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Everything posted by ClassicMom

  1. I did the hot spot and 5 minute room rescue just by chance (didn't know that was what we were supposed to do today). Um, can't make my bed because I started a project. Yea, I'm one of those people. I started cleaning out my closet the other day. It was going really well. Then I got distracted. Then my son threw all of my well-laid out piles onto the floor...then the dog laid on the piles.......and now the whole mess is on my bed. :willy_nilly:
  2. my dd (15) was just like that when she was that age. And now I have to set really strict boundaries about how much time she can go out either with friends or to organized activities. Just take it in little steps as so many of the wise moms have said. :001_smile:
  3. I was well on my way until our oldest landed in our lap (she is adopted). We were NOT going to have children! :lol: I kept working and finished both of my degrees after she came into our lives while dh did a lot of the child-rearing. Slowly my heart softened. After I finished college and the place that I was working closed. I started re-evaluating my life. Yea, AFTER I had two degrees and student loans! Anyway, when she was about 2 1/2 we decided that money wasn't all that and that we really did enjoy kids and wanted more and #2 was on the way! It was while I was pregnant that I found some books on homeschooling and I said "Wow, people actually do this, I could never do it." AHAHAH!! :lol: We started homeschooling her the following fall. :D Here we are still homeschooling, 15 years and 5 kids later!! :rofl: I do use my accounting degree in my very part-time job. Still paying those student loans too! :w00t:
  4. My dh drives a truck during the week. Although he rarely does long-haul, he still is gone from 4 or 5 am - 8 or 11 pm. So on the weekend he tries to get in as much time with the kids as he can. Especially our Autistic son and teenage daughter. He also helps me bring in all the groceries/pharmaceuticals for the week (big job) and take care of our handicapped son's needs for the weekend which gives me a break. We are lucky if we get to go out for coffee and dessert. We usually order out and get some movie rentals to spend time together Sat. evening. That's about it if at all. I use to resent it but have found that is the way our lives are now and is not the way it will always be. We try to take walks when we can and 10 minutes here and there. Someday it will just be the two of us and we will miss all the activity that is going on in the house.
  5. Enjoy yourself and take time to smell the books! :D
  6. Family of 7 and we do about 4 loads a day not including Monday when we do all of the bedding. We only have enough outfits for one week plus Sunday clothes (there's a few extra but those aren't favorites). I purposefully weeded out clothing to cut down on laundry! I think part of our problem is that nobody uses the same towel more than once. They get really mildewy here if we hang them up. One good thing... I don't do the laundry anymore!! It's my dd (18) chore! Woohoo! She washes and folds and her sister delivers it to the bedrooms. That has really freed me up! :hurray:
  7. My dd(18) is starting her own housecleaning business this year. Not glamorous, but something she can do and still have a family if/when God provides. I still very strongly that God is going to provide her with a Missionary husband. I don't know why, but I have always felt that way and that He has prepared her for that. dd(15) wants to be a RN working with children dd(13) changes day to day. I see her as a missionary of some sort. ds(14) is handicapped and will be happy living with mommy and daddy as long as God allows. :001_smile: ds(5) when asked keeps telling me "stop asking me that mommy". :lol: " I'm busy playing Legos."
  8. With what baby steps to do that day. Little steps?? Those emails got so overwhelming for me. I can shine my sink, get dressed to my shoes (have to wear shoes around here or I trip all over those silly matchbox cars and legos! :auto:) What's next for today?
  9. Recent studies have even questioned the use of Tylenol in early preg. But you are 20 wks. Anything besides Tylenol should be passed by your doctor. I had migraines too during all my pregnancies and there are meds that you can take for headaches/migraines during pregnancies, but you should always ask your doctor even before taking over the counter meds just so you are on the same page. I know that caffeine is a no-no, but one cup with two Tylenol might help. I use Excedrin and a cup of coffee when I feel a bad headache coming on now and rest with an ice-pack as mentioned earlier. I know Tylenol isn't as strong, but it may give you some relief. Any pain worse than that should be discussed with your doctor. If it's not normal for you, than it could be a condition induced by the pregnancy. Also make sure that you are eating plenty of protein...heck, you've been through this enough. You know the drill. I do know that drinking plenty of water is key for headache relief also. The average American is walking around dehydrated and doesn't realize it. That can bring on a headache too.
  10. Lizzie, ARE WE TWINS? Except there isn't really anything wrong with this if you aren't depressed. There is a distinction between just wanting to be home and not going out and being depressed. Feeling down, empty, lacking your normal emotions, etc.
  11. There are so many flavors now! The last time I had a "Mike's" there was just Lemonade! Hmmm...may have to try one of those rad new flavors.:auto:
  12. like, um, five times. But if I don't get it under control this summer, this fall will be a total nightmare. So, off to find my shoes and my sink. Yes, find my sink. ;)
  13. :lol: so much more supportive of our lifestyles? Not only would it give us a peace of mind, but we could share so much more with them. They would be able to really enjoy us AND our children! They are the ones missing out! My parents don't even really know my children. They have made no effort to even try every since we decided to homeschool. And THEN I got preg. with #3 when #2 was only five months old! Yea, we waited awhile to tell them about that one. When I called my mom for support when I almost miscarried the last one, she told me it was probably the best thing for everyone. YEEKS! Big hugs for you. :grouphug: There are so many here that can relate to what you are going through. Personally, I'd wait and send a card with the ultrasound as others have mentioned. Those phone calls get too personal.
  14. going on for a Kindergarten!! Handwriting - We liked A Reason for Writing K Phonics Readers - I always liked using and will use Rookie Readers. I prefer the older ones from the library compared the the newly published ones. If you check out the book "How to Teach Your Child to Read with Children's Books" from the library, there is a list in the back of books to read by level. Use that to determine which Rookie books to use when. Geography - Two favorites - A Trip Around The World and Another Trip Around the World or Galloping the Globe. We are just starting K over here too, but with an Aspie, so it's tweaked a bit!;)
  15. I have happily gone two weeks. I mean, I've gone outside and such. Just not with the car. It was nice. I wouldn't do it often, but I think we lead such busy lives sometimes, it is good to slow down and just breathe. a.k.a.Cristol Girl
  16. for all of your input! I found quite a bit online to get me started and will find those books at the library when we are ready! Thank you!
  17. DD (15) thinks I'm nuts for laughing so loud at the computer. This is a hoot! Cristol Girl says peace out! :smilielol5:
  18. you are almost there! Keep up the awesome work! You look great! :hurray:
  19. part of it is that I'm just plain tired! My idea of night on the town is a cup of coffee and a piece of pie with a friend and I want to be home by 8:00! I work tonight until 9:00 and it does me in. Part of it, I think comes with age. JMO. Going out gets old. I have found other, better things to spend money on (like books! :D). I enjoy being with the family. And, my interests are more home-oriented now.
  20. It's funny that you mentioned that because God was giving me more than a "nudge" in that direction! I was getting so wrapped up in my goals for my daughter that I was beginning to lose site of HIS.
  21. Where can I find information about the SAT? My daughter already knows where she is going to college and we are fine there, but we need to plan her coursework to do well on the SAT to hopefully get some scholarship money at the nursing school she chose. For instance, we don't know if there is geography on the SAT. I took the ACT myself. Is there a website to look at so that I don't have to buy a book yet...we aren't at that point yet. Just trying to outline our 4 years and plan next year! TIA! :D
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