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Kathleen in VA

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Everything posted by Kathleen in VA

  1. Payless? Does he wear a men's size? Here's a link to some steel-toed boots that cost $40. http://www.payless.com/store/product/detail.jsp?catId=&subCatId=&skuId=099486100&productId=21154&lotId=099486&category=&catdisplayName=Mens
  2. These reviews might help: http://www.fallacydetective.com/articles/read/traditional-logic-1-by-martin-cothran/ http://www.fallacydetective.com/articles/read/introductory-logic-by-james-nance-and-douglas-wilson Here's a different kind of logic course that I used with one of mine: http://www.artoflogic.org/watts/index.php/site/about/ And here's something I saw in the Timberdoodle catalog that looked like a fun approach to logic: http://www.timberdoodle.com/James_Madison_Critical_Thinking_Course_p/410-401.htm
  3. As frustrating as it all sounds, I'm very glad she was found safe and sound.
  4. Yes, I think Laura is right. I can't imagine a headline reading, "Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge chats with Michael Phelps." One article I read said their official last name is Mountbatten-Windsor - also quite the mouthful and a lot less recognizable.
  5. :iagree:My parents divorced after 20 years of marriage. My mom always made sure I spent time with my dad's parents and even invited them to family gatherings with her mom. It sounds like you resent your ex's lack of involvement and don't like having to be the one to make sure your kids maintain a good relationship with their grandparents and I can understand that. It's always frustrating when people don't do what they ought to do. But your main concern should not be about what your ex ought to be doing, or the fact that you now have to take on a responsibility you consider his, but rather, it should be for the best interests of your children.
  6. My sons like playing Risk when they get together with a bunch of other guys their age.
  7. :iagree:I'd be looking for another church. Who cares if the clip is relevant to the message? Movies during a worship service? Not at all appropriate - I don't care what movie you're talking about.
  8. We live in a somewhat rural area on a dirt road in a small subdivision of about 100 houses. We had a neighborhood yard sale about a year or so ago that was a major flop - no one wants to drive this far from civilization for a yard sale I guess. Our across-the-street neighbors (mom, dad and two young boys) started playing tag with us just to kill time. All day long we were all running and yelling, "Tag! No tag backs!" or "Tag! You're It!" Now whenever we have to go to their house for any reason (borrow something, send something over they are borrowing, get instructions for dog sitting while they go away, just anything at all) one of us will tag the other and yell, "Tag!" and start running away. A few weeks ago they went on a family cruise to the Bahamas and sent us a post card that said, "Tag! You're it!" We love our neighbors.:)
  9. Still, just to make it to the Olympics is a huge accomplishment.
  10. That's really amazing. What an exciting thing to find out. How's he doing in the competition? Wish I could watch but we don't have access to tv.
  11. I've known several young men and women who have attended Summit Ministries in Colorado and have loved it and recommended it highly to all their friends. No personal experience, though. One of my pastor's daughters met her future husband there - they've been married about 20 years now.:)
  12. 38/50 or 76% Actually, I'm kind of surprised I knew that many.
  13. A chore list definitely helps. It's there for all to see - no arguing about whose job is whose. And it is the list demanding the chores be done - not mom. Somehow that seems to make a difference. My dh sat down with my kids and discussed who was going to do what and why, got them to agree the plan was equitable, and then printed out a list which is posted on the fridge. I might still have to remind them from time to time that it's trash day or the windows need cleaning, but they hop right to it when I do. ETA: We don't pay for chores either.
  14. Yes, me too. The first "principal" question wasn't about the principal of a school, it was about the principal thing - meaning the first or most important thing. I chose principle instead of principal, which is wrong.
  15. 21/22 I missed the first "principal" question. Ugh.
  16. Remudamom, she looks just like you!!! What an adorable picture!
  17. I didn't infer from her original post that she had already started watching it. Maybe I missed something.
  18. Oh, I'm sure it has. But the overwhelming majority of viewers sing its praises highly.
  19. So let's not ask anyone at any time what they think about any movie or any book or any car mechanic or anything for that matter because in the time it takes to do that we could discover for ourselves whether or not whatever is in question is something we may appreciate or not? Ok, whatever. Sorry - I just think that's an odd way of going about it. I'd much rather hear others' opinions - especially if something is getting rave reviews on all sides (which is the case with this particular series). I particularly want to know if anyone does not like it and why. Some folks (me included) don't want to be surprised if we can help it. I watched the first 30 minutes of DA and I wish I'd never seen it. I would be glad to spare someone else the same experience. But hey, like I said, whatever.
  20. So I guess all the movie critics' opinions are worthless, as are the ratings on Amazon, etc. and all the review websites that are out there. Not to mention all the evaluations of books, wine and tv shows. What's wrong with asking? Of course people like different things - nothing wrong with getting someone else's take on a book or movie. If you can eliminate something from all those choices, you've saved yourself some time and/or money.
  21. I forgot about the Globe and Laurel - great suggestion. Here's the link: http://theglobeandlaurel.com/ They are actually a little closer than Bella Cafe and have a very interesting history. There are military artifacts in the restaurant dating back to the Civil War and lots of other military memorabilia.
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