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Everything posted by regentrude

  1. I teach at an engineering school and 25% of the undergrad students are women. (This is up from a lower percentage since the school has grown the biology department which attracts more females.) So, definitely true here.
  2. He says 10-15 hours so he gets students to put in 6. If he said 4-6, they'd do 30 minutes.
  3. If he is out and about and not in a Western hotel: anticipate squat toilet without toilet paper. Be prepared to use the sprayer to clean yourself, or a bucket with a pitcher. And if he carries toilet paper as pp suggested: dispose of it in the trash, not in the hole; the toilet is not equipped to flush the TP.
  4. Try getting it at a pharmacy; they can order it with doctor's prescription. There is an oral and an injectable version.
  5. What surface were you walking on? Concrete or asphalt are horrible. Do you experience pain when you walk in varied terrain on natural surfaces? You might benefit from having your feet checked out. I have a foot condition and wear orthotics, and I do best walking in hiking boots with stiff soles.
  6. I have a hard time putting one thing on my face... four layers? Never gonna happen here, lol
  7. Unfortunately, elementary school teachers voicing this sentiment has been shown to contribute to this attitude in the kids, particularly among girls who want to emulate their (mostly female) teachers.
  8. Since you're not somewhere with single digit temps: seriously, the best way to beat the SAD is to spend time outside. Even when it's grey. Hiking gets the circulation pumping and you see pretty things, and camping in the off-season means wonderful solitude. I struggle with SAD pretty bad, but getting out in the woods always lifts my spirits. This morning, I saw two eagles before 8am :)
  9. To answer the questions in the title: based on your list of ingredients, my answer is no. Never made, and now never will.
  10. If the schoolday is already from 8 to 3, which is wildly developmentally inappropriate for an elementary school kid, they should use the time at school to teach the kids, period. Back home, elementary is out by noon. The long school day here doesn't translate into any measurable educational gain. Because there's only so much concentration a kid has. Demanding homework on top of it is ludicrous.
  11. I suggest you post on the highschool board. There are knowledgeable people there.
  12. Thirding Happy Light. Plus lots of outdoor physical activity - even when it is cold. It really helps the SAD. Unless the windchill is brutal, you can hike in single-digit weather.
  13. This. Passing a kid with lack of mastery on to the next math level by giving them a low grade makes zero sense because they can't possibly understand the next thing. The grouping by age is convenient and stupid.
  14. Absolutely. I have never understood the silo approach in the US, not just to math, but also to sciences - it defies all pedagogical principles.
  15. Exponential functions and logarithms are covered in algebra 2. I find it hard to believe that exponential growth never occurred in the modeling of ecological systems or diseases. (As an aside: none of your models involved any differential equations? For any growth modeling in physical systems, that is par for the course.)
  16. That is a sad commentary on what passes for math education in the US. We did geometry proofs in 6th grade (East Germany). Proofs are a wonderful way to learn to construct a chain of logical arguments.
  17. I found that typing things into a digital calendar does not help me remember, whereas writing out things by hand is usually sufficient for me to remember without having to look. There is something about the tactile feel of the act of handwriting, and something about the visual appearance of the handwritten entry. I am a visual person; I remember that such-and-such theorem was on the lower third of a left page in a green box. I recall that I wrote an appointment with green ink into the box for Thursday to the right of my work commitments. But stuff in the digital calendar? Sure, I can look - but it does not fixate the memory.
  18. Almost everything was only in my personal calendar. The wall calendar had only the few items where it was necessary for the entire family to know (Spring break! Flying to Germany. Grandma here). It was mostly decorative. We never entered standing appointments that were recurring weekly. The kids knew when they had riding lessons and choir and TKD etc. It was incidentals like dentist or birthday parties. But mostly, I just remembered stuff.
  19. Tracking. Not have a one-size-fits-all model where everybody marches to the speed of the slowest drummer. In my home country, less academically inclined students can graduate after 10th grade with a diploma (they are not a dropout!) and continue their mandatory (until age 18) education in VoTech /apprenticeship.
  20. Not here. Our professors work very hard in the in-person remedial classes.
  21. Super important. And even what counts for "higher" math in high school mostly fails at this. What the students learn is to drill until they can solve one particular type of problem they have practiced ad nauseam - but are completely stumped when they encounter a problem they don't know how to solve right away. They are paralyzed - where they should be thinking, playing, trying approaches, drawing pictures. My DS noted that explicitly about his classmates (physics majors! If anybody should know how to wrestle with problems, it should be they.)
  22. Completely agree. My DS's 3rd grade teacher did not understand percent. Everyone needs fractions, proportions, percentages. If spending six years on this stuff in school (before any "higher" math starts) doesn't produce results, maybe it's time to look at those math programs and the people who teach them. First step to fix things: ban calculators .
  23. I have only ever used paper, for job and family, and never missed anything. DH now has to use digital for work. I only keep a digital work calendar so folks can see that I have standing commitments and don't attempt to schedule anything, but I don't really look at it. Paper all the way. I have been using a simple Sierra Club engagement diary for the past 20 years, and a Sierra club wall calendar that had info the entire family needed to know.
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