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Everything posted by Aura

  1. Just to help, here's a link to a list: Thou Shalt Not Commit Logical Fallacies. Here's the scenario, shortened version: Adam says, "You did this." Ben says, "No, I didn't." Adam says, "So you're calling me a liar?" Me: :confused1: What is the correct identification of this fallacy? strawman? false cause? ad hominem? something else? I can give a more detailed scenario, if needed, but that's the basic (repetitive!) argument. Thanks, Hive!!!
  2. A little off topic, but I just thought I'd point out that not everyone likes surprises. My dh doesn't like surprises, and it used to drive me bonkers, until my ds turned out to be the same way...and then it finally dawned on me: they both prefer being able to look forward to something. For them, that was better than having a surprise thrown at them. Even Christmas, they like looking forward to getting a specific gift under the tree.
  3. I just want to say good for the mom for not taking the plea bargain. That's all I can comment on right now. :cursing:
  4. I can't remember if the link is in the thread somewhere, but here it is again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GJnVX8KU1A
  5. I just finished reading this thread! Yay for me! :blushing: (It only took about four days.) I've listened to the audio version. The physical book should be here TODAY. Aaannnd, dh is listening to the audio and on board with it. I just have to finish painting kids rooms, and I can start. Can't wait! And thank you to all who posted and shared, 'cause if it wasn't for how often this thread showed up and the spin-offs, I might not have found out about KonMari!
  6. I was coming to post this, too. When I first started this thread, I'd had several people sharing the original FB post with the guy going on about Starbucks hating Christians. It was when it was first starting, so I'm happy that a lot more people have responded with indignation to his post and those who've shared it. I know that some people just shared without looking into the whole story. I hope they're sufficiently embarrassed now, so that they take time to think before sharing. (Not that I'm going to hold my breath.)
  7. Well, at least I'm not the only one perturbed about the nonsense some people are going on about. It's nice to know there are sane people in the world.
  8. Ranting here, cause I don't wanna post to Facebook. But if this insanity keeps up, I just might! Really?! You're going to get your panties in a bunch because Starbucks chose a simple red and green design for their cups?! It's an attack against Christmas? Because...they don't actually have the word Christmas on it? Because they chose a "minimalistic" design to reflect "the simplicity and the purity" of Christmas? :svengo: I swear that if I see one more post come through my feed about how terrible this cup is and how Starbucks hates *whatever*, I just might go off on them. :toetap05: /rant off
  9. Loved it! Though if you scroll through some of the comments, you'll see a lot of people just didn't get. Talking about how much of a brat the girl was and everything. :lol:
  10. Agreed. I don't find the humor in them at all. It just seems downright mean to take something that is so special to a child and make a cruel joke out of it.
  11. I'd push the issue with customer service. It's their (the company's) fault. It's their responsibility to make it right, and NOT at your expense. I have noticed an increase in the failure to remove security devices in many stores.
  12. My MIL, who is Chinese, does this all the time. She's been in the US since before my dh was born. He's 46 now. I still have to stop and think about who she's referring to. She swaps genders more times than not.
  13. I just saw "revving up that obesity thread again...the goal of homeschooling" :lol: And I guess I haven't had enough coffee or something...cause I'm bringing a blank on making anything "upworthy." *sigh* Still funny to read!
  14. You've got a lot of good answers. Each season has it's own problems. Aside from the scare and gore and the sexual content, which varies by episode and season... porn references, this show highly normalizes viewing porn alcohol drinking is normal, there is an entire season where Dean pretty much drowns his issues in alcohol (season 4, I think) God is a "dead beat dad" angels are "dicks" people...even favorite characters...die. a lot. NO ONE is safe from dying. Sometimes they come back, sometimes not.
  15. Thanks everyone for your input! Angelina's character sounds very similar to Mystique in the X-Men. He's seen that, so that wouldn't be a problem. As far as everything else, yeah, I saw that the reviews weren't that great. We may pass just because of that. Thanks again!
  16. How bad are the scenes with her in them, really? My senior is reading Beowulf this year, and I was thinking that it would be fun to watch with him when he finished. I think he'd like it, and based on IMBD, I don't see a problem for him, but they don't cover that "Well, Angelina is covered, but she might as well not be" sentiment that I've heard about.
  17. I don't think gun control is really the answer because it doesn't address the underlying causes. I understand that they made the laws as such and all, and that's another issue, but someone really needs to say, "**** the rules," and take the flag down. And to try to spin this as Christian persecution?! :banghead:
  18. I was not trying to excuse slavery, or say that it was anything but wrong. In case it came across that way, I'm sorry. I agree that the confederate flag is offensive to most people now. I think the most vocal people who try to say that the confederate flag is not racist, are in fact, racist, but they yell their argument so loudly that many southerners are afraid to stand up to them because of that "no true Scotsman" fallacy. (Fallacy--If you agree that the confederate flag stands for slavery, then you're letting the north walk all over you again, just like they did when Sherman marched through Georgia and just like they did all through the "reconstruction" era.) We absolutely need more southerners to stand up and say, "Sweetie, the confederate flag is just not the symbol you want it to be. Regardless of what it means to you, it's now a symbol of slavery, racism and bigotry. Bless your little heart."
  19. I'm talking about looking at things from both sides. I don't have to have a right side and a wrong side. I think the entire war was wrong, and it never should have happened. IMO, the north is just as responsible for that as the south. Both sides could have averted the war, but neither would do that. People knew the cost of war. War means innocent people (not just soldiers) will die. Atrocities would happen, from both sides, whether their leaders condoned it or not. The revolution was not so far behind them that they could not see what war would do. They chose war anyway. Not just the south. The north. But if you disagree, fine. If you want to blame it all on the south, that's your choice.
  20. Or why don't we start with how it's okay to have little kids being forced to work and die in factories, then we can talk about white supremacy? I have no problems admitting that the south had problems, not the least of which was slavery. But that does not mean that the north was justified or in the right. All I'm saying, is that the north is to blame, too. They were in the wrong, not the right. You had two sides that were in the wrong, and the bloodiest war in American history came from that, not from the south.
  21. There are three sides to every story, including this one. I fully admit the south wasn't completely blameless. But the north was not completely blameless, either. They were at fault, too. As a southerner, I acknowledge that I have some bias. I have a really hard time with how the north allowed Sherman's march to the sea. It was an atrocity that had no place in a war to keep a country whole. I have a really hard time with how the north acted after the war ended. I have a hard time with how Grant, who was known as a butcher, was idolized by the north to the point of making him president. But even then, I'm not going to say it was all the north's fault. Are you trying to say it was all the south's fault? What would be the point of that?
  22. I didn't say it wasn't a factor. :huh: I think it was the hot-button issue the politicians used to get what they wanted. If they were really interested in human rights, they should have started in their own states with their factories full of child laborers.
  23. The north is just as much to blame...if not more so...for the civil war. The south would never have gone so far as to secede if the north hadn't been a bully to start with. And as far as "bloodshed and deaths," Sherman and Grant held a lot of responsibility for that. As a southerner, I have very conflicted emotions about the civil war. Slavery was a factor, but it wasn't all about slavery, either. The confederate flag means different things to different people, but for some it is a symbol of racism. For that reason, I won't be flying a confederate flag.
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