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Everything posted by ~Jo

  1. I have contacts that one eye reads and the other does distance. Works very well for me. It was a little hard to get used to (for about 2 days) but now I don't even notice...and both eyes do work together.....just when I'm reading the eye that can see it better works a bit harder...and reverse for distance. The only time I had "problems" was the week that my MIL died....we drove about 1700 miles in less than one week...and add a lot of crying to that...I had to change out my contacts because of the protein build up and they did get a bit tired towards the end of the week from all the driving....(I did most of the driving). The other thing that I noticed that has helped is I put my contacts in first thing in the morning...I don't wear my glasses at all first thing. That way my eyes just adjust to the contacts and not my glasses (which just correct distance). At night I might wear my glasses if my eyes are tired - but I rarely do. I've been wearing contacts for over 30 years....so I'm pretty used to them. :001_smile:
  2. We had a German Shepherd for 13 years. She was a excellent dog. A lot of that I would say was determined by my dh who did an excellent job training her when she was young. She was very well behaved and was actually an inside dog for the last 5 years of her life. I would imagine they shed a lot and chew like crazy, right? She did the first two years...then it stopped...well the chewing, not the shedding. We had to constantly sweep our kitchen to keep the dog hair at bay. She only lived in our kitchen/dining room and laundry room. She didn't come on the carpeted part of the house at all...in fact to get her to walk through the living room to the bathroom for her weekly bath was almost impossible. What is a good quality food? We always used a high end dog food with lamb. Our vet always commented on how healthy she was and the quality of her coat. If we switched to one without the lamb we could almost immediately tell a difference in her coat. Another thing we noticed was that she didn't need to eat as much of the higher end brand than the cheaper brands...so it wasn't that much more expensive....and she pooped less...so less to clean up in the yard. Do they require a lot of exercise? She loved to run with my dh and also play ball...she was a very active dog. What is their personality like in general? She was a very loving, caring dog. I never worried about the children playing outside when she was out there...she wouldn't even let my MIL approach the children closely until she knew her better. (she didn't live near us) She always kept herself between her and the dc. She was like a little mother to them. I attribute a lot of that to the training that my dh did with her when she was young. She was excellent around children. Her "love" though was my dh. When he came home you didn't get in her way to greet him. :D Anything else I should know? :) Right now we don't have a dog...and I don't have the time and effort to put into training another dog right now BUT if we did we would get another German Shepherd in a heartbeat. She died of a stroke about 2 years ago....I miss her...A LOT....and I'm not an animal person at all.
  3. We have always had a Bunn....well for the last 20 years....and we are on our 2nd. The first one lasted about 15 years. Here is the link to the one we have now. It makes EXCELLENT coffee fast. I also make small pots of coffee throughout the day because I only drink freshly made coffee. So I make just enough to fill my cup. It works great. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16896132021&cm_re=bunn_coffee_maker-_-96-132-021-_-Product
  4. When mine were little I had to....dh worked offshore...there was no one else to shop or we would starve. I used a stroller and a cart. (8yo walked, 3 yo cart and 1 yo in the stroller that the 8 yo pushed). There were many a time we just had to leave....go out to the van....deal with the attitude and return to our shopping. I just made sure that I got the refrigerated stuff last. Sometimes we just went home and tried again on another day. However.....if I had help I sure wouldn't shop with them, KWIM? Now my 15 yo (the previously mentioned 3yo that threw HORRIBLE fits) stays home and watches the 11yo and 7yo while I run errands...in fact I'm about to go do some right now. I like to preserve what little sanity I have left. :D I also find that shopping alone saves me MONEY & TIME!!!!! :D:D
  5. I agree....and I think WW actually taught me to snack more. I would do the points and realize I could eat a little more since I was under my point level. Then when I reached close to my goal I relaxed on counting points and the weight gradually crept back on. (over a 3 year span) I need to lose about 25 now. Sigh. Another thing that happened was that I had sever lower back pain - and after my PT we realized it was my workouts that was causing it...oh, and pushing a grocery cart through the store (of all things). I no longer push (I pull) and I quit doing my workouts and the lower back pain is almost gone. It was so bad it would wake me up at night. Sooooo all that to say I had to find something else to do for my workouts. My dh bought me an elliptical for Christmas...so I am hoping with the NoS Diet and the elliptical that I will start to lose weight again. Oh..and the elliptical doesn't hurt my back :) but dumb butt here does forget to pull the grocery cart (when full) instead of push and that does.
  6. This is us....we use ours ALL THE TIME...and we've never had a time when the timing was off that I'm aware of. We've probably had ours for about 3 or 4 years also. The first one we got was defective, but they immediately sent another and it worked great. Our only problem is that they don't do blue ray - or they hadn't the last time my dh checked. We don't watch "TV" - just DVD's and Netflix. We are huge DVD collectors....have over 700+ DVD's in our collection. Many of those are only watched with the Clear Play DVD player.
  7. Mine usually flares up when I sit in chairs/sofas that don't support my back like they should. I take ibuprofen for that. Mine got so bad that I ended up at a PT. They told me that after having 5 children that I would never have ligaments that worked like they should so they tried to strengthen the muscles in my lower back. After a month of PT and then continuing the exercises and changing my workout routine (that was aggravating it tremendously) I hardly ever have the pain...except when I sit and knit in the same spot on my sofa (like I did last yesterday :D )
  8. My dds and I learned to knit last November (well I knew how but haven't done it in years). We were knitting scarves for orphans in the Ukraine and they were sent through a church here that supports that ministry. We made around 8 scarves to send in about a month. We LOVED it...so much so that I am now knitting an afghan on circular needles (Peela they freaked me out at first too but they are super easy to use!) I picked the easiest pattern in the book even though it's not my favorite as I need to learn how to read patterns better - one of the reasons I never really knitted over the years. I just joined Ravelry and the WTM group over there...will have to figure out how everything works over there later. Anyways...I'll probably not do the squares but I'm sure I will have lots of projects to add to the thread. I have several scarves to knit and also a several requests for afghans....so I'm sure I'll stay busy.
  9. My MIL died on the 15th. We knew she was doing poorly but not to that extent. She is greatly missed.
  10. Every once in a while we have to wait for it to buffer but most of the time we don't have any issues...well unless we have all the computers/iPhones/Netflix going at one time...then you might have a bit of a wait for it to download. :D
  11. Well you didn't mention an XBox 360 with Kinects ;)....my dc LOVE that one and they have been playing Kinectimals almost all afternoon.
  12. We just did that too last month or so...we LOVE it!!!!:001_wub: My dh also got us a blue-ray player for the bedroom that will also connect to Netflix...can't wait to use that when I work out!!!
  13. My dh used velcro to attach ours to the top of a small surround sound speaker that sits directly on top of our TV. Ours is also in a corner. It works just fine. I would guess that ours is about 4.5 - 5 ft from the ground. HTH
  14. I agree...HATE to workout in the mornings....but sadly if I don't then I never can seem to make time for it in the day....and I want to take a shower after I workout - that is MOST important. :D I used to do The Firm dvd's...but then I had a lower back injury and they would just aggravate it. This Christmas my gift was an elliptical. I worked out for 45 min. this morning and burned 451 calories...:001_wub: Love my elliptical! I put in a NCIS from Netflix and before you knew it my 45 minutes was over. I only allow myself to watch those if I'm working out. ;) We also got a DVD player that has wifi connection for Christmas in there - so I will also be able to do some streaming shows while I work out too. I used to workout at 5:30 everyday...now it's 6:30 as my dh's work schedule was changed. That was hard to adjust to since I was used to that extra hour. I had to not only adjust my schedule but the dc's also. I agree with another PP - get them independent during the time you plan to exercise. Make sure they know that you don't stop except for blood and vomit. Mine KNOW not to disturb me. :D
  15. I used think the same thing - just call. Then about 2 years ago we got my dd a cell phone for her birthday and added unlimited texting since I knew she would use it a lot. I learned how to text. Now we have 3 people using cells/smart phones on our plan and last month the text count was over 10,000 :lol: and I'm posting this using my phone. I don't ever want to be too old to learn something...I think it's what keeps you "young"....so this almost 48 yo is always learning something new. I'm fixin' to figure out some of these XBox Kinects stuff that we got the kids for Christmas - it looks like fun and some good exercise too :tongue_smilie: Oh - and I love getting new cases for my phone. I can change it out anytime I like for a new look. Right now it's in a pink/black Otter Box but I think I'm going to get a flip case for it next month. My old phone was a Razor and I always had a case for that one with lots of bling. :D
  16. The website stop you're killing me is a good place to find books/authors. I like that they list the books in order of the way they were written. Let me see if I can find you a link (I'm on my phone typing this LOL) http://www.stopyourekillingme.com/
  17. Could it be possible that she clenches her teeth or grinds them? Both my sister and I get those types of pains and we are huge teeth clenchers.
  18. Happy, Happy Birthday!!!!!! You have so influenced how I teach my children...your books have literally changed our home school!!! My youngest dd begs to do school!!! My others think this is the best year ever. THANK YOU!!!!!
  19. Mine are pretty spread out. My oldest is 20 (dd) and my youngest is 7 (dd). In between I have a 14 yo ds (although he will be 15 at the end of this month) and an 11 yo ds. They are all pretty close. The biggest bickering goes on between the 20 yo and the almost 15 yo. They like to pick on each other and they are both pretty much to blame for it. :D My 20 yo dd is starting to really try and cultivate more of a relationship with her 11 yo sister. She took her shopping all day long yesterday - they had lunch and made memories. We talk about keeping our relationships close...and how to do that. Especially with the older ones. Ironically my 20 yo is probably closest to the 7 yo. My youngest is quite the character - she keeps us all in stitches half the time. I also agree with the older mentoring the younger...it really does help with the relationships.
  20. I guess we fall into this category....she is 20. Last year my dd went to school. She drove over an hour each way. She left at 6:30 in the morning and didn't get home until 5:30 at night every weekday. When she was home she studied. There was no time for a job. Her job was to earn good grades (which she did - Cosmetology school - 99 average :001_smile: ). During that year and until she had a job we paid all her expenses including her car, gas, and insurance. She had scholarships for most of her tuition but we paid for her supplies as she needed them. Now she has a job...at a very good salon....but it is entry level...meaning no big bucks yet ;) She pays her car, insurance, gas, extra food wants (I buy groceries for the house - she is welcome to eat what we have), clothes, etc. I do the laundry...just because I am sooooo picky about it. I working on that. She does do a load here and there to help out. She will also take it upon herself to clean the whole house - top to bottom - as she has time and it needs it. The others do pitch in and help also. She is also working 6 days a week on average - so mainly the pitching in comes in on the days she actually does have Mondays off. She does have a serious boyfriend. They are over here quite a bit. There is no sleeping over - and they wouldn't even consider it as it is not a part of their values. Alcohol - we do not have anything against it except you must be of age and not get drunk. We do have a problem with drunk. :tongue_smilie: Basically her values are the same as ours...we also respect each other. I do expect her to check in and let me know where she is...but I do the same to her and my husband. It is not a matter of keeping tabs on each but rather respectfully letting everyone know where the other is and making sure the family is taken care of (meaning the younger ones and home responsibilites.) Our relationship is gradually turning from mother-daughter to friend-friend. We love being with each other but we also need our space. It works both ways. Personally I hope she lives her until she gets married (and I see that happening in the next year or so). This way she can save $$ and help them off to a good start in their lives together...that is something that my dh and I didn't have. I wish it for my children.
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