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Everything posted by dakarimom5

  1. I have many stories about varying family members and their feelings about breastfeeding:glare: Let's just say that NONE of my family supported my decision and many were outright rude about it.
  2. Is it bad that I used the dictionary.com audio button? If it isn't then I might admit I kept hitting it many times just because I like how the word sounds!:tongue_smilie:
  3. Is that Huntsville, AL? I really can believe that if it is...since I live in Decatur!
  4. I can usually rearrange school for educational field trips or get togethers with other hs families. What I can't or won't do is rearrange my day to take your child to the doctor or keep your children because you need to work since "I'm home anyway".:glare:
  5. We are getting a Nook Tablet this weekend. I am so excited but I have a question. Can I download the kindle app to it? I know it seems silly since I'm buying a Nook, but Kindle has better free books! My DH refuses to buy a kindle since he loves the Nook. Thanks for the help.
  6. I have been feeling out of sorts for a while now. I don't want to use the words depressed or unhappy, because I feel they are too strong for how I'm feeling. I can't really pinpoint why I feel this way or what I can do to fix it. I really thought it was just normal PMS but my DH said that he has noticed my irritability for several weeks now. I guess part of the problem is that I feel I go unnoticed, like I'm part of the decor. I also feel pulled in many directions with my crew. I'm excited about starting our second semester but I haven't planned the first thing yet. I guess I'm posting to see if anyone here has been in a funk and how you got out of it.
  7. Shockingly, everything went over well! DS#3 was iffy about the snap curcuits but then he opened them and he hasn't put them down since. But the best quotes came from DD. She opened her Innotab and said, " O Papa! I love it so much!! What is it?" :D And then after she had played with it for a bit she said, "Mama, there are books on here. But there is only one. How can there be only one book?" In her world you never get just one book!!
  8. My children get one warning once. And then I embarrass them if I need to. That usually only needs to happen once for them to realize you are in control. I understand you wanting to "save face" for them in public but they are making a choice to willingly be disobedient in public because they know you won't do anything right then. I usually whisper something like," I will not tolerate this kind of behavior any longer. Make a choice or I will make one for you." If they don't behave after this conversation, they reap what they sow.
  9. One year we got DS#4 a kitchen for Christmas. My oldest was still living at home so he was helping me put stuff out since my DH was at work. We could not find ANY screw drivers anywhere. We spent 2 hours putting that kitchen together with a butter knife!!
  10. Why don't you guys come to my house? :D I still have wrapping to do, but certain little people keep getting up. But I did finish all of my baking!
  11. As of right now the only thing planned is Pioneer Woman's Fancy mac and cheese and her Vanilla Bean Scones. My friend is trying to talk me into tuna mousse...I'm just not sure about that.:confused:
  12. It has been a drama filled holiday season here with, among other things, my 10 yo nephew in an in-patient mental facility. Last night was a tough night due to the news that he "might" be home by Christmas. So I came here to find a lighthearted thread....and boy did I find one!! FTR...Imp,I love elves too! That thread is great when I can't get my DH to get out of bed and put on his kilt..at 2am!!:lol: Thank you to all that posted eye candy. It was a welcome sight!
  13. Only in my house would we have craziness!! I filled the kids' shoes before I went to bed. Apparently the cat knocked the shoes over and the dog ate the candy! I was able to save some of it but not a lot. The coloring books and grow your own crystals went over well though!
  14. My plan is to teach small engine repair next year and then the year after to move on to actual cars. I guess I have to admit that I'm trying to talk my DH into letting me put a car engine in my living room!:001_huh: I guess maybe I should point out that I don't even know how to put air in my tires or check my oil either!! But this is knowledge for my children and that changes everything!!:D:lol:
  15. I just make biscuits and chocolate gravy since I'm usually busy putting toys together.
  16. Last year my DD got a 3ft Rapunzel doll for Christmas. It was the worst gift ever as it's head is heavy and it's eyes sort of shine when the light hits them just right. Let's just say it faces the wall ever since it scared my DH when he went to the bathroom one night! Also you can't brush the hair without pulling it out. Right now we have some sort of ball tangled in it's hair that I am too scared to even attempt to get out. That being said, after the Rapunzel doll fiasco I have sworn off dolls with hair that can be brushed. The Loopsy dolls fit the bill and my DD loves them. But I have to admit that the ones with medusa hair creep me out. They do have several outfits to choose from (we have a pink dress) and if you look on TRU they also have baby ones which, IMO are adorable.
  17. I was trying to do the same thing, except it was $14.99 inline skates!! It took me 45minutes.
  18. Every time we do something with our homeschooling group I am reminded that mine is the only van without a homeschooling sticker on it!!:glare:
  19. DS#4 could get a whole doorknob in his diaper! Just today I had to tell people to stop smelling things!
  20. Recently I learned that my 10yo ds told my 8yo ds that when you wash your hair with a lot of shampoo and it runs down your body that means you don't need to wash your body!:glare: It's sad to say but I have no idea how long my boys have been "washing" this way!
  21. I don't know how to multi-quote but I agree that this was probably a high school assignment. I also agree that is is a sad but true example of what ps children are learning. My DSD is a junior and her papers I have proof read for her are that bad. BTW, I randomly clicked on a page and read the comments made by a homeschooler named Alex. If any of you are his mom I would like to say that I hope my boys turn out like him. And I would love to know what curriculum you used!!;):lol:
  22. I feel very odd bringing this here but I think you guys will calm me down. A little back story for clarity. My mother is a hypochondriac, to the point that if she reads something on the web she has it. I try very hard not to be like her and until this point have succeeded, but sometimes her crazy comes out. Last night I got into bed and was checking here before going to sleep. I set my laptop down and then laid down, when I had an "episode". The room started to sort of waiver and spin. I sort of "forced" myself out of it through a pep talk and some prayer. My vision returned to normal with an instantly over headache. The whole thing lasted 15 seconds roughly. After it was over it felt like my heart was racing but by the time I found my pulse on my wrist it was normal. I said a short prayer and then went to sleep. Today I feel good but not 100%. I feel like I should add that I am a migraine sufferer, have anxiety attacks ( but none in about 2 years), and was quite hungry last night but was too sleepy to get up to eat. Also, I have been dealing with a cold here lately. It hasn't been horrible just coughing and sneezing. So because of my mother I have a list of about 15-20 things that I feel it could have been...none of them good. So what do ya'll think?:bigear:
  23. MW3= Modern Warfare 3. My 13yo is counting the days until he can go into the military, so my DH thinks this is a good idea. I think the rating makes it a bad idea.
  24. My 13yo is getting books, mp3 player, inline skates and board games. My DH is trying to talk me into MW3 but I'm resisting;)
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