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Lorna in the boonies

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Everything posted by Lorna in the boonies

  1. I've had 4 sections and my youngest is nearly 7. I don't have pain, but the internal itching can drive me crazy. The skin along the scar is completely numb. (My sections were in '93, '96, '99, and '01, so this is the longest I've gone without having one, and I frequently wonder if it's ever going to quit itching and if the feeling is ever going to come back. It doesn't appear that it is.)
  2. In chronological order (I didn't count moves within the same state): Texas South Carolina Texas North Carolina Virginia South Carolina Texas Rhode Island Hawaii California Izmir, Turkey Texas Missouri North Carolina Louisiana Texas I've been in Texas for the past 15 years and don't plan on leaving any time soon.
  3. Oh, I never even thought to google it! That did the trick. Now I know that I'm not the only one who remembers that thing.;) I was wrong, though -- it was a tire warehouse commercial, not a used car commercial. A couple of the links refer to it as an "early 80's" thing, which would explain why it's permanently stuck in my family's heads even though none of you have ever heard of it. My little google search was like going back in time. I saw references to a lot of other corny Hawaiian commercials that I had forgotten all about. The human brain is an amazing thing, isn't it?:tongue_smilie: Thanks, everyone! This thread has been fun for me!
  4. Like I said, it's trivial. You know how certain things can become a part of a family's lingo? We were stationed at Kaneohe MCAS from 1980-1983, and during that time there were lots of commercials for a particular used car dealership. At the end of every commercial, a man would come on and say, "Go now, Hawaii! Why pay more?" Well, for over 25 years now, "Go now, Hawaii!" has been a stock phrase in my family. Whenever someone's in a hurry, we say, "Go now, Hawaii!". When someone's poking along in the opposite of a hurry, it's, "Go now, Hawaii!". Whenever it's remotely appropriate, it's, "Go now, Hawaii!" Over the years it has morphed into other things -- "Go now, Hawaii! Why pay Walt?" (my dh's name), "Go now, Geraldo! Why pay Hawaii?", and a bunch of other ridiculous things that would make no sense to anyone outside of my family. My mother and I were talking about it the other day and were wondering if by any chance that company still uses that slogan. So . . . does anyone know? Has anyone heard it recently? (I told you it was trivial, but thanks for supporting my walk down Memory Lane!);)
  5. I'm only finishing out my first year using BJUP (9th grade), so I'm certainly not an expert, but I've been very pleased so far. If it helps any, my mother taught ps high school English for many years before teaching with BJU in a Christian school. She says that 9th grade BJUP Literature is, by far, her favorite literature curriculum she has ever used and her very favorite course she has ever taught (granted, she's comparing it to ps curricula, so take that with a grain of salt).;) My dad did the same with Biology, and he was very pleased with the thoroughness of BJU's current biology text. I'm using their live LINC classes for my daughter's Biology, Spanish, and Algebra courses, and couldn't be any happier with them. However, I haven't used these texts without the LINC, so I can't accurately say from personal experience how they would stand on their own. No experience with A Beka at all, so I'm no help with that one.
  6. It's this way in my family, too, except it's the males. My son, my brother, my father, all of my paternal uncles, and all of my paternal male cousins are left-handed, as was my grandfather. I know it's just a weird coincidence, but that's the way it worked out. None of the females are lefties, but I have a lot of things I do left-handed (like cartwheels). My dh is right-handed -- in keeping with my family trend, my son is left-handed and my daughters are right-handed.
  7. My food can't touch, either. Also, I eat all of one thing before moving on to the next. My oldest puts mustard on her cantaloupe. Dh puts cheddar cheese and applesauce on his biscuits. The cheese part doesn't gross me out, but the applesauce part does. Personally, my only odd combination is popcorn with candy corn.
  8. My 15 year old wears a 12 (before kids, even!). We feel your pain! May I ask where you shop? We are having quite a time finding shoes for her! (I told her, only half-jokingly, that we need to find where the transsexuals shop and go there. She did not appreciate my attempt at humor.)
  9. I was raised to stand straight, arms at my sides. No looking around, no moving, and definitely no singing -- in the words of The Wiggles, to stand "as still as a statue". So I don't salute, but I seem to be the only person in the county who doesn't.
  10. Yes, that's why we named her Talitha.:001_smile: We loved the idea of our blind, deaf, and so-much-more little girl hearing the voice of her Savior saying to her, "Little girl, get up!", and then doing it. Here is her story, if you can get past all the pink and the melodrama -- I wrote it at the height of my grief, and it's a little over-the-top, now that I look at it through grief-healed eyes.;) (Unfortunately, not long after I wrote it, they changed from a free site to one I had to pay for if I wanted to edit it -- so I can't change it any longer!) Not many people catch the reason behind the name without me pointing it out to them -- you're very good!:) Just for the record, we chose Hope as her middle name precisely because nobody else was giving her any. Two years after her death, we had our perfectly healthy 6 y/o, whose name means "God has answered" -- and I didn't realize that until after we had named her! (I don't know who the Pipers are, though. Sorry!) Thank you for your kind thoughts, Cindy --
  11. I'll be praying for your friend. 9 years ago, I carried a daughter with a neural tube defect to term. If I may, I'd like to recommend this yahoo group. It's for mothers of anencephalics who are (or have already done so) carrying to term. While I realize that her baby's neural tube defect is not anencephaly and that her baby has a better prognosis than an anencephalic, there are several mothers there whose babies have had different neural tube defects involving the brain (at least there used to be. It's been a couple of years since I've been active there.). I am pretty sure we have had at least one mother whose baby had encephalocele. There just aren't that many pro-life severe neural tube defect support groups out there, so this group is open to anyone affected by any of them (at least it was back when I was active, and I can't imagine that this has changed). How horrible, to be hit with a double-whammy like this. I can't imagine the anguish of an HLHS diagnosis on top of encephalocele. If she's uncomfortable checking out the yahoo group because the defect doesn't exactly line up, but she'd like to talk things over with someone who's been there, please put her in touch with me. If you'd like, I'll PM you my e-mail address. I'm so very, very sorry. Lorna (mom to Talitha Hope, who lived for 52 minutes on September 30, 1999)
  12. I wear an 8. My 15 year old daughter, however, wears a women's size 12. Isn't that pitiful? Her feet are the bane of her existence, and she is next-to-impossible to shop for. (I hope they've stopped growing.) Ds -- men's 7 6 y/o dd -- 13
  13. Yes, the information about Abilene being cool floored me (I live a little over an hour south of Abilene). We hit 100 degrees (in San Angelo) the other day, and that's not that unusual this time of year. A cool front came in last night and it's only going to get to 81 today, which is more normal for mid-May (as opposed to just a couple of weeks from now, when we'll be expecting at least mid-90s for the rest of the summer). I can't speak for Dyess, but Abilene (and west central Texas in general) is a lovely area. Until we moved here, I had spent my life near the coast (except for college in Missouri) and never imagined I'd live in West Texas. We've been here for nearly 15 years now and just love it! As far as allergies go, I tend to struggle with hay fever for a couple of weeks during March, and that's it. (Since I don't know what kind of allergies you're talking about, that's probably not much help, but it's all I've got for you.) ;) My allergies bother me a lot less here than they did when I lived in Missouri, eastern North Carolina, or Baton Rouge, if that's any help.
  14. My grandfathers were Harold and Virgil (Virgil always went by Ray, his middle name). My great-grandfathers were William, Thomas, Ezekiel, and Scogin.
  15. I've been dealing with this for the last couple of years (I turned 41 yesterday). A few months ago, someone on another board I frequent mentioned that taking Vitex had helped her, so I bought some. For the first couple of months, I forgot to take it regularly, so it didn't help. Last month, I remembered every single day. I made it through the whole month without any soreness at all! This month, I've forgotten again some, and I noticed yesterday that I'm starting to get sore. So I've only had one consistent month, and that isn't enough for me to definitely state that it helped -- but it sure appears that way. (I try to remember to take 4 capsules a day.)
  16. My grandmothers were Roberta and Louise. My great-grandmothers were Ollie, Dollie (I'm not kidding! Ollie's son married Dollie's daughter), Stella, and Lillian.
  17. Hate it, hate it, hate it. I truly, honestly think it is the ugliest name in the English language (my sincere apologies to the other Lorna who posts here). I think it's so ugly that I'm embarrassed to introduce myself to people. I don't even like having to say it. My name is my least favorite thing about me. It's just awful.
  18. I've got a question. In the reunion, Jeff P mentioned that there were two romances, but we only knew about one of them. He said that he would reveal the other one after the commercial. I never heard him say anything about it, though. Does anyone know what he was referring to? Thanks!
  19. My name is Lorna and, when I first posted, I lived in the boonies. ("Boonies" was really code for Eldorado, home of the recent FLDS brouhaha. I live in civilization now.) This is the only board where I'm known by this name. I'm not sure why I don't use my everywhere-else-all-over-the-internet name here, but I don't.
  20. Well, I've known it was Mother's Day, and I've been working on something for Mother's Day -- but it's for the ladies in our church and not for my own mother and MIL. I'll be calling them tomorrow to apologize! (The ladies at church, however, get this.)
  21. (15 year old isn't home and probably wouldn't deign to answer all these, anyway!) 1. What is your mom's favorite song? 6y/o -- Forever and Ever, Amen (as a joke, it's on my phone as dh's ringtone -- when we first met, I couldn't remember what he looked like and remembered him as looking like Randy Travis -- he doesn't look like him, by the way) 11 y/o -- I Love You Up to the Moon (by Kim Hill) 2. How old is your mom? 6 y/o -- 40, almost 41 (I'll be 41 on Tuesday) 11 y/o -- 40, almost 41 3. What is your mom's favorite food? 6 y/o -- burritos (???) 11 y/o -- You love every food. Steak? 4. What does your daddy call your mom? 6 y/o -- Lorna 11 y/o -- Lorna 5. What does your mom call your dad? 6 y/o -- Sweetheart 11 y/o -- Honey 6. What is your mom's favorite color? 6 y/o -- yellow 11 y/o -- yellow 7. Why does your mommy love you so much? 6 y/o -- Because I'm your child! 11 y/o -- Yeah, and there are only two other people in the world other than me who are your child. 8. What is your favorite thing to do with your mom? 6 y/o -- ride bikes 11 y/o -- Play Monopoly (I abhor Monopoly!) 9. What makes your mom so pretty? 6 y/o -- when you wear dresses 11 y/o -- You aren't really especially pretty. (Wow. Thanks.):lol: 10. How does your mommy make you feel better when you are sick? 6 y/o -- Kisses 11 y/o -- You love me and give me kisses and sometimes candy corn. (?) 11. What TV show does your mom like best? 6 y/o -- The Electric Company 11 y/o -- LOST 12. When are you the most proud of your mom? 6 y/o -- On Mother's Day, because I like her. 11 y/o -- When she lets me win Monopoly. 13. What does your mom do best? 6 y/o -- You're really good at reading. 11 y/o -- I'm going to say being you. And eating. (He's about to give me a complex!) 14. Where does your mom work? 6 y/o -- As a teacher 11 y/o -- At the house and at the church 15. How do you show your mom that you love her? 6 y/o -- By giving her hugs and kisses and presents. 11 y/o -- By asking her to play Monopoly.
  22. I have always called them tennis shoes. (Texas roots and Texas now, but a military upbringing.)
  23. I never asked because I was never interested. After I got married, dh brought it up a few times, and once when he was out of town for a few days, I surprised him and got it done. I was 23. (I'll be 41 this month, and I think I've worn earrings a total of about 6 times since then.)
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