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Everything posted by Aura

  1. Speaking from experience, you simply cannot win this fight on the bathroom. I have 5 males in my house. I do. not. know. why. it takes them so long! It's like they hit a certain age...generally tweens...and then the bathroom time goes through the roof. You can try every thing imaginable, but if they don't want to come out of the bathroom, they simply will not. The more you fuss, the more they will ignore you. I think here's some psychological factor that says, "I'm on the can. You can't make me." And they will absolutely stick to that. So, unless you really do need the bathroom, let it go. Then, you when have to fuss and bang on the door because you absolutely need the bathroom, they'll be more likely to recognize your genuine need and hurry up. That's my voice of over 21 years of experience with males that spend an hour in the bathroom. Breathe and let it go.
  2. If he wanted to just talk, it was her choice to allow it or, like you said, set boundaries. But the old man was out of line. It was not her fault that he decided to turn it into a sexual matter instead of casual conversation. That moved things from one level to whole other. It changed the entire dynamic of the scenario. He was, quite simply, a sexual predator who was looking for a weakness to attack.
  3. Being polite is NOT an invitation for some pervert to make unwanted, sexual advances!
  4. :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: Grrrrr... I would have been like you to start with. I would not have assumed that a man that much older than me would actually be hitting on me, so I would have been a bit shocked. I'm also not good at confrontation. I probably would have said something along the lines of being married... BUT what I want to say I would have done would be to pointedly look him in the eye and tell him that I am not interested in him and if he continues I will call the on him for police for sexual harassment. And if he persisted, not only follow through but get the management of the shop involved as well. That kind of behavior just really, really, really ticks me off. :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing:
  5. I don't leave food out for our cats. They get fed at night, and the dogs get put outside until the cats are finished. The cats get fed on the floor, and when the dogs come in, they can lick the bowls. I could just as easily do it twice a day, but I only do it at night. One cat is overweight and only needs food once a day. The other cat used to be a stray and catches her own food frequently, so trying to feed her twice a day only results in food she doesn't eat. Overweight cat gets canned food. Former stray refuses canned food and would rather eat dry dog food, so I've given up and she gets dry cat food (along with all the fresh kill she cares to catch--so I don't worry about her liquid intake too much). IOW, this method works for both dry and canned. Dogs and cats share a water dish.
  6. I haven't come off those in particular, but I other meds where you can't split the pill, and you can't get a lower dosage. I would gradually take the pills further and further apart. Like, instead of taking them once a day, I'd take them in the morning, then at the next day's evening. After doing that for two weeks, then I'd take them every other night, until I worked my way off them completely. If I remember correctly, it took me about four weeks to come completely off them. And that was not w/o side effects, but they were manageable.
  7. (Disclaimer: I haven't read all the replies.) Don't discount therapy because you can't afford. Call around, explain the situation and ASK if they do any pro bono or have any severely reduced rates. If there is anything you can offer besides money, do that. I've had to look around recently and found that many places listed slide fee scales and individual biographies listed pro bono work as part, so it's out there. Several places said not to dismiss them if you think you can't afford it--that they would be willing to work with you. There is no harm in asking, and it really sounds like your dd needs it. On another note, I have a couple of kids that punishment has always only made things worse. If it was any of the other kids, the punishment would have served to teach a lesson and they'd move on, but these two...nope. I have found over the years, that these two need a gentle discussion that acknowledges their feelings (without telling them those feelings are wrong) and LOTS of reassurance of how much I love them. Punishments only made it worse. FTR, I have two other kids that, while they would love all the attention, that approach would only make them think they could get away with anything. So, it's a balance and an understanding of what each individual child needs. (I have six kids. Oldest is 19.)
  8. The article read rather alarmist to me. I don't agree w/ the first ruling, but it's a bit of a stretch to say that all religions should be worried. IMO, we have greater religious freedom today than we did 50 years ago. This idea that religious freedom is threatened, is IMO, a mask to the fear that traditional Christianity has about losing their de facto control.
  9. Wow. I had no idea scheduling this could be so difficult or time consuming. I did hear back from this latest one. She has jury duty this week....which is kinda weird because I JUST got a summons in the mail today for myself!...but she was optimistic that we could get something for next week.
  10. Several weeks to get an appointment scheduled, or several weeks to be seen?
  11. The first practice was recommended. The second was chosen after looking at options available, based on what they had on their website. Both places have multiple therapists in a single practice.
  12. I should add that I've never looked into counselling before. I'm only familiar with setting medical appointments, which are scheduled easily enough through one phone call, even if I have to wait for actual appointment. I was expecting something similar with a therapist.
  13. I'm trying to get my dh and I some marriage counselling. How long does this normally take? I'm on week two, and still no appointment. :glare: I called one place, got an appointment, but then they cancelled. The therapist we had scheduled was changing practices. She was 3rd on our list, and the one they wanted to reschedule me with was new. They had no info on her other than that she had experience. So I tried another practice. I called the second place on Wednesday, spoke with the receptionist who took my contact info with promises of the therapist contacting me. I finally emailed Saturday morning (thinking that way my email would be waiting when she got to the office Monday morning). She responded back on Saturday that she had been busy and usually got back quicker and asked about times. I gave her times, but now it's Monday afternoon and I still haven't heard anything more. Should I call her back? Email again? Wait? Look for another practice? Is this normal?
  14. I disagree w/ the looks thing. Personally, I find it the opposite. LOL But that actually makes the point that was coming to post: I don't think there has been enough independent, scientific studies to show one way or other. This means that people are going to have to take the evidence that they do have and make their own decisions. So yeah, people are going to disagree. No biggie. Do what works for you and your daughters and let others do the same. There is no reason to run from this thread or for it to devolve into a heated mess.
  15. Anything that goes on the skin gets into your bloodstream, and those areas are particularly sensitive areas. Here is one article just for reference. You'll have to decide whether it's something worth studying on your own, or not. http://www.womensvoices.org/2014/10/13/testing-reveals-toxic-chemicals-in-procter-gambles-always-pads/
  16. The reason cloth pads make a difference is they do not contain the chemicals that regular, disposable pads contain. Regular disposable pads contain a lot of chemicals which can really cause problems for some people. Sometimes, you don't even notice that there was a problem to begin with, because all you've known is the mainstream disposable products, but when you come off those products you find that your periods are lighter or less painful or both. Advil is anti-inflammatory. When it reduces inflammation and swelling that accompanies periods, I think that helps lighten the bleeding. That's my theory, anyway.
  17. Cloth pads did not help my heavy bleeding, but they DO make a tremendous difference in the cramping.
  18. Another vote for Advil. I know it's bad for the liver, and one day when I have more money I will probably try something more natural like a cayenne supplement, but until then, Advil it is.
  19. Thank you all. I feel much more validated now. LOL :iagree: I think the person who does the main shopping generally has a realistic view of the budget, and the one who doesn't should really learn to listen, or they might just be left with all the shopping (and cooking!) for a while. ;)
  20. Basically, my family of 8 is looking at a range of $270.82 (thrifty) to $538.36 (liberal) per week for food costs. My area is 9% below the national average for cost of living. Here are the links to the main report page, and then to the latest August 2016 report: https://www.cnpp.usda.gov/USDAFoodPlansCostofFood/reports https://www.cnpp.usda.gov/sites/default/files/CostofFoodAug2016.pdf What do you think? Are these reasonable plans? (I don't discuss budgets with IRL friends, so I only have my family to reference.) I'm asking before my dh & I sit down and discuss budget. One of us is not taking a realistic view of the grocery budget, regardless of whether this is reasonable or not! ...and I'm not sayin' which one! :lol:
  21. It's a documentary on Netflix (Audrie&Daisy) about two different girls who were raped and then shamed and bullied in their different communities. I've got it on my watchlist, but I was thinking it might be good to sit down & watch with my two oldest kids (older teens--17 & 19). I'm planning on setting aside a time for this with them and their father, with time for discussion, too, of course. Thoughts? Any ideas why this might not be a good idea?
  22. I'm in the drop the class camp. Take the W, it will be better than the lower grade, and it will have more impact with the administration.
  23. Depends on which one. LOL I'd say I've seen him be arrogant at times. But he is clever. :001_smile:
  24. This particular student, if I remember correctly, got the letter after seeking help due to issues that stemmed from a rape while attending this same school! So, IMO, it's not just suicide and mental illness the university wants to shove under a rug, it's rape, too.
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