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Pat in MI

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Everything posted by Pat in MI

  1. I am curious about Abeka science also. Anyone have an opinion on this?Thanks. Blessings, Pat
  2. We tried the fourth grade level for the very reasons you listed. All nicely planned out, but oh boy did we really not like it. :tongue_smilie: We made it partly through the year and I had to finally just do my own thing with ds. I really felt it was a lot of work books and busy work, very school at home with not much fun. This is my opinion though, others really like the program. I prefer to read more literature rather than textbooks. HTH Blessings, Pat
  3. Thank you Elizabeth and Heather. I thought IEW would be the best choice. Blessings, Pat
  4. 7th grade ds who will probably go to public school next year in 8th grade. He is very writing phobic. We have worked a little out of Writing Strands, a little R & S Grammar, Imitations in Writing -Aesops Fables, and Writing Trails in American History. I have Wordsmith Apprentice, but I'm wondering if IEW SWI B might be a better choice or do you recommend something else. Also, should I have him do something like Lightening Lit. as we have really not had a lit. analysis type course. What other ways might I prepare him? Thank you for any advice you may have. Blessings, Pat
  5. My 7th grader is using MUS and Life of Fred. This combo is working well. Blessings, Pat
  6. Well, I don't know if it is right or not but my kids play with the blocks. It is kind of their little treat for getting the math done. They build with them at the school table only so I can keep track of the blocks better. I learned with my kids that if I don't let them have a good time with something then they start to dislike or at least not be interested in those things. I want them to like and use the blocks so I let them play with them after math. HTH Blessings, Pat
  7. I tried OPGTR with my dd who likes school and she just never really liked that program. So I switched to MFW 1st grade program and it was like night and day. She took off with it. I loved the program for teaching reading. Easy to use and little teacher prep. Blessings, Pat
  8. Thank you Donna! These look great, I just ordered one. Blessings, Pat
  9. We are CM'ers but we don't school 6 days a week. It is funny you brought this up though because my dh was just telling the kids imagine if they schooled 7 days a week, they could be done with their whole school year by March. The children didn't go for that! Nope, 5 days is the most they will do. Blessings, Pat
  10. :iagree: I have to agree, take the time to prepare for your guests. Then I would take Tuesday off as well. Get that schedule ready and make yourself feel more prepared, otherwise you will never feel good about this year. Prayers for you! Blessings, Pat
  11. We got ours from Corps of Re-Discovery last year. Their website is: http://www.CorpsREDiscovery.com . They were very nice and the kids loved writing with them. HTH Blessings, Pat
  12. I also used this as a review with my ds long ago. I have this in book form along with the two word books if you are interested? Blessings, Pat
  13. Well, I guess I am going against the grain here, but we are returning to AO after a year of Sonlight. We did Core 3/4 last year, ds and I were totally overwhelmed by the amount of reading, both in read aloud, history and readers. :tongue_smilie: You may have a lot of books with AO, but at least the readings are a more managable amount. We did AO year 3 and it was an awesome year. We will be doing AO year 1 with dd 7 and AO year 6 with ds 12. I will be doing all of dd's readings and some of ds's readings, but because the amount to read at a time is less this should be no problem. I wish you luck on your decision. Another thought, maybe you could print out a sample week for Sonlight and see if it would work for you, if you can get the books at the library. Kind of test it out?? Blessings, Pat
  14. This is what I plan for my ds, but I am going to have him do a copywork lesson from Queen's with 1 or 2 (depends on the lesson) grammar/writing lessons each day. I am also going to alternate between Easy Grammar and Daily Grams doing 2 lessons in one of those books each day. HTH Blessings, Pat
  15. I think EG is going to work the best for ds, but which level should I use? He hasn't done a terrible lot in the way of grammar in the last two years. Before that he completed a level of R & S. I have EG 5/6 and EG Plus in on the way. Should I go ahead with Easy Grammar Plus or would you suggest he go through EG 5/6 and then Plus? I'm not really concerned with grade level, I am more concerned of ability and actually learning the material. I was considering having him complete Our Mother Tongue after the EG levels???:001_unsure:What do you think? :willy_nilly: Blessings, Pat
  16. Calvin is a very good school with a conservative nature. Very costly though if that is a factor in your decision. Blessings, Pat
  17. Don't be afraid. Green beans are not bad to can. Are you using water bath method or pressure canner? Just don't over fill the jars and make sure there is nothing on the lip of the jar. I usually dip my finger in the hot lid water and run it around the lip of the jar before putting the lid on. I don't know if this really helps or not, but my jars usually all seal. HTH Good luck! Blessings, Pat
  18. I would think it would be for Grade 4-6 if they were doing it on their own, but my 1st grader did alright with it this year. I did it as a read aloud/discussion for my 1st grader and 6th grader. It goes over keeping yourself clean, telephone etiquette, table manners, etc. It is fine for early elementary (as a read aloud) as well as older children. HTH Blessings, Pat
  19. Did your child retain the information? Are you using the diagramming one that comes after that? I have been curious about these books. Thanks. Blessings, Pat
  20. I may try Life of Fred this summer with ds and move to Epsilon in the fall. That was a very good idea. I have decided that I would like him to finish those last two levels of MUS. Thanks again for your thoughts and help in my dilemma. Blessings, Pat
  21. Any regrets in switching from MUS? Does Life of Fred present things well enough? I am leaning towards just going with Life of Fred, but having a hard time giving up MUS, yet I'm not sure how well my ds would handle doing both. Ugh. Thanks for your answers. blessings, Pat
  22. and liked it. You read a story from the book about the Miller family and there is an accompaning workbook. Each chapter in the story book corresponds to a chapter in the workbook. We usually did the workbook orally. It is a very gentle, easy way to do health. HTH Blessings, Pat
  23. Continue with MUS or drop it after Delta and move to Life of Fred? What would ds miss by not completing Epsilon and Zeta? The reason I am contemplating this is, ds is entering 7th grade and I am trying to speed up his math. He is leaning towards public school for 9th grade and here they do algebra in 9th. He would only be to pre-algebra if I stay on regular course with MUS. Or do you think I could have him do both programs and just speed up MUS? I really like the looks of Life of Fred, but he has done well with MUS. So confused. Anyone ever dropped MUS after Delta and moved on? How did it go for your students? What would you do??:confused: Blessings, Pat
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