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Everything posted by Ria

  1. Well, yes, but I think you are missing my point. The God of the OT, at least in my understanding, is who the Muslims and Jews are worshipping. The NT is what makes a Christian a Christian. But if you stripped away the NT and did not consider it, are we not all talking about the same God? ETA: I understand that God is God and all that. But the NT brings in Christ. Without mention of Christ, I think the OT God is the same one for the Jews and the Muslims.
  2. Yes, that's how I see it. The Christian faith would, to me, say that this was the same God. But the Muslim or Jewish faith, given the Bible - and the deity of Christ in the Bible - would say it is not the same God, in fact, could not say it was the same God. So, perhaps the question should be this: Do Muslims and Jews worship the same God as in the Old Testament? It all changes in the NT.
  3. Some of us DO have 5 boys, lol. I think boys are pretty easy compared to girls.
  4. I love the cabinets! We have similar ones in one of our bathrooms and plan to replace the remaining cabinets in the other bathrooms with them as well. Your bathroom is lovely!
  5. Age 6? Just give it more time. If it's still happening at 9 you might consider a visit.
  6. I totally agree. I also think it's important to set ground rules prior to a child who has been out of the house moving back home...rules that both parents agree to and that the child (er, adult) must live by. I have a friend in that situation right now....her 27-year old moved back home. He's not working; he wants a full-time job, hasn't found one and refuses to look for a part-time job. They are now supporting him and it is causing a huge amount of tension between my friend and her dh.
  7. Breakfast: dh made pancakes for the boys before they left for school; I had leftover mashed potatoes and sausage Lunch: Leftover shrimp w/ tomato sauce and brown rice Wish for: luck when I got to NY&Co later today (I have some coupons) for clothes and luck finding shoes and jeans for ds 14 New: trying hard to be productive on my day off rather than vegetate.
  8. I agree totally. The best way to raise someone who knows how and when to play games is to allow access to games, not ban contact with them. It's silly. Some games are really, really fun. What's wrong with having fun now and then? I did place some limitations on game time when my kids were younger...school, chores, and other things came first. We have Wii, XBox, and XBox 360. My kids play once or twice a week. It's just not a big deal around here.
  9. We use brown basmati and I use an electric rice cooker. Couldn't be easier, and it's fantastic to set the timer in the morning and have yummy rice exactly on time for dinner.
  10. Could you insist that she drink a meal-subsitute shake before leaving for school? At least then you'd know she had some protein...as for lunch, perhaps you can take her shopping and see what you could compromise on.
  11. OH, sweetie. The rash...I had something similar when I was pregnant with my twins. It was not a med reaction but a strange effect of the pregnancy. It was horrific. It went away after I delivered. :( :grouphug::grouphug:
  12. I was in a few groups over the years. I never once fit in. Never. I would give my honest opinion about something if asked (amazing how this can bother people!). I was not an ultraconservative Christian. I was just outside the comfort zone for folks around here. I think I'd like you a lot. :)
  13. It's tough, Cynthia. Part of it is the age, for sure. Try to phrase questions in an open-ended manner rather, for example: What did yo think of the all the rain we got today? rather than It rained a lot today, didn't it? Of course, you are probably doing this already and he's just being a teen. Ugh. I am living with it here, too. :tongue_smilie:
  14. Well, since you asked, I do think your punishment was very harsh. It would have made more sense, and accomplished more, if you'd just had him pitch in and help with something else later. Grounding for a week....wow...I would reserve that for a really serious issue. Your son is past the age of being micro-managed. Give him some slack and work with him. He's not a little kid anymore.
  15. I think the crock pot would ruin a pork tenderloin. Those benefit from short cooking times.We grill them, broil, or pan fry. Tenderloins cook quickly. IMO, pork shoulder is the right cut for a crock pot.
  16. I thought the input was extremely pertinent, actually. Dogs need to be trained. The one you have hasn't been trained, thus it is acting like it normally does. Its behavior has absolutely nothing to do with disrespect. The poster was correct in pointing this out to you.
  17. Having homeschooled both in PA and DE I can tell you that it's simple in both states. Don't let the state worry you. If your dh gets the job, come up and visit the area. Look around and see where you would like to be in relation to where he will be for work. Weather-wise, DE gets about the same weather we get here (we live in SE PA, about an hour west of Philadelphia; we are about 30 minutes north of Wilmington DE); we get more snow, they get more ice. Snow is easier, imo. It gets cold in Dec. Nov is chilly. Snow is still a major event in this area, we're not like Vermont or the northern states! I think this is a fantastic area in which to live. If you find out for sure that your dh gets the job, pm me. We can talk! :)
  18. You will never be in the majority, that's probably certain. If you truly believe in what you are doing you should be just fine. No, it's not the path of least resistance, lol. It requires hard work, and you will stand out from the norm in your area from what you've said. My kids are in school now, but we homeschooled for 16 years in what is a fantastic district. Fine. I still homeschooled and LOVED it. Believe in yourself! You picked this course for a reason, right?!
  19. It made my day. He's ok. Things have been a bit tense there but he had time to call. He sounded good and just wanted to know about stuff here at home. There really are no words for how I feel right now...it's a multitude of emotions from relief to glee. For now. The worry will come back, but thank God for a respite from it, however brief. :001_smile:
  20. If you have curly hair, find a salon that does the curly girl cuts instead. Cutting curl by curl just makes more sense.
  21. Oh, thank God. Many prayers have been lifted up for you. I am so happy for you. So very, very happy. :) :grouphug:
  22. Oh my gosh! That is gorgeous! You guys have done great work!
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