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Everything posted by Aura

  1. This is a very, very good point. Ideals are nice, but they are an ideal and since we live in an imperfect world, they do not always work. However, holding firm to beliefs in the face of severe opposition is not a bad thing. I think we are often presented with gray areas to help us learn, whether we choose to hold on to that ideal or to follow a different course. Second, it has always baffled me when people talk about Jesus being a pacifist. From everything I have ever read, Jesus was not even close to being a pacifist. He sat down and braided himself a whip and then went through the temple driving people out with that whip and overturning tables. He told his disciples that if they didn't have a sword, they were to sell their coats and by themselves one. He taught kindness, compassion and patience. He taught standing firm on doing the right thing. He chose his battles, and taught others to do the same. THAT IS NOT THE ACTIONS OF A PACIFIST.
  2. You have no evidence that Jesus did not study eastern religions. That is your opinion, not a fact. And in the process of stating your opinion as fact, you are discrediting someone else's clearly stated opinion, which was never presented as fact. IMO, that's slamming her.
  3. I have encountered many convictions that are presented as sin by individuals and groups. The list can get really long and, IMO, tedious and finicky. IMO, the Bible clearly lays out how to discern whether anything is good or not. I don't need someone to tell me such-and-such is going to send my soul (or my children's!) to hell or lead them astray. Matthew 7:15-20 Ultimately I judge actions, etc. by their fruits. If they present good fruits, then the tree (action) is good. But if the fruit is bad, the tree is bad. Fruit takes a while to mature. There's a long process from a seed growing and producing another seed, so it requires a very discerning study. So I would be asking myself what will the writer's fruits bring? What will taking martial arts bring? I know how I answer these questions, but you have to come to your own conclusions.
  4. And you would know...how? She said SHE BELIEVES, so it her belief and her opinion. She's not asking anyone to agree with her, just giving her view. You are giving no more information than her. No facts. No research. But you don't state it is as your opinion. You just slam her. I find that extremely rude.
  5. The cashier was rude, and if he was under me, we'd be having words. There is no excuse for that kind of behavior. Most people do not care enough to follow that closely. Not here. 90% of my customers just want to get in and out as quickly as possible. I have more people like Wabi Sabi that want to scan their reward card last so they can watch the discounts come off at once. It is irritating to the people behind the person standing there checking their total or their receipt to have to wait, but it is also the prerogative of the person checking out to do that. However, if there's a problem, you're better off taking whatever discrepancies to customer service, at least at my store. The cashiers have limited ability to fix things without having to get an override, so unless you have a supervisor ringing your order, you're probably going to have to wait on one anyway. IME, it's actually easier to fix things after the cashier is finished and the receipt is printed...unless you get lucky and I'm the one ringing up your order. ;) Having said that, I personally HATE gimmick sales. 10/$10 (which you don't actually have to buy 10, they're all just $1 a piece.) B3G2 (with the final price being the really large print and the "in quantities of 5" being in really small print) Buy 5/Save $5 Mega Event (really, just really?!?!) We have enough problems with items not ringing at the right price thanks to a flawed scan system. Those kind of things are just unnecessary and irritating.
  6. As I understand it, all your information is based on what he has shared, and the men you also met. You and your daughter have very little first-hand information. You haven't met the mother and sister. You haven't been around them to determine anything on your own: what kind of relationship the family members have, how they treat each other, etc. You are totally dependent on what they're telling you for information. And now your dd is going to make herself physically dependent on them as well? Even if they are completely harmless, is this the way to start a relationship? Does she want to be completely dependent on what he tells her? Does she want to be respected as her own person? If she goes along with this, she is sending the message that she will just follow along with whatever he says and whatever he wants to do. And, IMO, that's a best case scenario.
  7. Aquaphor sounds good to me. I'd also be tempted to try a diaper rash cream, something that will help heal and protect. And maybe some disposable gloves so she doesn't feel compelled to wash quite as frequently.
  8. She's going to go to by herself to stay with three men (you said family, but the only family you've met are him, his dad and his grandfather) who she's only met for a few hours? Eight hours away? Is that also eight hours away from those she'd call if she needed help or felt uncomfortable? Does she have anyone in real life who can verify what they say and who they are? What kind of person offers to pay for a single young woman to fly by herself, away from family and friends? To an area where she has no safety net? To make her totally dependent upon said person? He is isolating her away from her support and making her totally dependent on him. I think that really says it all right there.
  9. If I do Unfollow, she won't see that I unfollowed her, and I won't see any of her posts?
  10. If I click on that little "arrow," I have the options I Don't Want To See This (see fewer posts like this) or Unfollow Person (stop seeing posts but remain friends.) So if I do the first option (fewer posts), she won't know and I'll see fewer posts but still some? Right?
  11. So, thanks to the Hive (among other things), I've started using Facebook more. However, I have one friend, my niece, that posts CONSTANTLY. I swear every thing that pops in her mind goes on Facebook. Not a problem for her, but it is for me. I can't keep up with my feed. If I unfollow her, but remain friends, will she know this?
  12. Yeah, if you can take the pins out the hinges, then you should be able to work it open. It might take a bit of jiggling and creativity to get a hold enough to work it open.
  13. I HATED Allegiant, the last book in the Divergent series. I'm still mad about it. I kept reading it thinking, "It's got to get better. It's got to pull through." And it. just. didn't. I'm sure there are others, but it's the most recent one that I had such a virulent reaction to.
  14. Just thought I'd add my experience. For a long time, whenever I went outside, even though we have a fenced yard, she'd always grab at my hand with her mouth. Not biting at all. It took a few times to realize this, but I swear, she was trying to hold my hand just like she always sees me do with the kids. (My littles love holding my hand as we walk, even in the yard.) We have another dog that does not like horseplay inside. He's part border collie. He knows loud, rambunctious play inside is not allowed. We've trained the dogs that they are not allowed to dog-play inside. I fuss at the kids when they do get too rowdy inside. Rambunctious play of any kind is not allowed inside. If the kids break this rule, he'll follow them around barking until they stop.
  15. In perfect world, the answer would be "no." But we live in a messed up world, and sometimes, some people will only listen to and respond to physical force. I think the American Revolution would be a good example of that. Someone breaking into your home and being met with the business end of a shotgun might be another, thought this doesn't usually qualify as "civil disobedience."
  16. No, but I had to remove a barn swallow nest (no eggs) from my porch eaves. I felt bad about that. They had put so much work into it! But, dang it, stop pooping all over my porch!!! They're going to have to find someone else to build their nest.
  17. I did order a couple off Amazon (free returns and prime shipping!), we checked Nordstroms online, but didn't find one she liked in our price range. We'll be heading to the local stores, including thrift stores and consignment shops, tomorrow to see if we can find something. I don't want to wait for the ones from Amazon and then find that they won't work with no time left to find an alternative. Thanks for all the suggestions!!!
  18. We don't have either in town. Do you mean online?
  19. Any suggestions on where to find last-minute prom dresses? I've already checked Kohls and Penneys. Any other suggestions? Online or in store. TIA!!!
  20. Yikes. I have an ovarian cyst. But it doesn't hurt all the time. When it does hurt, the only thing that really touches the pain is Percocet. Advil does nothing. It tends to come and go, definitely worse when I'm on my feet. Anyone else's pain do that? (I have been to the doctor twice about this. First time resulted in an MRI, which determined it was a cyst that was about 3 cm. That's when I got the Percocet. Second time got me an ultrasound to see if it had grow since the pain hadn't gone away. I'm calling the doctor on Monday, since it's been well over a week since the ultrasound, and I still haven't heard back.)
  21. The changing of clothes by itself is not a big deal. Many churches tend to dress up for Sunday morning, and most teens don't want to spend the day in those clothes, even wearing different, more casual outfits to church that night. At my church, if there are events between services...and that does happen...most teens want to change clothes rather than wearing what they wore to church. And the bathrooms at the church work very well for that.
  22. :iagree: Teens go together to get a bite to eat after a football game. The coaches and schools are not involved. Teens go together to get a bite to eat after a church service. The pastors and church is not involved. These actions are normal, IMO, and require only the approval of the involved parents. YPs don't have to be involved in *everything* that involves the kids in their group anymore than a coach or teacher does.
  23. I am a budget failure. I've never found a budget that worked. There are too many variables in my life, and budgets have been way to easy for me to manipulate. I'm still in need of a lot of improvement, but there are few things that help me. 1 - Calendarbudget.com lets me see everything in a calendar mode, including upcoming and repeat transactions with a running balance. This really helps me see when and where my money is going to go and how to plan for upcoming events. It's online, so I don't have to worry about my computer crashing and losing all my data (historically a problem for me). It doesn't access my financial information. I save files from my bank and then upload to the program to update the information. It syncs with Google calendar, so I can where I'm at on my phone, too. It's free! 2 - "Do I have the money now and will making this purchase hold back my goal?" Before I make a purchase, I have to ask myself these questions. My goal has to be something I really want. Something vague like "paying off debt" just doesn't work for me. "Not having to work and being able to stay at home full time again" is much more specific and desirous. KWIM? 3 - Keep a buffer. Don't spend below this amount in your account. 4 - Set aside at least SOMETHING for savings every time you get income. I only set aside $25. But that $25 does add up. The buffer and savings help to cover unexpected expenses. One difference between this method and budgeting is this: Budgeting says, "I only have $200 on groceries." Buffering says, "I only have X in my account, so I can't spend more than $200 on groceries this time." *shrug* It's what works for me.
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