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Everything posted by Ria

  1. So you can't park on the lawn? No big deal. I live next to a hoarder. She outgrew her home, so she started getting sheds. There are now 4 huge structures on the 1-acre lot. It's an eyesore. While parking a single car on your property might not be a big deal, think about those of us who have neighbors like mine. One car (or shed)? No big deal. Five? Hmmm. Twenty? Dear heaven. The ordinance is aimed to help you, believe me. Try having a house and four double and triple-garage sheds next door. I'd be very glad for some rules around here. :(
  2. My last year (after 9 years) of teaching writing to homeschoolers...I taught high school, at a co-op. I had 20 students. None of those kids had ever been in public school. They ranged in age from 14 to 18. Two of them knew what nouns and verbs were. Seriously. It's not just public school - most people these days - including some school districts - don't understand the importance of grammar.
  3. I want to be cremated and have my ashes placed on Devil's Island, Lake Temagami, Ontario. Unless dh gives instructions otherwise, that's his body's fate as well (so far he seems fine with it).
  4. The white ones get put away sooner than the other colors. I wore some brown capris last night. It's more a temp thing here, too.
  5. I dunno. I'm very nice and polite most of the time, but you probably wouldn't want to drive with me at rush hour. I'm just sayin'. :lol:
  6. A rash in and of itself it nothing to panic over, so I'm not sure why you are finding fault with the dr's office. Had you been having trouble breathing it would have been a different matter entirely. People get rashes all the time; it's an extremely common reaction to a wide variety of meds. Given the fact that you had had a pred shot, had more steroids in pill form, and only had a rash, your symptoms would not have been considered anything close to an emergency. I hope you are feeling better.
  7. Here are my Bengals: Lily, age 3 (purchased as a kitten) Daisy, age 2 (adopted from a breeder)
  8. I am embarrassed to say that we have several cases of incandescent bulbs in our study. I did not order them. Just sayin'.
  9. My kids have no choice but to hurry or they'll miss the bus. They get up at 5:50 and the bus picks them up at 6:40. They shower, dress, eat breakfast, and go. When we homeschooled they were more apt to dawdle because they did not risk my ire by missing the bus. LOL.
  10. No...too gross for me. I tried the Diva but now use Instead. Much more comfy for me.
  11. This. We have an inground pool, and my kids are all very comfortable in the water. They'd better be with all the whitewater canoeing they do!
  12. And just how much longer do you realistically expect this to be the case? A few more years and your kids will be teens. They will be exposed to this word, whether you like it or not.
  13. (Gently) It's ok. You had no way of knowing - your kids are still little and you just aren't exposed to this stuff the way some of us are (I have dc who are adults, and I work with a lot of young adults, so I'm more aware of the current vernacular).
  14. Exactly! :) I have a BA in English and biology, so when I say F in those circumstances I am using all of my education to express myself quite well. :D
  15. Google essay rubrik and go from there. It's much easier to grade across the board this way. I required outlines as part of the final paper as well.
  16. Are you suggesting that those who choose to swear are lacking in education or exposure to fine literature? Perhaps they are well-educated and well-read but just feel like expressing themselves explicitly. Such a choice does not necessarily mean that they are incapable of using other words.
  17. Make you want to move....how? Dancing? Or making TeA? Hard to figure out exactly what you are asking here....
  18. I think there is a time and a place for swearing. Done properly it can almost be a work of art. :lol: If one of my kids swears I give them credit for having a means to creatively express themselves. I don't get my panties in a knot over it. That said, my youngest is 14. I wouldn't have been so accommodating when my kids were younger.
  19. I love parts of the K12 curriculum package, but not all. I found that being part of the state charter school forced me to use the entire program...we hated it and dropped it after a year, I think. It just wasn't worth the aggravation. Unfortunately, K12 is too expensive for most folks to use outside of the state charters.
  20. I guess the teacher has no trouble saying the word. I don't, either. You are right - the teacher could have said "f-word" instead of f*ck, but would that really be any different? Really?
  21. Yep, she's 11. And she was more than likely aware of the F-word's existence because she was embarrassed when it was pointed out to her that the phrase she used implied the word.
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