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Everything posted by simka2

  1. I think, if this is a power play, you guys should probly hash this out in some way. If I was in your shoes...I would sit down with dd and all 3 programs. I would allow her the freedom to pick wich one of the ones already tried she is willing to work with. Then I would begin some sort of simple reward system for doing the work without histerics. I would reward both kids based on their attitudes in dealing with their work...not on how well they do it academically. I have a dd a lot like this...so I feel your frustration. Part of it is her perfectionism...and being afraid to fail. I had to make it "safe" to fail at the work, but not okay to "give up" or "give in" to her emotions. Hope that helps! if not ignore me I don't know what I'm talking about :D
  2. It is imortant to me that I do not awake an awareness of what "imodesty" is in my daughter before she is mature enough to grasp the concept. I have my hands full working on things like matching/clashing/ or "you spilled what where?!" Now, when she has outgrown a shirt that has become a belly shirt...I will say "sweetheart that is not "appropriate" for church, or the store, or whatever." The concept of modesty and children amazes me:confused: At somepoint when she has hit puberty, and is a more developed physiologically, we will talk about the heart issues involved in how one dresses. We will discuss the messages our clothes or lack thereof can send. Whether she is dressed in a tank top or a potatoe sack it will not stop a pedophile from lusting after her. IMHO :)
  3. I am exahusted!!!! I think I would be after camping anyway, but I can't tell you how many times I felt panic over my kids this weekend!!! The campground we go to is great, a lot of families, and very well supervised by the hosts and park rangers. Still, it was stressful!!! The kids have reached ages where they want to ride around the camp loop...we let them if they stay together, but my 4yr old isn't quite ready (to his great annoyance.) Right before we left he disappeared on his scooter...errrrgh!!!! We found him, but it was terrifying. I think I need a nap! :) It's good to be home!!!!
  4. I think the doctrinal differences would make for some very good conversations. The questions I would be asking are..."Is the YG healthy? Are there opportunities for missions trips?" and, "are there any women's events at that church I might want to get involved with?"
  5. Do you have a dutch oven? I make this dinner of stew with biscuits on the top that is awesome!!! You just put the stew in the bottom of your dutch oven, layer the biscuits put the top on the dutch oven and layer it with some hot coals...it's yummy!!!! You can look up Hot dog spiders those are fun! We wrap biscuit or bread dough on a stick for the kiddos to roast...they can eat it as is or rolled in butter, cinnamon and sugar. We also roast whole apples (just put the apple on a sturdy stick) Roast till the peel can be easily pulled off (it will be charred) then roll apple in butter, sugar, and cinnamon and roast until carmelized...the best carmel apples. These take awhile and are hot!!!! Also, I couldn't live with out the little pie roaster tin thingys...you can get them at walmart. 2 pieces of bread and you can make everything from pizza pockets to small pies!!!! Were about to head out ourselves...have a blast!!!!
  6. I actually do not think there should be a "standard." I think there is "common sense" and "natural consequence." Maybe there is even room for general guidelines but, a "standard" smells of legalism to me. It isa thing to not only measure my actions, but those of others. Whenever I head down that path I'm setting myself up for hurt, offense, or to be judgmental of others. I'm also of the belife that others are not responsible for how I "feel" and vice versa. Someone can do something rude and hurtful...I still have the choice to feel hurt. That is my choice...and others have the same. Now, if I choose to do something rude and hurtful to someone there will be a natural consequence...they will pull away from me. That is their choice.
  7. I have to agree this place has been wonderful!
  8. I don't think I could narrow it down to just one of those reasons. There are too manyuinderlying factors. I do believe in "treating others the way you want to be treated." I don't think you should make your decisions based solely on wether this "could" hurt someones feelings. Sorry, but too many people get their feelings hurt too easily. As to the FB thread...I think we have to realize that FB is very "public" almost like a tabloid or gossip column. I think it would be silly for every actress who didn't get invited to a certain shindig and then saw pics of other actresses there to cry "bad manners."
  9. Does anyone know if it is worth it? I have 4 kids...and am begininng to wonder :)
  10. If the context is FB than NO I don't think it is rude at all!!! It is meant to be a public social forum. I have real problems with living my life so as not to "offend" or hurt someones feelings.Please understand....I am not condoneing rudeness in group settings, but FB is way to impersonal. Now, I don't think kids should hand out certain invites to some kids and not others...but that's in person. As to posting kids photos of parties...yes you need to get permission, but I don't understand why someones kids would be on their FB account looking at their mother's friends photo's. Come on...
  11. I pulled my kids out of PS a couple months ago. One of the main reasons was they were not progressing academically. I researched and bought my curriculum before finding this board. Now I have a question specifically about Shurley. I originally bout both level 2 and level 3 before realizing how similar they are. I have 2 8yr olds and 1 9yr old and am begininng to wonder if I can combine them into one level. My 9yr is a better writer than the 8yr olds, but I'm just not sure what to do with them. Do I teach them all the grammar portion from shurley 3 and then find different writing programs? What would you do?
  12. Here's my ? We have only been homeschooling for 2 months, and it is time for our family camping trip. I have decided to give the kids the next couple days off from school as I pack and get organized. They will still be doing there reading, but I am struggling with feeling like they need to be doing schoolwork ;( So, is it okay to take a little break?
  13. This is always changing :) But with the 3 school age kids it goes...poetry/devos, math, lit and narration, grammar and writing, dd will do Latin here, break for lunch. After lunch we spelling or handwriting, then alternate science or history. I don't do scheduled times, because it depends on how long it takes them to work thru there lessons :) I mix in art with the lapbook we are working on or with a history project.
  14. I'm a little over 100 posts, but I'll share anyway ;) I was active on a few other forums that came up first when I did a google search of homeschool forums. Someone mentioned they had listed an item I wanted for sale on these boards, so I came over and took a look. I've been hooked ever since!
  15. have you tried peanut butter or ice? I know it works for gum....otherwise I would put her in a shower for awhile :)
  16. :iagree:I couldn't have said it better! :iagree: We did do public school for a couple years, but when the principal wouldn't even take into consideration a communication folder I was suggesting to improve communication between ds teacher and myself, I knew it was time to leave. (Sorry for the run on!) Then when dd was doing word searches in speech therapy...I knew it was time to come home.
  17. We are using www.progressivephonics.com right now...the readers and correspoding worksheets are free!
  18. I only hope that it benefits someone else :) It has never been easy to share, and I don't think it ever will be. But, I also am so grateful for the good that has come out of it. I'm sure there are many woman on hear who have overcome many difficult things, and I look forward to reading their stories!!!
  19. You already posted my all time favorite!!!! Families Where Grace is in Place!!! I also like "Intimate Allies." Other than that the the 2 books I have read and studied that I absoluetly detest are..."For Her Eyes Only" and "Helpmeet." Dh and I do quite a bit of family counseling and the above mentioned books are the ones we use the most. As for us personally, we have been thru "Hell on Earth." We've been in ministry 11yrs...3yrs ago I was sexually assualted and stalked by the senior pastor we served under. Healing from that has been a long and rough road. What has helped is that both Dh and myself have learned to give each other "Grace and Space." Dh has worked very hard on his own healing...and given me the freedom to work on my own. That's all for now. You are in my thoughts...take care of yourself!
  20. In a few days we will be heading out to camp for 5 days. I want to give a little background. We used to camp ALOT when the kids were babies, loved it! It's been a couple years since we have gone camping and so I am looking for some good ideas of things to do with the kids. I don't want it to be real "schooly," but I do want to be prepared :) So...any great ideas?...recipes?...games?...things to purchase in preperation? Looking forward to reading all your great suggestions!
  21. :iagree:I love the way you put this! Although I come from the other view point "My goal is not to raise fundamentalist or conservative christians, but to raise skeptics." We talk a lot in our home, about what they learned at church, in their studies, or from friends. Many times I have to "clarify" something they "heard" in kids church. Although, more often than not, this is an issue of them misunderstanding what was said. On the other hand there have been plenty of times where we have said, "I know pastor so in so belives that, but we do not."
  22. :iagree:Very well put! As someone who has walked away from the fundamentalist/evangelical camp...I struggle with similar issues with my own kids. A very basic and simple form of faith has remained intact for me, but not the religous system I used to be a part of. I like to remind my kiddos to try to think the best about someones motives, and even if their wrong (IMO) we can be compassionate and try to understand where they are coming from. On another note, I grew up with aethiest parents who tried to insulate me from Christian influences. Even as a young child I couldn't understand why they felt so threatened by them. Eventually, because of how anti-christian influence they were I submerged myself in that culture. I now understand some of what they were concerned about. I just wish they had been as open to the good points of faith, as they wanted others to be open to "free thinking."
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