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Everything posted by cindergretta

  1. Can homeschoolers get curriculum from school districts? We live in WA state and I have a friend who would like to homeschool her dd for the remainder of the school year. She went to her local district and was told that she couldn't get books or curriculum from them. I have never sought curriculum from the district, but I thought we could. :confused: Does anyone know anything about this? Can she get curriculum from the district? Thanks!
  2. Good heavens. :001_huh: Is he normally so unfiltered?? Depending on your "history" with him, I might make a snarky reply or looked shocked and stunned or laugh it off. If he is typically a moron, I absolutely LOVE some of the comebacks in this thread! :lol:
  3. Wow, if I had to buy everything my dc ever touched or held onto for 5 minutes in a store, I would go broke! Seriously, if my dc got snot on it, I'd buy it. But otherwise, I try on clothing and don't buy it!
  4. I was thinking this. My sister is raising her dc in Germany. English is their first language and German is their second, but they were born there and attend school there. They are quite proficient in both languages with no learning barriers, if that makes sense. I would expect them to do equally well on an exam presented in English and one presented in German on materials they have been taught.
  5. Hmm, I have never heard the "whole phrase." Ever. (I will be 39 in about 2 weeks. Am I too young? Please, let me be too young! :tongue_smilie: ) Anyway, like I said, I have never heard it with the male body part following it so it doesn't have that connotation for me. That said, I don't care for it, or for screwed, either. But I don't care for them in that I don't use them but am I offended if others do? Nope, not at all. I don't really care. I think any kind of swearing or vulgar language in mixed company is not cool. Among those closest to us, speak freely. Out in the big wide world, it is just polite to attempt to curb some of the language. But it needs to be understood that someone out there will take offense at any given word or phrase, so I draw the line at dictating who should say what, when. It is up to each individual to attempt to censor themselves based on what they know or don't know about the situation and people in it. (I have a dear friend who has the *worst* foul mouth I have *ever* heard and she has no filter as to when and where. It is truly cringe worthy. And yet...)
  6. :grouphug: I think the whole "I did this so why can't you" only goes so far. If everyone could do everything that everyone else did, who would be great at anything? We all have strengths and weaknesses. If something is a strength of ours, I guess we just assume everyone else should/could be strong there, too. <sigh> If only, yes? (I have a friend who had a c-section a week or so ago. My other friend has been stressing to her to rest and heal and do as little as absolutely possible to encourage healing and discourage lengthening recuperation. Of course, this new mom also has plenty of "helpful" people telling her their amazing feats of childbirth by c-section during a cross-country move while homeschooling 5 other children while their husbands were elsewhere... You get the idea. <sigh again> "I'm not superior. I am just a normal person who does XYZ and if I can, you should, too.")
  7. :( You need some help and a break. :grouphug: I feel sorry for your mom and her circumstances, her pain surrounding your sister, etc. But sweetie, you are only human. I would have cracked, too. To be called out like a recalcitrant child in front of another adult is not cool. Even if you were wrong in saying anything (and IMO, you were NOT) than your mother could have said something to you privately later. She trounced your "rude" with way more (and again, IMO) real actual rude. :glare: Anyway, that isn't the point. The point is you have had a trying night on top of a few trying weeks after several trying months. :grouphug: Sometimes you just can't endlessly take on everyone's physical care and emotional needs. Sometimes you need someone to take care of your physical and emotional needs.
  8. I was petrified to read the link lest my dc didn't measure up. (I often feel like I am the worst hs'er on this board...) Wow, imagine (or is that imagen??????) my shock at how SMART my 3rd grader looks now. That was really scary. Or depressing. Or both. <sigh>
  9. I think it is because gifts used to be much less obligatory. So any mention of gifts seemed to indicate an assumption of being given something. Now, gifts are so obligatory, it is the opposite. That is why I mentioned earlier that I think Miss Manners is slowly changing her stance. ;)
  10. :confused: I think Miss Manners is changing with the times. Anyway, the whole point of NOT mentioning gifts is the recipient then calls the host/hostess and asks, "What would Suzy like for her birthday?" Host/hostess replies, "Oh, she would really love a donation of XYZ (or a donation in her name) to ABC. Thank you so much for asking." OR, "Suzy is hoping for a gift free party. It would please her to have no one bring gifts. Thank you so much for asking" OR, "Suzy loves Barbies and My Little Pony. Thank you so much for asking." When gifts aren't mentioned, it is completely polite and within the confines of etiquette to call and ask about wants, needs, and in appropriate cases, registries. Why is that so difficult? :confused: It is also perfectly acceptable to not bring a gift. Acceptable but completely (for most? many?) people uncomfortable, awkward, whatever. I like using "old school" etiquette and when I am in doubt, I research what the "proper" etiquette is. It seems like I am in a minority anymore and I wonder if that is partially why people are always so confused and end up feeling out of sorts over these things all the time. There used to be a certain, accepted, way to do things. Now it is "anything goes" and no one seems to know what is Ok. (This is not intended to sound snarky or self-righteous or condescending. It does, though. I keep trying to reword it, but it keeps getting worse and worse. :001_huh: So I will stop now and hope that my intent can be read and understood and no one is offended. :grouphug: )
  11. Interesting thread. It took a while to read the whole thing, but it was certainly worth the read. :) I spent the first 30ish years thin and hot. :tongue_smilie: Now I am NOT. :lol: Mentally, I am healthier now than I was when I was thin. I was an emotional mess for most of my hot/thin years. :001_huh: Now I am secure, self-confident (for the most part...) I do want to lose weight. I do NOT enjoy being overweight at all. But like a PP mentioned, I am utterly spoiled. I wasn't always. But I married a man who spoils the heck out of me. I have gotten soft. And I need to get my poop in a group and fix this within the next year! I do NOT intend to turn 40 next year like this. (Let's hope I have the mental fortitude to do it. :tongue_smilie: ) EM, I enjoy your posts so much, even when I disagree with you. I think you are clearly wise and intelligent and have great perspectives. But I must confess, I have cringed at some of what you have posted here, including the OP. But I feel like, having read so many of your other posts, your intent was never to be belittling or condescending. :grouphug: (Intent matters to me when things posted come across unkind or whatever.)
  12. Miss Manners says, So, while traditional etiquette dictates you say nothing, it seems more and more the "norm" to make the request.
  13. :glare: It seems to be a common theme. And usually it just irritates me, but sometimes, it makes me so angry I see red. Last week my dd3 had surgery. There is *no* food or drink allowed on the whole floor as it is a children's hospital and on that floor it is all surgical, so these wee ones haven't eaten in a while, some for quite a while. So, to be sensitive to their needs, NO food. Some dumb morons just had to bring their McDonalds in. McDonalds!!!!!!!! The whole floor smelled of the crap. Uh yeah, I went up and made a complaint. I did NOT want my baby coming out of surgery smelling food she couldn't have after having not eaten for 14 hours. (I get that people need to snack, maybe for blood sugar reasons, or nervous energy, or what have you, but for crying out loud! Small snacks you can nibble kept in your purse, folks, not fast food that leaves a strong aroma all over!!!) This is up there with those who let their dogs run loose on school grounds where there are signs posted all over saying, "No Dogs on School Property!" What is with people who think the rules don't apply to them?! :001_huh: For the record, they DO. :glare: (/rant - Sorry! Pet peeve much??)
  14. :grouphug: Thank you. I don't know if I am pg or not yet. But in case I am, I have to be on bed rest to minimize my chances of another miscarriage. If I am pg, I will shout it from the roof tops... :tongue_smilie:
  15. Yes. Long, boring story. Hopefully, once we find out if I am pg and get the meds sorted out, I will be off bed rest until the late 2nd/early 3rd trimester. So, when could you take one of those early tests?? :tongue_smilie:
  16. I have no idea. But I will wait with you. I am on pro-active bed rest until we find out if I am pg. I might as well keep you company! :D (And I can't even find out until the 10th, unless I do an early test...)
  17. I grew up on military bases. There is a certain sense of safety and security there. :) Is it possible you were singled out because your toddlers were out and about two days in a row without your knowledge? I would think that a conscientious neighbor would make a call after a few incidents of younger children being unsupervised. :grouphug: The sense of safety on military bases comes with a price - higher scrutiny. That scrutiny is exactly why the bases are a little safer than other neighborhoods. I also totally understand not liking rules. I am a born rule follower who *hates* being told what to do and how to do it. :confused: Yup, a true dichotomy. :D If I don't like a rule, I follow it until I can get it changed! (And yes, I will try to change rules OR opt out of the situations where I can't stomach them.)
  18. We get them around once a year. It kind of skeeves me out! (And I love the routine - We are out doing deliveries and we have extra that we don't want to waste so it is a REALLY GREAT DEAL. :lol: ) No, thank you!
  19. Huh, that is a great comparison. I would think it is the very next right. :confused: But I don't with "next Wednesday." Am I an oxymoron or what?!?!?!
  20. I use "next" for next week and "this" for this week, but not everyone does. I would certainly seek out clarification. :) I wouldn't blow off the meeting, though.
  21. We have an annual meeting where everyone is given the financial report - expected expenses, actual expenses, expected income, actual income, etc. We don't have any idea what any individual parishioner is giving and nor should we, but we do know the overall income, as well as the sources, and we see it broken down specifically where it is spent. During the rest of the year, copies of the report are pinned on a public area bulletin board where anyone can take a copy - member for 20 years or new this Sunday. :)
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