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Lorna in the boonies

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Everything posted by Lorna in the boonies

  1. Yes, absolutely . . . add me. Unfortunately, people will have to e-mail me/PM me to get an invitation. I'm not picky -- I don't care who does read it, just as long as she doesn't. We only have one computer, so this is really my only option right now. Stinks.
  2. Is 'a reason to avoid cleaning my house' considered mean-spirited? My dh would probably say it is.;) You, however, don't have any reason to worry, so I will link your snoozefest to my own. Thank you!
  3. Okay, then. I'll go take care of that right now. Makes me feel like Junior Asparagus. "I can be your friend! I can be your frieeeend!";)
  4. Question: is everyone in this thread open to other people linking to them? Just wondering, ya know . . . 'cause it would be cool to look like I have friends.;)
  5. If you'll send me a PM with your e-mail address, I'll send you an invitation (and anyone else who may be lacking in their daily dose of dullness, as well).:001_smile:
  6. I hear you! We've been eagerly anticipating his arrival, too. He has finally reached the county east of us, and we are hoping he doesn't entirely run out of steam before we get at least a few drops of rain from him! "Isolated thunderstorms later this afternoon" is the best the forecast can do for us. We're hoping!
  7. Sure! (I have no blog list at all on mine because I figure that no list at all looks better than the very short one I would have -- so if I am brave enough to put one up, will you return the favor?) ;)
  8. Another one who hates being read to. I automatically tune it out and none of it registers in my brain unless I really will myself to concentrate. I constantly irritate dh by saying, "Give it here. Just let me read it myself!" I'm glad to know I'm in good company. I didn't know there were so many of us!
  9. I was 2, nearly 3, and had fallen down while running with a glass in my hand. I had to get stitches in my thumb (I don't remember any of that -- just setting the stage!). On the way home from the emergency room, my dad stopped at the base exchange. We went inside, and he bought me a Baby Beans to help make me feel better (that's the part I remember).
  10. Oh, I forgot one! A few years after we were married, I woke up in the middle of the night to find a very-much-asleep dh sucking on my ankle.:confused: I woke him up very quickly and asked him what he was dreaming. He couldn't remember. (Don't tell him that I'm telling stories on him!)
  11. I'm in the very early stages of self-treating for this. So far, this treatment only consists of wearing decent tennis shoes from the moment I get out of bed until the moment I get back in bed. I've also started wearing "sensible shoes" to church on Sunday. (I'm a flip-flop kind of girl, so this has been a big change.) Constantly wearing good shoes has helped a *lot*, but I don't know that it's going to do the trick on its own . . . so I will be watching this thread with great interest!
  12. As far as I know, I've never done anything -- but recently I went to wake ds (11) up, and every dresser drawer was open and empty and all of his clothes were stacked in piles on the floor. He doesn't remember anything about it, but they were all where they belonged when I told him goodnight the previous night. A year or so after we got married, my aide (I taught special ed and had a full-time aide) called at about 5:30 am to let me know she wouldn't be at school that day. Dh doesn't wake up easily -- he answered the phone and she asked to speak to me. Dh said, "Lorna? I'm sorry -- you have the wrong number."
  13. I was born at 10:00 am and am an early riser. Dd #1 was born at 2:30 pm and is a night owl. Ds was born at 2:00 pm and is an early riser. Dd #2 was born at 8:30 am and is an early riser.
  14. I do blog, but I don't do myspace, facebook, or anything else like that.
  15. I recently inherited a set of earrings that are said to go back to the 1600s. I don't know if they're really that old, but I do know that we have a picture taken in 1878 of my great-great-great grandmother wearing them, and on the back of the picture it says that she had just inherited them from her great-grandmother. (I'm torn over whether or not to have them appraised.)
  16. Dy, if you e-mail the coordinator in the area you're wondering about, they might be able to help you. I'm the assistant coordinator at our church, and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that our coordinator would do her best to honor a request like that. Because we're a small church in a small area, we don't have the activity that a lot of places have. In fact, today is our delivery day, and we only have 7 boxes coming -- and one of those is mine. The official policy is that the food has to be picked up within an hour of delivery time or it gets donated to someone in need. However, because we're so small (and because we have the freezer space), we're generally able to store the food until people are able to get by the church and pick it up (we don't make a habit of this, but we certainly don't mind the occasional request). We have also delivered boxes to people who aren't able to get out -- and I think that most sites (except for maybe very large, busy ones) would be willing to do so. We get all kinds of e-mail requests all month long -- it would not be inappropriate to write and ask about it. They might say they can't, but they might say they can!;)
  17. I'm in Texas and have heard both terms throughout my life. I've always assumed that "peace officer" meant someone charged with the duty of maintaining the peace. I never realized (until you pointed it out) the similarity between "peace" and "police". I think it's merely a coincidence -- but if I had never heard the term before, I would probably be wondering the same thing.;)
  18. I switched to Charlie's Soap about a year ago and don't need to use any fabric softener at all any more. Even my towels come out soft. I'm also in Texas -- on some days, the first clothes on the line are dry before I get finished hanging the last of them. I frequently hang them up and take them down in one trip during the summer -- by the time I finish, the ones I hung first are finished, so I go down the line and fold them all, and they are all finished drying by the time I reach them. That only works in the summertime, though.;) (Apologizing for any nonsensical stuff in this thread -- two of my children haven't hushed since I sat down and I can't get through one sentence without seventeen interruptions.)
  19. I was 22. We lived overseas (Turkey) when I was in high school, and we didn't have a car. When I came back to the States for college, I lived in the dorm and hung out with other people who didn't have cars, either. The summer after I graduated, I went home to stay with my parents while I looked for a teaching job (they were back in the US by then). I enrolled in Driver's Ed at the local community college. My mother drove me to all my teaching interviews. (Pitiful, isn't it?) And then in August of that year, I got my license and bought my first car on the same day. The next day I moved out of my parents' house to a new town for my first teaching position. Three days later, I met my husband. Busy week.
  20. Unfortunately, Lorna is my name, not a nickname (I'm genuinely glad you like it, but I've always hated it). I wasn't named after either the book or the cookies -- but when I first got online, my user name was doonecookie every place I registered -- and most of my e-mail addresses are doonecookie@whatever. You'd be surprised by how often I have to spell my name for people who have never heard of it.:)
  21. I'm always a sucker for this sort of thread -- you've been repped!
  22. Just chiming in to say that I had an ablation in January of 2004 and I couldn't be happier. I haven't seen a drop of blood since then -- and this is coming from someone who had to sleep with towels under her and who couldn't leave the house for more than a few minutes at a time. It was sooo worth it. I just can't even begin to express how happy I am that I had it done.
  23. We have laminated world and US maps hanging in each of our kids' bedrooms. I hung them up when they were babies and have no intention of taking them down. Even though the US maps aren't road maps, I have used a permanent marker to draw along the major roads they've been on -- so one glance at their personal map shows my kids everywhere they've ever been (my children have never left the continent). I started doing that as soon as they were born and I don't think I've missed anything with any of them. I have a fascination with maps and wanted to instill the same love in my kids. Back when I was teaching public school, I was always appalled by my students' complete lack of understanding in matters of geography -- I figured that growing up looking at maps on their bedroom walls would be a good start at avoiding that.
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