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Everything posted by simka2

  1. I have to agree. If she was clear about what was okay and what wasn't, and if they agreed, and then did the opposite...I would begin to limit contact.
  2. I think I was just reading in the TWTM about "Logic." About fallicies and illogical conclusions....hmmmmm....sounds like that is what is going on here. :)
  3. For a writing program I got CW. We have not started it yet, as I am waiting for the student book to come in. We will see how like it and then go from there :)
  4. Again, thank you!!! Your putting into words, things I'm just begining to put together inpractice. The boys are doing Shurley 2...and I've noticed only a few differences (so far) with dd in shurley 3. I'll probly have to keep them a bit separate as I have noticed 3 is moving very quickly (thru things covered in earlier levels.) DD is doing fine, but my son's would already find what she is doing a bit overwhelming :) Much of what they are learning was not covered yet in ps, so it's all new. Hopefully as they gain confidence (and I do)...I can merge them into more of a cohesive group. Again, your encourageing and empowering words brought tears to my eyes!!! Thanks!
  5. Thanks OhElizabeth! Your right those are great questions, that I would love to get answers too. Except for one thing...I do "like" Shurley!!! And the kids are doing well with it, granted my boys would not choose to do grammar, but we are learning so much. Mine is more of a confidence issue...I just finished reading TWTM, and saw the RS recommended. Then, I noticed all the threads on here in support of it, and it started me thinking. I think I will ask RS to send me some samples though, just to get a better feel. Thanks again!!!
  6. Thanks! that does help a lot!!! And it gives me some stuff to consider :) I appreciate it.
  7. Were in the Beta and Gamma levels, so still early on. I might have to look into MM. Thanks!
  8. One more question. We are flying thru our Math U See curriculum! Part of this was intentional, because I knew it used a mastery approach so I kept them at their present level instead of moving on to what "could" be considered their grade level. For those who have used it for awhile....do you find that it is enough math? Or do you supplement with other programs...and if so what? Thanks!
  9. I have a couple questions for anyone who is familiar with these programs. We are using Shurley right now...and so far so good. I hear good things abour Rod and staff as well. I've also heard that Shurley is very repetitive year after year. In fact, I am seeing that, with the 2 levels we are working thru right now. So here are my ?'s... What do you like/dislike about either program? And would you consider alternating years, Shurley one year...Rod and staff the next? Or do you have any other thoughts on the subject I'm not thinking of ? ")
  10. My kids have seen that commercial, and for kicks will walk around the house going "mom,mom,mmommy,mmoma,mom..." I've tried to teach them to say "dad,dadda,daddy,dad,dadda,daddy..." Sometimes it works!!!!! :)
  11. Just wanted to add...my grandparents had one built on their property. They added a wrap around porch, covered driveway, and a garage. You could bot tell it was modular :)
  12. DS4 got his chopped off in the church nursery from a lego table lid thingy. It healed fine :)
  13. Just a note on the crosswords puzzles: They have been great for my kids to reinforce the vocabulary words!!!! These are some pretty big words for my young group, so I have actually become a fan. I also didn't see the experiment sheets or the mini books in the old notebook. Again, not that you have to have them, but they do make life easier. (If your going to lap book the mini books are a great resource!!!!!)
  14. We're doing flying creatures right now...and I read to them from the book as a read aloud. I also, supplement with age appropriate books from the library. We break each lesson up over 3 days...and then the next week we do experiements. I use some of the notebook pages, but more as a guide for what I will have them put in their lapbooks. For me, doing a lapbook with the science has really helped. For example, each child picked a specific bird and did a mini report on it. We had a pocket for feathers, a vocab flip chart, and that's it so far... Even my 4 yr old sits when we read and does some of the work...he picked a bird, cut it out, traced it. I have been very happy with it!
  15. I think I have said it to my children about 3 times...when I was extremely angry. It makes my skin crawl when I have heard them say it. Also, I think I would only say it publicly in intense situations. Now, we do say it in jest, but I think there are better ways to get my point across. Then again, I'm not perfect in this area! :D
  16. If your yard is kept mowed...you shouldn't have too much of a problem. But where do you take him for walks? We have some empty lots near our home that are not regularly mowed and whenever my dogs/kids walk thru the grass they become covered in ticks! Yuck!!!!
  17. we got everything done we needed to...before my dh came home from work!!!!! The children focused (most of the time) and we had no major meltdowns! :D And now they are happily playing in the back yard. Can I just bottle this day and keep it? For the future stressful ones... Nevermind...they just tried to put a horse bit in Great Dane's mouth and ride him. I think I need to rescue the dog!
  18. Hereditary here too! I allow myself all the salt I want. Since I get light headed when I'm already standing...not just standing up. They figured out I have a condition know as nerocardiogenic syncope. I always thought it was just the low blood pressure, it's nice to know there was something else going on as well :)
  19. Hmmmmm.....Baseball, soccer, horseback riding (mucking stalls!), walking the mini horse (dane), hiking, biking, swimming, and the wii. Do chores count? Cause I make them sweep and vacume, and it's pretty rigorous ;)
  20. We only give out one game ball per game...unless there is unusual circumstances. And then at the most 2. My kids play on a competitive team for this reason. I know there are differing thoughts out there, but the competitive team allows my boys to play a couple positions. They really develop these positions and they have been with the same coach for 2 yrs. We do bring in new players every season, but the only time every kid, plays every position, is in practices.
  21. simka2


    We will be going thru the summer with lots of breaks for swimming and camping :)
  22. A! One dog is a Great Dane and is trained as a family guard dog...so if you come into my house with ill intent...you will be jumped on and pinned to the ground!!!! Otherwise, he will bark and sniff at you in his initial assesment. If your nice he'll come up and let you pet him, and if your really lucky you will get a Dane sized lick! The other is a runt pug...yep...she's gonna sniff, lick and jump the bottom 10in of your leg :) ps...victim of violent crime here...guard dog is here to stay...people have to deal with it!
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