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Everything posted by obsidian

  1. Just Visiting for the first 10 posts Hive Mind Larvae for 11- 40 Hive Mind Worker Bee for 41-100 Hive Mind Level 2 Worker: Nurse Bee 101 Hive Mind Level 3 Worker: Honey Maker Bee at 161 Hive Mind Level 4 Worker: Builder Bee at 210 Hive Mind Level 5 worker: Forager Bee at 310 Hive Mind Level 6 Worker: Scout Bee at 410 Hive Mind Royal Larvae at 550 Hive Mind Queen Bee at 750 Empress Bee at 2500 Amateur Bee Keeper at 3500 Apprentice Bee Keeper at 5000 Qualified Bee Keeper at 7500 Beekeeping Professor at 10,000
  2. After 5b, according to AoPS. They say that 5th grade math should be completed before Prealgebra.
  3. This is what I do. It has held up remarkably well. No scratches at all.
  4. ok, a very strange question Well, truth is stranger than fiction.
  5. This one is hilarious. UGH! This is the "sequel" to the above thread: I really wanted to see that picture And this one is where the kilts started... I have asked that my membership be removed from this board The start of teA (and possible booKs, I'm not sure) What the world needs now... The start of teA room carpet: Have you had carpet removed from your teA room? Some really good threads from other areas of the board: This one is a classic. The breadth vs. depth question Why you should work on TWTM skills - copywork, narration, dictation, outlining, etc. Interest driven education and *real* tea-time
  6. Our Awana does not do so. I can't imagine most Cubbies understanding the gospel enough to make any sort of decision at.all.
  7. No, the book is fiction. It is, however, very realistic historical fiction and at times felt like nonfiction to me.
  8. I think you would be fine doing AoPS geometry after MUS Algebra 1, if you would prefer. If you have any questions about the books, I have the entire Intro series plus Intermediate Algebra.:001_smile: Also, you can do the number theory and counting books together in one school year, which would put you doing MUS Algebra 2 and AoPS Intro To Algebra together. However, I will say that a large strength of AoPS is the discovery. This is largely lost if you do another program before AoPS. EightFilltheHeart wrote some on the discovery aspect, if you want to read more.
  9. :lol: I much prefer cold to hot. Perhaps I should become Episcopolian.:D
  10. I like that quote.:001_smile: Edison was very persistent.
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