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Everything posted by YaelAldrich

  1. I may delete this, so please don't quote. My sister has Stage IV breast cancer and all the chemo/medications have stopped working. She has end stage liver failure due to the tumors on her liver. This was somewhat of a surprise as last week Wednesday they were going to prepare her for gamma knife surgery for her brain tumors and then on Friday she was told that her liver was so bad there was nothing they could do. She was told to get set up with hospice. She called me with the news on Friday and we talked (and cried). She mentioned she and her husband wanted to go to Charleston SC as this was a special place for them. I encouraged them to go for the weekend (and mentioned my husband and I were willing to pay for it. We have paid for groceries, random spending money and cable for the last two years.). They said they would go. I spoke to her again on Saturday night and they said they didn't go. Then I spoke to my mother Sunday afternoon and she said they were going. Then I heard from the elder of her congregation (they're Bahai) that they weren't going this morning. Then I spoke to her for a minute this afternoon (Tuesday) and they didn't go. I had hoped to go down there with my kids to see her (for what I am thinking might be their last time) and help her set up hospice and any future needs (funeral, housing). Now I can't see getting down there this week at all. My schedule is kinda crazy with my oldest in high school (and is recovering from mono), my husband (who will be travelling off and on the rest of the month) and our second son having his bar mitzvah the first weekend in February with all the prep that goes along with that. I obviously don't expect her to cater to my life, but the whiplashing back and forth is difficult. I know her husband (who has untreated anxiety and depression) isn't going to be able to help her with very much in the way of planning and certainly not money. My parents have very strong opinions which will clash with the situation at this time and I have been trying to run interference and keep things as neutral as possible. His parents are disabled both mentally and physically and will be no help. Can anyone help me get some idea of what I need to know to help if they let me? Nothing is planned as far as I know and they don't have any money. Anything Medicare or a life insurance policy my father took out on her won't pay for will have to come from family. I honestly don't think she will be with us much longer. My mother says the swelling in her legs is very bad, she is losing weight rapidly, and she sounds drugged and very, very tired. Any advice (please be gentle) and experience would be very welcome.
  2. Fifteen is hell for us. Our rabbi calls it the tunnel of Hell and assures us he will emerge a human being in oh, about 5-10 years! And he's the oldest of four... :willy_nilly: :crying: :svengo:
  3. Jewy prayers going up! G-dspeed to you both.
  4. Queen of Katwe (now on video) is about a young Ugandan chess phenom (a girl). I loved it!
  5. Try anything with nothing other than zinc or titanium as far as sunblock. My daughter reacts to ANYTHING else. They will be thicker and harder to apply, you have to rub and rub it in.
  6. OK, way out of the box but it worked for us. Is the aikido sensei the only sensei in that dojo/area? Would you feel comfortable finding someone to teach them several other times a week so they get more practice and in a better environment? We did that for two years when we only had access to once a week kendo. I even drove two hours round trip to make it happen. Maybe that could change up the dynamic enough to make it work for your family.
  7. Would you feel comfortable speaking to the sensei? Do you think talking to him could make a big enough difference to make it worthwhile to stay? TKD is a good sport but honestly one of my kids was also doing TKD concurrently for a couple of years. we moved a lot so we tried a lot of dojangs in HI, IN (twice), and MD. I only loved one dojang, tolerated two, and felt one was just on this side of a belt factory. I have loved all our judo dojos (Japan, IN, MA). I know it can hard to speak to your kids' sensei, but if it were me, I would give it a shot. Good luck! Edited to stop a kitten from dying - thanks auto-correct!
  8. My daughter has had this problem. We let her swimming. It stung but she wanted to swim. Good luck!
  9. Breakfast for the kids was grapefruit, cereals of various kinds, croissants and eggs. I had someone's left over grapefruit and lots of water. In the middle of Boston we have at least two flocks of wild turkeys in the neighborhood. They are mean suckers! I have to do some shopping at the Dollar Store, get my daughter's glasses from the store and take the boys to guitar. I'd love to get to the thrift store to find a very-needed skirt but I don't see it happening.
  10. On the humbleness of sensei. We've lived in a lot of places and seen a lot of sensei. Not all are humble; most are. But pompous and not helping make the class the best it can be, nope.
  11. Half my kids do judo and half do kendo. We have a good friend who is go-dan in aikido. In all these martial arts, the sensei should be aware of problem people as they should be watching them spar. Of course your child should speak up as well. No one should end up sore because people are being sloppy (and that's what it is - aikido is about using your body and their moves to deflect/flow). Size to a point shouldn't matter, especially as the taller person tends to be higher rank. My son and daughter have been doing kendo since they were six and when we live in the States, they spar and do kata with people much, much larger than them. The adults (mostly) know to back off on blows. The ones who don't get a talking to by the sensei or my kids. I know it is hard finding the more rare martial arts, so I wish you luck in fixing the problem so you don't have to quit.
  12. I wish you could get me kosher nacho cheese chips. I can't find them easily in Boston. I am need of munchies as that time of the month has arrived. I am crampy for the first time in forever (sorry TMI). I didn't get my Chumash (Jewish Bible) test finished today so I am so behind. I might plow ahead and finish it tonight. Leftovers tonight - jambalaya. Monday is the night both parents are running, running.... Lunch was an assortment of leftovers including a very nice tomato-parsnip soup I made last night with chicken shnitzel. I think I will take the HSed kids to Hidden Figures with me on Wednesday. I took them to Queen of Katwe last fall and I think they liked it.
  13. if you need grains, send me a PM and you can send me a SASE and i can send you some.
  14. My friend got in big trouble in Detroit (Southfield) for having her garden in front of her house a couple of years ago. Do check out the city ordinances.
  15. Jewelry or a nice Jewish book. Maybe https://www.amazon.com/Jewish-Women-Speak-About-Matters/dp/1568711514/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1483673317&sr=8-1&keywords=jewish+women+speak ?
  16. It's my 43rd birthday today. My birthday present was extensive oral surgery for my husband. :glare: Now we are 2K poorer and my husband is drunk. He almost fell up the stairs twice on his way up to his bed. Since I had to take him to surgery, get his post-op meds set up and pick him up, I didn't have much time to school the kids today, but miraculously they are working while I eat a birthday bagel. At CVS, I got 75% off candy - 26 bags of peanut M&Ms for my daughter's peanut OIT and assorted other stuff because it was so cheap. I also got gift bags, tissue paper, and wrapping paper I can use for our upcoming bar mitzvah and the rest of the year. People are clamoring the leftover red beans and rice and I want the dal maktani and rice, so I think I'm not cooking. My DH and I went to NYC (from Boston) on Sunday for our anniversary and my birthday and ate a disgusting amount of tantalizing kosher food.
  17. Oh! Now that I am a little older, very good lighting makes a big difference!
  18. I run on the treadmill as long as I am not running more than 6.5 mph. Enlarge the print a bit, read nothing with serifs (Times New Roman, Garamond) and concentrate. I have been running and reading for many, many years. I don't get sick and I pass the time nicely. That's why I hate running outside unless I have a running partner. Try walking and slowly increase the speed or watch videos instead. Good luck! People freak out when they see me doing it. They stop my running to tell me I shouldn't do it. The only time I have fallen off the treadmill is when I wasn't reading anything!
  19. If you have crock pots or an oven, you can roast sweet potatoes.
  20. Me too - although I thought it weird that it was BU-Ju, not Jew-Bu....
  21. What do you like about the Cutco one over the Oxo?
  22. I have a Bodyguard treadmill. It has the longest warranty (10 years on parts and motor). I checked around and it is known as a solid but little known brand. It was $2000 when I bought it. It was a splurge for myself, but now almost everybody in the family uses it. It isn't as nice as the really expensive gym quality ones, but it way better than the cheaply ones.
  23. You're in my prayers. My little sister is also diagnosed with Stage IV cancer, although she has no children. I am not sure how much medical intervention you will be trying to prolong your life, but depending on what medications/interventions you are pursuing, you will have better and worse days. Please do work on your plans, but I would also prioritize letters/videos to your children and husband on your good days. I know you will be a blessing to all your children and family.
  24. I'd get one and keep it for my 1D first husband goes away on his many business/keeping 1K trips. :leaving:
  25. As for recommendations, you cannot go wrong with Tramontina from Costco. http://www.costco.com/Tramontina-ProLine-24-Qt.-Stainless-Steel-Covered-Stock-Pot.product.100143865.html
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