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Everything posted by Trish

  1. Although in most cases loan modification doesn't end up working, it is certainly better than living next to a foreclosed house. While many people made bad choices during the housing bubble (bought more house than they could afford, refinanced and took cash out, etc.), many more DID NOT. And they are STILL underwater. For the majority of people who are underwater on their mortgages, it is through no fault of their own. Also, if you've been following anything on this foreclosure crisis -- referring to many banks now no longer processing them due to the original paperwork not being available, or in some cases, false documentation used to transfer the paperwork from one lender to another, many foreclosures are being called into question. I would definitely NOT allow my house to be foreclosed on before checking into this issue. Google "MERS Scandal" for starters, but there is a LOT of info out there on this topic. Many times the bank attempting to foreclose CANNOT prove it owns the house. Start with MERS Scandal and keep reading. Due to problems like this, and many more, the economy won't be coming back. You can "bank" on that!
  2. We pretty much celebrate Halloween the way the OP does, with cute or fun costumes, trick or treating (and giving out treats at our house). However I'm still aware of the evil that is celebrated on that day, and try to stay as far away from that aspect as possible. The last time we went into one of those big temporary Halloween stores that pop up at this time of year, we of course were looking for the cute costumes. (last year) and they DID have them. But to get to that part of the store we had to walk past a LOT of really evil and ghoulish looking stuff (couldn't they have put the bloody murder scene in the back of the store? or put the kids' stuff more to the front?) It seemed like it catered at least as much to adults as to children. Off to the left (which I steered the kids away from) was this whole scary/sexy area that was clearly adult oriented. My mother in law was creeped out, and after we came out (with our fun costumes) said maybe we should not shop there next year. I agree with her, I'm going to order costumes online. Maybe it's me, or maybe it was the atmosphere, but it FELT bad to me. And I'm ALWAYS creeped out by cute little kids dressed as Michael Myers or various other characters who are basically killers. I'm not crazy about cute little witches either, but I don't have girls so it isn't really my issue. This didn't bother me so much when I was younger. Is it because I'm a parent? Or more spiritual now than then? Or better informed? Or more paranoid? I don't know. So I'm not going to judge anyone, but I try to stay away from the stuff that creeps me out. Why give evil a foothold is the way I look at it.
  3. I'm sorry for your loss. The way I try to look at these things is, if it's a broken friendship, maybe it's God's way of telling us to move on, that the reason for that relationship has been fulfilled or run its course or whatever, and that He wants something else for me now. I'll pray for your peace of mind. Thanks for sharing, I think many of us have been there at one time or another! :grouphug:
  4. Disney will be fun for everyone. Universal main park is more young oriented, their Islands of Adventure Park more for older (although they do have a smaller kids' section there too.)
  5. We live about an hour away from Disney and stay up there from time to time. I don't trust ANY hotel anywhere, I rely on my own simple bedbug check. Lift the sheets and check the seams of the mattresses. Also check the drawers. There should be some "evidence" if they are there. Good luck!
  6. Bottom line is, the more you look like Jesus, the less certain types of Christian groups will accept you. ;)
  7. Well the horse is certainly out of the barn on this one. heh. But anyway, isn't there a feature on FB where you can just "hide" the people whose responses you don't want to see? Sort of like ignoring them, but they're not aware of it? That way you don't have to deal with the social drama of "de-friending" them. There are plenty of people who DO take offense to that. Why create a hassle if you can just hide them?
  8. I would say buy whatever you and your family are going to need for the next 10 years. Investments will probably be worth very little when it all comes crashing down.
  9. Even if Christians fail your son, there will be other groups of people who accept him for who he is.
  10. Well, since everybody is judged on their appearance in one way or another, and we're ALL subject to it, whether Christian, non-Christian, atheist or whatever, how exactly is the OP's child different from anyone else on the planet? Agreed, it is difficult during adolescence to discover that the "inner you" is not always valued independently of how you look, but it's somewhat unrealistic to think otherwise. Even if you can find a group of kids to value you for "you" alone, the rest of society is still going to be out there making value judgments based on appearance. Sometimes it's because they're cruel, and OFTENTIMES it's because they're busy! Visual cues are like shorthand. I know everyone should take the time to get to know everyone else and not judge them on any basis whatsoever, but sometimes Real Life interferes.
  11. According to Wikipedia there IS Christian metal. I certainly didn't know that. :D
  12. i guess I can see both sides to this equation. I don't think people should have to be all like in order to be accepted. But sometimes we as parents tend to make quick jugments based on what we see or hear. Here is one of my areas of ignorance: "heavy metal music." Based on what I have SEEN, and to a small degree, heard, i would "assume" (wrongly?) that the music has bad lyrics. In fact even now I'm thinking I have never heard of the concept of heavy metal and "socially acceptable lyrics." So from your post I learned something new. Is there even Christian metal, maybe? I know there is Christian rock, but to me "metal" has always signaled that whole anti-social "we don't want our teens to go there" category. If you can educate those of us parents who think "metal = bad" maybe that would be a step in the right direction!
  13. Whether we're in the "End Times" (religiously speaking) or not, some of the financial stuff I've been reading over the past two years (since the 2008 Crash), makes me think that a bigger crash is looming. That could make things feel downright End Timesy whether the Book of Revelation kicks in or not. ;)
  14. I am praying for you, and don't forget to thank God in advance for what He will do for you!
  15. 'til you get the pepper spray, maybe carry some Wasp Spray?
  16. Problem is, their worries will NOT be alleviated unless and until your kids are in school. I'd bet food on it. :D
  17. My son is 11 and he's planning to go with his 9-year-old brother this year. I personally remember feeling too old for trick or treating when I got to 7th grade. Let him enjoy one last year!
  18. "The FREE BEE" With a nice yellow and black theme sign, maybe cute poster of a bee. "Buzz on By!" (sorry, it's my PR background, haha)
  19. Yes I think we are in the End Times. This doesn't really affect our day-to-day living, since as Christians we are always trying to live a Christ-centered life, anyway. But, I'd say as I watch snippets of the news, there's very little on lately to dissaude me from the End Times impression. I'll put it this way, society has gotten so bad (I call it the "pornification of society") between what's standard fare on TV, music and movies, and what's showing up on teens' cell phones, that if Jesus DOESN'T intervene soon we'll self-destruct. My church doesn't push this idea, though, just my opinion.
  20. I saved it as a "favorite place!" http://bedbugregistry.com/
  21. I've heard you should spread salt. It damages the eggs somehow. Salt, wait, vaccuum. Salt again.
  22. I guess I haven't done this long enough to take anyone's comments to heart. I'm more focused on my plate than other people's opinions of other people homeschooling that are not me. If you had a nice conversation with the guy, isn't that good enough? I can't imagine trying to change a 95-year-old's opinion about anything. If he IS mis-informed, it won't be for that much longer. Cute story, though!
  23. WHAT would a cut toaster cord mean? I can't imagine the significance of that.
  24. I'm not trying to be cute, because this IS a horrible problem to have -- but how about looking at it as an opportunity to REALLY declutter?
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