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Everything posted by Ria

  1. Barb, Often a low dose of minocycline helps acne (50 - 100 mg once or twice daily is the norm). It helps as long as the patient is taking the meds. We see rxs for this all the time in the pharmacy. In teens with severe acne, minocycline can work wonders; the teen takes it for a few years...often, after all those strange hormone changes settle down, the young adult can stop the meds and be just fine. We've had that situation here with one of our kids. Accutane (isotretinoin) is a much stronger med. Because of the birth defects associated with the drug, women who take it are required to use two forms of birth control. Pregnancy tests are required. It's a very effective drug for certain types of acne, but it is a huge hassle to be on it.
  2. You know I'd take one of your big dogs in a heartbeat. :)
  3. LOL. The NFL is the *only* reason we have cable. :lol: I love it as much as the boys and man!
  4. Oh, yes, that certainly helps! I went to a private school and lived on campus. I was totally shocked by the behavior of girls on my hall...the first time I went to take a shower I found a couple having sex in the shower. While I wasn't unaware that people had sex in college, I was not sexually active and did NOT expect to run into this scenario. Then there was the drinking...I didn't go out and party to excess. Most did. I was uncomfortable. I felt like I didn't fit in at all. I did eventually make some good friends...the best friend being dh, whom I met on the 2nd day and who was my good friend for a long time before we started dating. It took a while to find a niche, though...
  5. I am so happy for you guys! I love rain....just can't imagine how you have spent the last few months. Go outside and run around. It's good for the soul!:D
  6. I'm not sure I understand what you are trying to ask. Is she unhappy? If so, why? Or are you unhappy? And how are you drawn into it? What about her circumstances give her (or you) concern? I don't mean to sound snarky, believe me. I've had 3 in college...just trying to understand your question so I can answer you better. :)
  7. I personally have never had contact with people who arrange their children's marriages. While I do understand that that happens in some cultures, it is certainly not the norm on this particular forum.
  8. It sounds like your daughter won this battle of wills long ago. Letting her go to her room has, in effect, given her the victory here. If you really want to make a point, send her to her room with the understanding that no more meals or snacks will be forthcoming until her work (chores and school) are done for the day. That way she cannot outlast you.
  9. I guess what really stuns me is that there are parents out there who would try to control a 16-year old to that extent. :confused:
  10. The yellow zuchinnis will not be good in the soup. Your soup calls for winter squash; the ones you pictured are summer squash. Big difference. They don't mingle well, lol. :) Slice your summer squash and saute it with some sliced onions in a little olive oil until onions and squash are tender. Salt and pepper to taste.
  11. I figure this is the big girls and boys forum. If the person posting asks for feedback, they'll get my honest feedback, not one geared for children.
  12. Seriously? We are talking about someone else's hair. HAIR. Why does the mom have any say whatsoever in a 16 year old's hair style decision? I can understand respecting parents, and rules....but to be told what you can and cannot do with your own hair? That's way too controlling.
  13. It sounds like the training is really what you need, Joanne. I'm afraid you'll regret it if you don't take advantage of the opportunity.
  14. It sounds very interesting. I like your approach....should make for a good read.
  15. If you cutting your hair is going to hurt your mother, you have more serious problems than a haircut to deal with. Seriously. Cut your hair. Your hair, your choice. Mom needs a life.
  16. LOL! Certainly, from my participation in this thread you'd think I'm spouting it all the time, I'm sure. The reality is that I rarely use that word...maybe a few times a year if that....but I reserve the right to use it if needed. :tongue_smilie:
  17. In oral communication I will, occasionally, end a sentence with a preposition (in exactly the same situation as you described...to avoid the somewhat stilted-sounding English). In written communication, though, I almost always reword so as to use the correct grammar.
  18. I wonder why so many homeschool moms feel the need to point out what they deem as inappropriate behavior towards their children by other adults. Really...these kids are going to have to learn that others will be in authority over them at some point. Mommy can't always jump in and make it better. It's an embarrassment to the homeschool community, imo. Unless an adult has been abusive or threatened/harmed a child, why get involved? Why not let the kid grow up and take the lumps?
  19. Would switching him entirely to canned food be an option? He may be unable to handle the dry food. It might be worth a try.
  20. It sounds a little harsh, but I think the circumstances were trying. She'd already asked the kid several times to be quiet and was desperate for him to shut up. She accomplished her objective, and in the process stunned the entire class. That's not entirely bad. :)
  21. Yes, it's quite normal for it to fluctuate under those circumstances. :grouphug: As for it coming the 3rd week of the month, who knows? Your body will get back into a normal cycle but it might not be the same schedule as before.
  22. Yup. English major agreeing with you. :D
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