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Everything posted by *lifeoftheparty*

  1. If I could afford one of the houses near the National Cathedral, then I would be living IN DC, LOL :) Alas, I can't b/c I choose to stay home with my child. But we have always said that we would LOVE to live in DC :) But your right, I wouldn't live in the ghetto any more than I would move back to the "boonies". I don't have an issue with raising taxes on those who make more than a million a year.
  2. This is not so cut and dry though. I lived in such a place all through middle and high school. We never locked the doors and everyone knew everybody else. I wouldn't raise my child there if you PAID me, I don't care how cheap it is, LOL. I have NEVER met so many racist, close minded, mean, hypocritical people in my LIFE. We moved there from suburbia outside of Atlanta, and it was complete culture shock!! The kids in the country knew more about drugs, sex, alcohol than ANY of my friends in the suburbs, plus they had the highest teen pregnancy rates in the state of Georgia! I think I would rather pay more and lock my doors, LOL :) And I LOVE the sense of community I have here, less than 30 miles outside of DC :)
  3. It's that way here in DC too. DH has to look nice, PLUS, he needs his shirts to have size 37 sleeves, so we order off the internet and spend $75-$100 per shirt and pants average about $150-$200. I don't even think that is the "high end" stuff, LOL, I'm sure there are people around here dressed better... but that's all we can spend on clothing right now. Don't even get me STARTED on suits!!! Atleast DH only has to wear those on "important" occasions... ETA: DH doesn't work for the media or Fashion, just the government.
  4. If my next child is a girl... Cora Evangeline.... will be her name! Next in line are: Sophia Josephine Ava/Eva Sarah
  5. My Christmas list ALWAYS contains cooking gadgets, LOL. Last year I got some AWESOME Ginsu Chikara knives! A few years before that I got my BELOVED Kitchen-Aid Mixer!! This year, the top 10 things on my list are Le Creuset pots and I will FAINT with JOY if I get just ONE of them, LOL. I want them soooooooo bad!! I also added in a Potato Ricer for good measure ;) I think it's great that everyone likes different things! My MIL doesn't like to cook and would MUCH rather do the dishes (which I despise), so things work out REALLY well when we visit :)
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