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Everything posted by sassyscrapperinid

  1. Hi Everyone- I have a question for y'all. I started babysitting out of my home in January of this year. I really enjoy it- usually. However, when she started bringing the DC over, the children were sick. As a result, my family was sick for about 2 and a half weeks. Then they got better and have been relatively healthy for a while. This morning when the mom dropped them off, I noticed one of them coughing. The mom didnt say anything about it. I didnt think much of it. Then, very rapidly, the situation got worse. Long story short, I have been coughed and snotted on all day long. And I mean snotted on. Snot flying while sneezing, and rubbed all over my shirt and on my face snotted on. One of the DC even coughed in one of my childrens face, even after I asked her not to. Neither of the DC had a fever today. I have been rubbing them with vicks to help, with little results. I feel terrible for them that they are feeling so badly. They arent catatonic or anything. However, one of them wasnt quite himself- which is understandable considering how sick he is. I really feel for all the parents out there who work and have to leave their children in a daycare situation. Considering the mom hired me after meeting me once for about 45 minutes, I am glad that I am caring for her DC and not some whacko. Sorry to vent but its been a long long day. :blink: Anyways- my question for you all is this: how sick is too sick to take your child to a babysitter/daycare? I dont know that I would be able to do it. I understand that they have to work, but I also have another job in addition to the babysitting, and I cant afford to be sick. And then you have the issue of my DH and DC getting sick too. Do I have a right to even say anything? Their dad picked them up today and told them they would be meeting mommy at bible study. To which I said "ummm they are a bit sick. dont know if you want to take them there." Alls he asked was if they had a fever. Dont misunderstand me, they are well cared for children. Very clean and well fed and such- so its definitely NOT a neglect case or anything. She is a good mom.... please help me to know what the limits are... this is my first time babysitting someone elses children on a full time basis. Thanks so much for reading this and all your advice (in advance)!!
  2. Well, my 6 year old daughter started learning probably about a year ago. My now 8 year old son has a Red Ryder BB gun that he got for Christmas the Christmas before last so.... I would love for them to take a class through 4-H. I will have to look into that. Thanks for the idea. :001_smile:
  3. Just the maps- US, the world, and a map of Germany because my sister lives there- for us right now... nothing too exciting... unless ofcourse you think maps are exciting... and I kind of do! :001_smile:
  4. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Thanks for saying that!
  5. That is awesome!! I am pondering my next tattoo as well! :001_smile:
  6. Thanks! Have you tried doTerra essential oils before?
  7. Thieves oil? Havent heard of that one..... Glad you mentioned the tea tree/melaleuka oil behind the ear- great suggestion! :001_smile:
  8. Have you tried garlic oil?? My son used to have vicious ear infections when he was little... until a friend recommended garlic oil. I know a lot of people say not to put anything in the canal, but I would warm the oil and drop 3-5 drops into the infected ear. The pain and infection were usually gone by morning. You could also just rub some behind the ear if you dont want to put the drops inside. I hope that helps. :001_smile:
  9. I had to pipe in here. I am new to posting but have been lurking around WTM forums for a while. Not that this is a super serious thread... or at least I dont think it is.. :001_smile: Anyways.. I have an iPad and LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!! I also have to say that I am a serious book lover too. I have always told my dh who is a techie that sure, the kids can do research online, but we have to have a set of encyclopedias and other good, hard resources in the house. I also love curling up with a real book and reading it. But also I love having my books in one location, and to agree with the other posters, it is so light! I have just moved 3 times in 4 years, and let me tell you those books are so heavy!! We also traveled a lot and even lived in our RV full time while looking for our homes when we moved and it is nice to have had- during this last move- the books I enjoy or wanted to read on my iPad and my iPod. I use the kindle app on both. The iPad came with a fully illustrated copy of Winnie the Pooh on it. So, in answer to one persons comment about would you want to read one of those to the kiddos... absolutely. And the picture quality is awesome! Anyways... we bought my daughter a kindle for her birthday last year because she is her mothers daughter :001_smile: and I must say, I am so glad I held out for the iPad instead of the kindle- which I did want until the iPad came out. The kindle screen is so small compared to the iPad and I love the way the font gets SO big on the iPad! And at my age (39 going on 60), thats important. ;) I wasnt going to say so much but as you can tell, I definitely love my iPad. Hope this was helpful!
  10. Hi- I was hoping someone would be willing to post the website? I did a quick google search and came up with just reviews of the books. Thanks! My next question is, how exactly do you use this? I have it and to be honest havent read through the teachers guide much past the first page :001_huh: but I am not sure how to proceed with it. Would you all mind posting what exactly you do with it? Thanks again!
  11. specialmama- are you in northern Idaho then? I wish so bad to be able to see this!! I realize it is probably over now but it would be so cool!!
  12. I dont mind being called over protective and there is no way I would let my little ones out front without me, my husband, or an much older sibling out with them. My kids have plenty of other opportunities to gain experience without that much risk being involved. Its just not worth it to me. Just my 2 cents though. ~Stella
  13. Alls I can say is good luck with that. You are really going to want to make sure she doesnt have some kind of personality disorder. I knew what kind of a woman my MIL was when we first met but I kept giving her the benefit of the doubt for my husbands sake. She has never lived with us- thank God! However, she has stayed with us for extended periods of time. The longest being 3 months. She has tried very seriously over the years to cause trouble for us and our family. Even after we adopted one of her daughters 5 children, she continually did things we told her not to do. Finally, 15 years later, even my DH doesnt speak to her anymore. Its very sad. So, definitely make sure you are dealing with someone who is willing to work with you. Good luck! I hope it works out. ~Stella
  14. The only thing I know and its not a natural remedy and maybe not such a good idea with dogs running around is to sprinkle moth balls around the property. Our dogs never bothered the moth balls and it did improve the situation. Good luck! ~Stella
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