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kiwi mum

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Everything posted by kiwi mum

  1. I'm confused. Why can't you take the tums? The ingredients you have listed don't include wheat or gluten.
  2. My DH was also impressed with the coverage in LOF Statistics. We are using all the other LOF books so will use the Statistics one as well. DH and I both did high school in New Zealand where it is normal for most students to do math through to precalc in 11th grade and then the mathy students (that would be both of us) did both calculus and statistics in 12th grade.
  3. Panadol and Tylenol are the same thing (paracetamol). Motrin and Advil are the same thing (ibuprofen). So yes, you can alternate them the same way. Just check the dosage as different brands may come in different strengths.
  4. Agreeing with Tibby, particularly the bolded. That is why we did not continue with Sonlight past core 5. While we have not used TOG, We have done something similar with our own book choices and going deeper on his areas of interest. I have also tried to focus on writing (his weakness) to try to bring his output level closer to his input level.
  5. I haven't used core 6, but have used cores 1 to 5. I've seen a lot of people say that they found 6 easier than 5. I think the spine aspect probably makes a difference. I got core 5 used and didn't want to spend a whole year on that format (without the spine) so what I did was to split it up and include it along with our 4 year cycle. So when we got to the beginning of Islam in history I added in all the Middle East stuff from core 5 etc. We started core 5 when DS was 8 (almost finished it now) and he had no trouble with the level of it, but he was already working at logic stage at that time. I do think core 5 requires logic stage thinking as there is a lot of processing different beliefs etc which would overwhelm grammar stage kids.
  6. It's your birthday, do whatever you want to do! It's my birthday today too but I'm 47.
  7. We used MOH1 with core B and then rearranged the books from cores C,D and E to go with MOH2 and 3. We did use all the books (exceptCHOW) but that is because DS always wants more. You certainly don't need to use that much.
  8. We used Sonlight literature/read alouds along side MOH. But MOH also has plenty of recommendations in the back for books to use. Plenty of people are happy with MOH on its own but my DS is one who always wants more and wants to go deeper, so using both worked for us. Have you looked at Bright Ideas Press Iluuminations program? It is specifically designed for MOH and schedules readers and read alouds etc. As far as Bible goes, I think MOH1 is a great year to focus on Old Testament as it ties in with the history. New Testament doesn't tie in well even with vol 2 because the whole NT period is covered in just a few weeks. We did OT only with vol 1 then moved to Kay Arthur's childrens Bible studies after that.
  9. I'm not sure if you are aware of this, but while volume 1 has 36 weeks of lessons, volumes 2 and 3 have only 28 weeks each. So that is just over 1 1/2 years worth. You could start volume 2 now and finish it and volume 3 by the end of next school year. Just another option to consider.
  10. I voted MOH because that is what we used. I only discovered HO when looking for something to replace MOH for modern times. We are currently using HO Modern times but I wish MOH was out for this time period. But, if I was doing level 2 ancients again now, I would probably use both MOH and HO.
  11. Nope. I've never had a white Christmas. This will be my second Christmas is the northern hemisphere, all the rest have been summer. We will have a high of about 75 and overnight low of 60 which is cold for here.
  12. We are in a similar sitution here with lack of services available and no way to get a diagnosis either as well as the cultural denial issues. We have an aspie ourselves and DH has worked in a school for special needs kids so he has become the go to person in his school for any "unusual" kids. He has helped other teachers to understand how aspies think and work out accommodations in the clasroom. We would be happy to chat by PM, email or skype if you think we could help at all.
  13. I voted 4+. Ours is collected every night. There are big bins out on the street and you just dump your bag in there. It is between 100 and 120F here for over half the year so you can't leave stuff sitting around. There was once on a public holiday where they missed a collection and boy did it stink out there.
  14. I am homeschooling. DH teaches 4th grade at an International school. Qatar is a little more conservative than UAE but making progress all the time. Just this month it has become possible to buy pork legally here. :D
  15. We have been here 15 months now and love it. There are similar cultural/racial frustrations to what you have where you are but there is a huge expat community and teachers are paid really well. We have looked at other areas for "where to next?" but have not yet come up with anything that matches what we have here.
  16. In New Zealand we were paying the equivalent of about $6 per gallon. And now for the opposite extreme, In Qatar (an oil producing country) we pay less than $1 per gallon.
  17. Mine had constant ear infections until he turned five and has never had another one since. It was only recently that I joined the dots - they stopped at the same time that he went gluten free.
  18. Agreeing with most of what has already been said, with one extra thought to add. You can't really compare it to SOTW2 as it covers the time period of SOTW 2, 3 and 4 in one year - so it is moving at three times the speed. I used it along with SOTW (and a whole bunch of other stuff) and took much more than a year to get through it.
  19. :iagree: The two biggest things that have helped for us are homeschooling and focusing on relationship. School was such a stressful experience with sensory overload that he had no energy left for learning. Homeschooling allows us to control the physical environment in order to focus on the academics. It also gives us much more time to focus on relationship. When in sensory overload DS feels like the whole world is against him, so it is very important for him to know that we are on his side and there to help him. This has led to less frequent and shorter meltdowns.
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