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Everything posted by Perry

  1. :iagree: It's rampant here, too. My 7th grader's science teacher gives bonus points every Friday. Some examples: What's the mascot of the high school football team? What sports team do I (the teacher) coach? Who won American Idol? What was the temperature last night? Ridiculous.
  2. I think Alessi pine nuts are imported from Italy. I'll check when I run to the store later today. I've been searching for turtleneck sweaters all winter and haven't been able to find any that aren't made in China. Drives me nuts.
  3. We just did our main floor in Sherwin Williams Latte. (It may not look right on your computer, but you can get the idea.) It turned out really nice. I'm out of town and don't have pix on my laptop so I'll try to post some pictures tomorrow. If you don't yet have flooring I'd recommend wood instead of carpet.
  4. Keep your leg elevated as much as possible. That should help the throbbing a little. Did he give you pain medicine? I'd ask for some.
  5. She actually has a part time job as a stand up comedienne. She's very funny, usually.
  6. That was my impression, but it surprises me coming from her. So I thought maybe I was misunderstanding.
  7. This is a comment from a FB friend. What do you think she means by it?
  8. It should be safe. Since you cooked it on high, all microorganisms should have been destroyed. The danger zone is less than 140 degrees, and I think the warm setting on a slow cooker is at least that high and probably more like 170. It's really unlikely that your meat ever got below 140 so it should be safe.
  9. My cats are 5 and have never been bathed. They look fine and don't stink, so I have no plans to wash them. Occasionally I have to rinse off their rear ends, and they HATE that.
  10. I quit eating breakfast and lost 20 pounds. I know the conventional wisdom is that breakfast is the most important meal, but I'm not buying it. Maybe if you have to go out and work in the fields at the crack of dawn, but that's not exactly my lifestyle. I'm never hungry until about 10:30, so I wait until then and have an early lunch (usually a sandwich, chips and fruit). I have a light snack in the afternoon, then eat my usual dinner (and often dessert). I'm not doing anything else differently. I'm not losing as quickly now though, and I'd like to lose 10 more, so I may have to increase the veggies and decrease the sweets. But the first 20 was easy. I just don't eat unless I'm hungry now.
  11. Here are my faves: White Chili I Cha Cha's White Chicken Chili Chili I Delicious Ham and Potato Soup Grandma's Slow Cooker Vegetarian Chili Slow Cooker Chicken Taco Soup
  12. NO!:scared: That will aerosolize it, which is the absolute worst thing you can do.
  13. Yes. Although the real danger is the mercury vapor. DON'T VACUUM. Clean up information here Some good information here: Special Report: Thousands of kids exposed to dangerous liquid mercury in schools, homes. Contamination can last years, and cleanups are costly
  14. I just sent a note to the teacher saying that today would be their last day of school and they should bring all their stuff home with them. I sent a couple bags with the kids so they could bring their things home. In Iowa, we file the paperwork with the school district, so I turned that in their last day of school, although I think by law I had 2 weeks ( don't remember the details, sorry). It turned out that one of the girls had told some of her friends and the teachers already knew, but I didn't know that until later. It wasn't a big deal though.
  15. I pulled mine out mid year and for the most part, it was not a problem. The principal was very pro-homeschool and a great guy. The TAG teacher was not happy with me and was a little snotty, but it didn't cause any long term problems. If you want to pull him, don't worry about the school. I wouldn't write a letter though, except whatever written notice your state requires. Just do the necessary paperwork and start hs. Good luck!
  16. What kind of mistakes are you all finding? I am embarrassed to admit that I don't even know how much most of the items cost, so I wouldn't know if I were overcharged. I shop once a week and spend between $100-200 each visit, so I would never notice a small error. I was only thinking about items being scanned more than once, but I guess now I have to think about incorrect prices also. :001_huh:
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