in 7 minutes. None of the other kids finished in the allotted 30 minutes, and they all found it very difficult. She frequently helps her classmates with their algebra and T-math. She is astounded by what they don't know and haven't been taught. They are constantly using convoluted, complicated methods to solve basic, straightforward problems. When she shows them how she does it, they are shocked and say "well that makes sense. Why didn't they just teach us that!" These are bright, motivated kids. They haven't been taught math. It is inexcusable that the best 8th grade math students can't do simple fractions. We used Singapore through 6B, then Chalkdust Prealgebra and Foerster's Algebra 1. While she likes ps in general, she has told me she will never take another ps math class and wants to dual enroll from now on and do math at home. :hurray:
  15. Gastrointestinal symptoms can be part of PMS. They are also common in women with endometriosis. I'd have her mention it to her doctor.
  16. I thought show dogs could not be neutered? Have the rules changed, or am I confused?
  17. Have you cleaned the filter? That was the problem when mine lost suction. I didn't even know there was a filter. Oops.
  18. I was thinking of Colonial Williamsburg. A week there would be too much IMO. But I agree that there are plenty of things in the vicinity to keep you busy for a week.
  19. Will he eat salad? Once a week or so we have a giant salad bar, with extras like pasta salad, minestrone soup, crackers, bread sticks, etc. Here's a list of suggestions. It's one of our favorite meals, and it's great because I have tons of leftovers to snack on all week.
  20. Huh. We already know there are millions of kids in ps that can't read. Why don't they fix that problem first?
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