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Missouri Okie

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Everything posted by Missouri Okie

  1. Most people offer. So, I've come to expect THE OFFER unless I know someone is not a competent cook. I usually decline unless it's a big meal like Thanksgiving.
  2. Top it with these beauties..you don't need one for every year, just enough to make a statement.
  3. Christianbook is a just FEW cents more expensive than RR, and they are offering free shipping through the 28th.
  4. Vision Forum is having a buy two get one free promotion until the 26th.
  5. Oklahoma has virtual school too. :) We live in Owasso, which doesn't have as much to offer as Broken Arrow retail/ restaurant-wise. It is nice place to live, though. It is also cheaper. Plus, it has easier (shorter, less congested) access to downtown Tulsa, if that's where his job is located. There is a tremendous HS presence in Oklahoma. There's a surprising amount of cultural opportunities in the Tulsa/Bartlesville area. The summers are oppressive, though. I have my fingers crossed for you!
  6. I remember it, but can't recall anything specific. It was effective though. It made me detest leftover turkey.
  7. Don't forget about RightStart. I can't answer your question as RS and Miquon are all I have used, but I would think that RS what rank high up on the mental math spectrum.
  8. I've wondered this too as my son also seems to attract bullies. He's 7 now, but even as young as your child, the mean boys came after him. My daughter doesn't seem to have the same attraction fortunately.
  9. SWB addresses this question on a . She says if using WWE, you don't need to do copywork/narration in FLL...unless you think it's helpful to 'flesh out' the grammar lesson in FLL.
  10. I recognize the wisdom in this, and (for what it's worth) I agree. For facts retention, Classical Conversations is incredible. It makes it nice in studying grammar, for example, that my son already knows the definitions of the parts of speech. Or, in studying history, we can provide context to facts and geography locations he has previously learned, further solidifying the information. The beauty of CC is the repetition of the cycles, the positive peer pressure provided by the classroom setting, and the outside accountability which helps motivate mom to make sure memory work gets done. I cannot say for certain he'll remember forever. I can only rely on personal experience. Certain things I learned as a young child by rote (the 23rd Psalm, the 12 apostles, or books of the Bible), I can still recall at a moment's notice. My 82 year-old father can still quote speeches from Shakespeare he learned in grammar school.
  11. I'm ashamed to say I like Bravo shows...the Real Housewives of [Anywhere] and Top Chef.
  12. I consider it a supplement to almost all of those programs you listed. My family has done CC for 3 years. However, my oldest is only 7. Since he is so young, I rely on CC for most of his science since we do an experiment or science-related activity every week in CC. I supplement CC science at home with related read-alouds. Some people use CC memory work as a spine for history. They use the history sentence as the basis for their studies each week and flesh it out with reading and SOTW (or other) activities. As for Latin, in Cycle 1 (next year's) cycle, they learn the Latin noun declensions, in Cycle 2, they learn Latin verb conjugations and in Cycle 3 (the current cycle) we are learning vocabulary words that correspond to John 1. To me, that is enough Latin for now. You will definitely have to use your own Language Arts/Spelling/Phonics and math programs at home.
  13. My son is 7. Our only must-do is violin. He's practiced every day since May 23, 2010. We (maybe it's really just me :o) don't want to give up on that streak. I keep thinking I'll have him read to me everyday not matter what, but we have not been consistent with that.
  14. :iagree:This was my experience exactly with my son who turned 7 in September.
  15. I love yours, Heidi. It is my favorite because it is visually pleasing, and you have great information. We do CC and have children around the same age, too. However, YOU NEED TO POST MORE OFTEN! P.S. I hope all is going well with your dad.
  16. I was very aggravated at first, but to the kids (mine are young) it will probably be relatively painless since they memorize so easily.
  17. I listened to part of the broadcast. It sounds like the timeline will be different, but it will tie more closely to the history sentences. On the back, there will also be a map to tie into geography. I didn't listen closely enough to hear whether there is a description on the back as with the Veritas cards. They have a song in the works. I think she said there will be 7 cards a week instead of the 8 we have now. There will also be Presidents cards. I also heard them say that they are making the cards more 'diverse' in that they incorporating major events from around the globe ('the end of apartheid' was mentioned as being one of the cards).
  18. I don't bother to follow the history sentences either. We are doing American history at home but at a much slower pace. It doesn't bother me or the kids that our memory work doesn't sync up with what we are reading at home. From what I've read, Leigh Bortins thinks learning is more valuable if you hear something a number of different times in different contexts. I don't think the memory work was designed to be a spine for history. It was a relief to me not to have to follow the history sentences in doing history at home....particularly in cycle 1, which REALLY accelerates quickly through history.
  19. I live near Tulsa, Oklahoma. I had not heard about it! Thanks for sharing. Now, I can't wait to go.
  20. I just finished doing a lesson in RS B with my son. In the lesson there is a quote by the noted mathematics educator Polya. It says, "It is much better to solve one problem in six different ways than it is to solve six problems the same way." This is another reason for using multiple math programs.
  21. Don't buy a GE Profile like we did 4 years ago. I HATE it. It does not clean the dishes AT ALL. Spend the money and get a Bosch.
  22. I had problems with my iMac being slow and glitchy. Then, I came across this blog post. Her advice helped tremendously. http://balancingeverything.com/2011/10/06/clean-your-computer-for-the-love-of-pete/
  23. I read voraciously as a kid. Now that you mention this book, I remember very well seeing it on one of my teacher's bookshelves. I remember passing it up dozens of times when looking for a book to read because war stories had zero appeal to me. Hmmm....I may have to give it a shot now.
  24. I do it myself to save money. I need it to be done professionally, though. I don't ever do the back of my head very well. I'm afraid of what I look like from behind (especially if there's a breeze).
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