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Everything posted by cindergretta

  1. We went for an ultrasound on Monday, at 12 weeks. We knew something wasn't right and then the doctor said there was "no cardiac activity." We were stunned. It didn't make us feel any better when he said how rare it is to lose a baby after "cardiac activity" is detected. We saw the heart beat at an 8 week u/s. (I am a high risk OB candidate and have frequent u/s, in case any are wondering why we would have had so many so early.) We chose to to miscarry at home, not at the hospital, no D&C. I passed the baby last night and we buried our wee angel this morning, beneath a very protective tree in our back yard. Our oldest was born at 6:36 am on June 21st, 1994. He is 18 today. We chose to bury our lost one at 6:36 am this morning. Now to proceed with this new reality, this incredible heartbreak.
  2. I think the sign is rude. BUT - I think it is directed at *rude* people who more than likely wouldn't even acknowledge a polite sign. Some of the posts here are a little over the top. :confused: All this hostility toward people who don't want their dc touched seems unkind. Bashing parents for wanting people to respect their dc's space/body is completely rude in and of itself. It is ironic that those posters are calling those parents rude. :glare: Do I mind if people in my church touch my baby? No. I know them. Random bozo at the mall who didn't wash his hands after using the toilet? No thanks!
  3. Where and when did you go? I don't remember the year but it was in Munich. (1980??) What was the highlight of the trip? Seeing actual ancient artifacts. I was actually like 7! What was the lowpoint of the trip? It was so crowded you got moved along, ready or not. Did you get any souvenirs? No. My parents didn't believe in such things. ;) How did you prepare for the trip? I don't remember. <pout> I remember loving it, loving seeing and reading all the history. I am super-uber-excited to take my own dc. Dh and I are planning on taking them in September, after the schools are back in session... :tongue_smilie:
  4. Our dc do a lot of community service type things through Scouts (Girl, Boy, Cub) and our church. Our most regular is volunteering at the food bank. Sometimes while it is "closed" stocking shelves and sometimes while it is "open" helping clients "shop." :001_smile: Oh, and dd15's violin teacher arranges little holiday concerts at retirement homes and assisted living facilities every December. Our whole family goes and the littles all play "rhythm" instruments while the olders and I play our instruments. It is very casual and interactive. We enjoy that!
  5. Some of my dearest friends were made via internet communities. I met them IRL after getting to know them online and they have been amazing friends. I love FB because my sister lives in Germany and I love being able to message her wherever I am (doctor appt, waiting to get my hair cut, etc) and share pics of our kids instantly. We are in contact all day at times because we can reply as we are able without being tied to the phone. And visiting simply isn't an option for us. :( So ayway, lol, yes, I like the social interactions of the internet. For an introvert like me, it has allowed me to be social in a way that feels "safe" within my bubble. :D
  6. Oh Nance. I am just in tears for you. What a horrid, lousy day. :( The hell miscarrying women have to go through to get any degree of medical help is so unreal and unfeeling and lacking in all compassion. :grouphug: I hope tomorrow is a little better. And the next day more so. And I hope you are able to conceive a sticky bean ASAP. I am praying for that for you. :grouphug:
  7. How are you doing, hon? I want you to know that we are all going to be loving you through the u/s tomorrow. :grouphug: (It is tomorrow, right? I will read back through the thread and verify that.) I am so sorry you are going through this. :(
  8. We were both 27. And all these years later we still *really* like each other!! :D
  9. This is what my sister kept telling me. :grouphug: Can't stop thinking about you. Lots of love and prayers for today.
  10. No. :( No, no, no. <sigh> I really am so sorry. And I really understand. I am 39 and this pg is the 4th try. I lost one after another, 3 times and never even meant to get pg this time. The mental exhaustion of facing trying again, waiting to try, waiting to test, waiting to start bleeding... It is hard and it drains you emotionally down to almost nothing. :grouphug: This sucks and I hate it. I am sorry. :grouphug:
  11. For me, it comes down to the relationship. I am close with my mil and if she were a pop drinker (she isn't, really, a little occasionally) I would have some on hand for her when she is over. With my own toxic mother, I would hide what I have because there is a lack of boundaries and respect with her. If I had something on hand for her, she would gripe about it and expect something else altogether. (True story - shows up on Easter and dd who was 4 at the time offers her some Easter candy out of her basket. My mother says no to the offered candy and takes the *only* chocolate covered marshmallow bunny in dd's basket. Dd didn't want to hurt her feelings but was sad to not get her bunny. I found out later and was ticked! My mother could have bought a ton of marshmallow bunnies had she wanted them. It was a power play to force dd to prove her love. Toxic.) In good and healthy relationships, I accommodate my guests desires just as they accommodate mine. In unhealthy and toxic relationships, I figure we all do what we need to in order to survive... :tongue_smilie: If serving pop is an issue, I would hide it to avoid confrontations and weirdness. :D
  12. I am in awe of your level-headedness and practicality, particularly given your advanced pregnancy!!! :grouphug:
  13. I hope you can sort it all out. I tend to react poorly to my dc getting hurt. I don't let things that happen to me cause me much angst, but when my babies get hurt, well, I don't tend to be all that cool with it... :grouphug:
  14. I am utterly flabbergasted. What a series of idiotic events for a woman late in pg to have to deal with. :001_huh: I am going to refrain from commenting on your dh's behavior. :glare: But you deserve some kind of award for not totally losing your cool with everyone involved in this debacle. (Except your sister.) :grouphug: (And the uninvited guests????? I am speechless! :001_huh: )
  15. My first u/s with this pg was similarly mixed. I went in hoping for a great u/s with definitive answers and got a very mixed bag. I had to go back two weeks later and then the u/s was absolutely perfect! The wait in between about killed me. I understand and am praying for you!!!!! :grouphug: (Heartbeat is such excellent news. Things are significantly improved when there is a heartbeat.)
  16. Excellent! I should be getting up around the time you come back to update!!!!!!! :D :D :D
  17. I'm not sure there were even 6 people invited to my baby shower years ago. :lol: Take her up on the offer of help with the meals. I'm sorry she canceled your shower, changed all the plans, put your sister ahead of you, and texted instead of calling! Sheesh!!!! :grouphug:
  18. I don't know about the "appropriateness" of it, but I see it frequently. My fiends will post that their loved one has passed on, within a very short time frame. I'm sorry for your loss. :grouphug:
  19. Thank you!!!!! :grouphug: :D :D Happy Mother's Day!!!!!!!! :D :D
  20. Woo-hoo!!! What a whirlwind this year has been!!!! We have rented a home for years and all of sudden in February, the owners announced they needed to sell it ASAP. So we started looking for a home to buy, found the ideal little home right in the heart of where our lives seem to take place, and bought it. From the day we found out about the owners selling our rental until the day we closed on the new home was 6 weeks!! Having been renters for years, we have never had pets. Needless to say, the dc have hated that. From the minute we walked through the door of our own home, the "When can we get a dog" question started, daily!!! So we went to the Humane Society today and adopted the sweetest little girl!! The dc are over the moon!!!! In August, dh and I decided we wanted one last little beanie baby. We started trying and ended up having 3 miscarriages in a row. It was heartbreaking and devastating. :( But I am so excited to announce that I am now almost 7 weeks pregnant!!!!!!!!!!! :D (All the miscarriages took place on 6 weeks, to the day! :( ) My hCG is awesome and excellent, something it never was before. And I had an u/s this week (too early for a heart beat) but we saw a perfectly formed sac, right on target for gestation. I got back on 5/22 for another u/s (done by my peri) to see the heart beat. He wanted to wait until it was a guarantee, one way or the other, no gray zone. (I absolutely love my peri!!!) I am feeling very cautiously hopeful about this. Wow. There is a lot of work to be done. We still aren't totally moved in yet, by a long shot. :tongue_smilie: The garden needs planting because I needs me my veggies! I have to learn how to be a dog owner. And after 4 years, I have to learn how to be pregnant again and prepare for a baby, having nothing left from the last ones! Gotta get moving!!!! (Never mind the newly turned 7 year old who can't read yet... Definitely need to work on that!)
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